"Oh? Can you help me see the ghost needle doctor Cha Wenliang Yue Qinghuan asked.

"That's right!"

"But as far as I know, this ghost needle doctor is very strange. If he doesn't want to, he won't be threatened by any external force. How can you help me?"

Su Fei was surprised with a smile. "No one can really get rid of everything. As long as he is a human, he will have a soft spot. And now I have a condition that can't be rejected by the ghost needle doctor!"

Yue Qinghuan didn't say anything, but peeped at Xue an.

To be honest, now she really has some ideas.

Because before, she and the second girl came to see Cha Wenliang, but she didn't even see anyone.

What's more, this time she came with Xue an empty handed, so Yue Qinghuan's heart has been a little uneasy, I don't know if she can ask the doctor.

Although she has 100% confidence in Xue an's ability.

But this time, the situation is very special. It's not to fight on the battlefield, but to ask for help.

It's not about your ability or strength. It's just up to cha Wenliang, the great doctor of ghost acupuncture, to see if you are happy or not.

And now Su Feijing obviously had something to rely on, otherwise he would not have said that.

It would be great if he could really help himself.

So she wanted to ask Xue an for advice.

And this scene was also seen by Su Fei.

Su Fei raised her eyebrows slightly, and she was not happy.

To be honest, he didn't look Xue an in the eye from the beginning.

Because in his eyes, however, Xue an in the immortal realm had no qualification to speak to him.

The result did not expect that the beautiful girl would ask the man's advice, which made him feel inferior.

So he gave a sudden sneer.

"This fellow has been silent since just now. Can't he speak?"

The words are full of provocation.

His meaning is very clear. As long as this guy dares to say something, he will teach him a lesson that he will never forget in front of this military girl and show his prestige.

And if he doesn't talk, that's even better.

Because if a man does not dare to respond to provocation, he is not qualified to talk to himself.

Although this plan is childish, it is very vicious.

Yue Qinghuan naturally understood this. He was angry in his heart, and his face was suddenly gloomy. He just wanted to speak for Xue an.

But at this time, Xue an laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Su Fei said in a cold voice.

Xue an shook his head. "It's nothing, just laughing at some people's foolishness and arrogance."

This words a, Su Fei startles behind of these people Qi cold hum a.

The elder said coldly: "how dare you talk to the young master like this

For a moment, these men wanted to come forward.

Su Feijing stopped them.

I saw him wave his hand, and then stare at Xue an, "I think it's more appropriate to give these four words to you."

The powerful power in his words came straight to Xue an.

He has self-confidence. If he is a strong man in general, his power alone will make him kneel to the ground.

But what I didn't expect was that when the power came near, Xue an suddenly yawned.

As soon as the yawn came out, the power dissipated.

Then Xue an said lazily, "I don't want to talk to you. Then the facts will teach you how to be a man!"

After that, Xue an turns to leave, and Yue Qinghuan immediately follows.

"Wait a minute!" Su Fei's face was so blue that he stopped them.

"What? Anything else? "

Su Fei took a deep breath and said, "you said it's a show off. OK, now we don't say anything else. Are you interested in gambling with me?"

"Bet? What's the bet? " Xue an asked in a languid mood.

"It's easy." Su Fei raised his head in astonishment and pride, "when the ghost needle doctor comes out of the pass, let's go to see him, see if you can get his interview, or me, what do you think?""Ha ha!" Xue an smiles, then turns around again, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested!"

Then Xue an walked away.

Su Fei was surprised. He didn't expect that Xue an would respond like this. He couldn't help but be stunned in the same place. But soon he yelled angrily.

"You're still not a man? I don't even dare to bet. I think you are afraid! "

But no matter what he said, Xue an didn't care and strode away.

After waiting for him to leave, Su Fei takes back his eyes and stomps his feet.

"This guy is just a coward. I really don't know why that beautiful girl is with such a loser!"

The people next to him did not dare to answer. They all stood in awe.

Su Fei suddenly exclaimed, "elder!"

"Young master, now go to investigate the girl and who this guy is. The more detailed, the better. I want to know their origin!"


"Of course! Yes? Is there a problem? " Su Fei asked.

The elder was embarrassed. "I've just tried. The spatial structure of Luoshen Valley is very special. Once you enter, you will lose contact with the outside world. If you exit, you may lose contact with the young master."

Su Fei was surprised to hear that Yan was silent for a moment, and finally he threw his sleeve impatiently. "Well, let's wait until we go out and investigate. Now the most important thing is to see the ghost needle doctor first, and then ask him to treat my sister!"

"As for this boy, it's not too late to clean up after it's done!"


Because many small demons in the village are hostile to them, Su Feijing and others simply stay outside the village.

Nevertheless, the ginseng doll ah Qi is still very worried.

Only a few goblins under his mysterious opponent said, "see? These guys are bad. They even want to steal Xiaojiu, so we must keep an eye on them. It's better for them not to see the doctor and sister long! "

All the little demons nodded, "understand!"

Then these little demons faithfully fulfilled ah Qi's orders, and from the tree to the grass, they monitored the camp where Su Feijing and others were stationed.

This made Su Fei very surprised and angry. He could not help roaring: "these damned goblins are really annoying. Why can't they kill them?"

In this regard, the elder and others can only be silent.

Although Su Fei exclaimed, he knew it very well.

These goblins obviously have inseparable connection with the ghost needle doctor. If they really kill them, then this time's matter will be ruined.

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