So even though he was angry, he could only endure it secretly, with only one idea in his heart.

Let's get this over with. I've had enough!

While Su Fei is about to die, Xue an and Yue Qinghuan are enjoying VIP treatment in the village.

Although the conditions are simple, these goblins obviously really like Yue Qinghuan and Xue an.

All kinds of exotic fruits are presented like flowing water, and Yue Qinghuan is smiling.

After a few days in this way, Yue Qinghuan almost forgot why he came here.

And on this day, accompanied by a wave of earth shaking sound.

The village head immediately found Xue an and said in a deep voice, "the great doctor is out of the pass!"

At the same time, Su Feijing and others got the news.

There is no other reason, just because there is a huge passage on the top of the mountain in front of the village.

The party rushed there at once.

In the process of going, Su Feijing also pays special attention to Xue an and others, and finds that he doesn't see them, so he can't help sneering.

It seems that you already know you will lose, so you give up.

Just as he was proud, the party had come to the front of the passage.

Then the pride on his face gradually solidified.

Because just before the passage, there was a face he didn't want to see.

Even after seeing them, Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, which seemed to mean that you came very quickly!

But this action is only fleeting, and then Xue an said to Yue Qinghuan, "let's go!"

Then they stepped into the passage.

Su Fei was stunned, and immediately yelled, "come on, keep up with them!"

Then he rushed forward first.

The elder and others followed closely, and the group rushed into the passage.

When the light dissipated, a huge Valley appeared in front of the crowd.

Yue Qinghuan was relieved and said in a soft voice, "this is the real valley of falling spirits. Last time I came with my second sister, it was like this!"

Xue an nodded, but his eyes stayed on the huge mountain gate in front of the valley.

It's called the mountain gate. In fact, it's two huge pillars built on the mountain, on which a couplet is carved.

Thousands of robberies, dangerous buildings still exist, ask who pick fight moxiao, eyes empty now and in the past.

For thousands of years, my old friend is here, which makes me lean on the fence to watch the sword and shed tears.

The whole couplet is full of meaning and momentum, plus the iron and silver characters, which gives people a sense of sadness and desolation.

At least Xue an felt lost after reading it.

But Su Feijing and others didn't care about it at all. They walked in happily. Even when they passed by Xue an, Su Feijing said something very proud.

"You'll lose!"

When he left, Yue Qinghuan couldn't help looking at Xue an with some doubts.

"What's the matter?"

Xue an took a deep breath and said slowly, "it's OK!"

"Let's go then!"


After passing through the mountain gate and entering the valley, there are huge medicinal fields.

At the moment, there are many people working in the medicine field. When they come in, they are not surprised.

Yue Qinghuan can't help but open his eyes.

"It's really different in luoshengu. It was not like this last time!"

Xue an smiles and doesn't speak, but her eyes are more and more bright.

After crossing the medicine field, a small pavilion appeared in front.

The pavilion was built in the middle of the road. Beside it, there was a stone tablet with a large line of characters on it.

"If you pass this pavilion, please stay and buy some money!"

Then an arrow points to the water tank in the pavilion, followed by a line of small words.

Just drop in here!

The appearance of this pavilion makes Su Fei surprised and others dumbfounded.

Su Fei couldn't help but ask: "elder, don't you say that the ghost needle doctor is eccentric and not moved by power and wealth? What's going on? "The elder was also a little stunned.

"It's said that cha Wenliang is really such a person. I don't know what's going on!"

And Yue Qinghuan at the back was a bit silly at this time.

"I didn't have these things last time! And what does it mean to buy road money? "

Xue an just smiles, and then takes out a top grade crystal stone from the space ring, and throws it into the stone jar through Su Feijing and others.

There was a clanging sound, and then a pleasant sound came.

"Come in, please

Xue an looked at Yue Qinghuan, who was in a petrified state, "that's what he meant!"

Then he went on.

Until they had passed the pavilion, Su Fei was startled and woke up immediately, then yelled.

"Come on! Throw the crystal into it


More than a dozen crystal stones fell into the jar, but there was no sound, but the pavilion moved aside a little.

"Why didn't we throw in the spar, please?" Su Fei exclaimed.

Of course, no one would respond to him. In anger, he had to lead the Su family to chase after him.

But without waiting for a walk, a small pavilion appeared in front of the convenience.

The layout is similar to that of the first Pavilion, but the font on the stone tablet has changed a little.

"Second toll, please pay the entrance fee!"

"Entrance fee? Where the hell's the door? " Su Fei was unable to make complaints about Tucao.

The elder behind him couldn't help saying, "cough, young master, there's still a door. Look at that!"

Then he pointed to the pavilion.

I saw a small gap between two low fences.

"Is that a door?"

Although Tucao, but learned the lessons of last time, Su Fei surprised or did not hesitate to make complaints about Ling Jing.


The door opened slowly.

Su Fei is surprised and complacent to go inside, the canthus remaining light then glances at the back of Xue an.

But then came the scene that made his eyelids beat.

Because after the fence door opened, Xue an didn't dig out the crystal stone at all, but walked in leisurely.

"Why? Why can he walk in without paying? " Su Fei exclaimed.

Still no one answered, but Xue an chuckled.

The laughter was so harsh in Su Fei's ears, which made him crazy.

If he wasn't eager to see the doctor, he would like to fight with Xue an.

Next, they passed four or five pavilions one after another. After paying all kinds of fees, a small cottage finally appeared in front of them.

Yue Qinghuan's spirit was boosted. "Xue an, the front is the place where the ghost needle doctor lives!"

Su Feijing and others naturally knew that the destination was in front of them, so they immediately sped up and ran forward.

But when there is still a distance from the thatched cottage, an invisible barrier will block everyone.

Then two golden characters appeared on it.

"Pay for it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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