When it comes to the last four words, Xue an's momentum around him suddenly boils up, and his voice is directly transmitted into the thatched cottage through the light curtain.

There was a moment of silence.

But soon Su Fei was shocked and laughed wildly, "what a mess, return sister Aoshu, why don't you..."

Before he finished what he said, he heard a surprise voice coming from the light curtain.

"Brother Ann?"

With the voice, but see a figure with almost the general speed of the wind rushed out of the cottage.

There was a click.

The light curtain broke, and then the figure directly rushed into Xue an's arms, so powerful that he even knocked Xue an back a few steps.

Even so, the man still held Xue an tightly and refused to let go. At the same time, he buried his head in Xue an's arms and began to cry.

"Brother ANN, it's really you! Am I dreaming? "

Sufei was shocked.

Yue Qinghuan is stupid.

Because it was a girl who rushed into Xue an's arms.

But she was wearing a lavender dress. Although her head was buried in Xue an's arms, she could not see it, but her graceful figure and white skin also showed that she was absolutely a gorgeous woman.

At the moment, Xue an patted the girl's back slightly stiffly and said in a soft voice, "well, don't cry. You're not dreaming. It's really me."

The girl slowly raised her head, showing a beautiful and refined face.

you 're right!

It was Aoshu, the third princess of the dragon, who had disappeared in the sky before!

And after seeing her face, this Su Feijing starts to be crazy again.

"What the hell is going on? How can such a beautiful girl like this man everywhere? "

When he said this, his eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

Yue Qinghuan was stunned and puzzled, but soon these looks turned into a smile, and then he looked at Xue an meaningfully.

At this time, Ao Shu was almost crazy.

I saw her chattering and saying: "brother ANN, I really didn't expect you to come. If I knew you were coming, I would have come out long ago! You're here for me, right? I knew it must be so. You really like me. I'm so happy! By the way, how did you know I was here... "

In the face of this tide like question, Xue an quite embarrassed light cough, interrupted Ao Shu's words.

"I didn't come here specially to find you, because I didn't know you were here before I came." Xue an explained difficultly.

Ao Shu is silent, a pair of big eyes staring at Xue an, inside the tears let Xue an produce a strong sense of guilt.

OK, that's it! Throw away this scum man, it's better to throw him out! Su Fei's heart screamed.

But the next second, a scene that he didn't expect happened.

See Ao Shu suddenly of exhibition Yan a smile, also disregarding to drip to fall of tears, just smile a way.

"Brother an, you are still so honest. Can't you tell me a lie to make me happy?"

Xue an shook his head. "Sorry, i..."

"Don't say sorry!" Ao Shu suddenly stopped Xue an's words, and then said very seriously: "my brother an is a man of indomitable spirit. How can I say sorry? It's my fault that I didn't let brother Ann know I was here

"If brother Ann knew I was here, he would come to me, wouldn't he?"

Facing Ao Shu's hopeful eyes, Xue an nodded seriously, "of course!"

Ao Shu smiles.

Smiling like a light on his face, he suddenly stood on tiptoe to kiss Xue an on the cheek. "I knew it was like this. Brother an, you are so good!"

But this scene also lets Su Fei of one side startle eye bead son almost to fall out.

How the hell can you play like this?

What's so special about this guy? Besides being handsome, it's no big deal?

How can such a gorgeous girl be so determined?

Is this the highest level of the scum man?

But the next sentence completely overturned Su Feijing's three outlooks.Saw Ao Shu left and right to look, then some strange ask Xue an.

"Where are brother ANN, sister-in-law and your two daughters?"

Sister in law and daughter?

Su Fei's eyes widened.

Xue an faintly smiles, "they are all in Fubao building! You'll see them later! "

"Mm-hmm!" Aoshu nodded, and then some sad said.

"I used to blame my willfulness. I couldn't accept that brother an had a daughter and even left in anger. Now I finally understand that brother an is so powerful that it's normal to have a lover and a daughter. I shouldn't mind these things before. It's all my fault. Don't be angry with brother an..."

These words made the whole audience calm down, and Su Fei was shocked.

There was only one thought floating in his mind.

Crouching cow X!

Even Yue Qinghuan opened his eyes slightly, and then looked at Xue an in surprise.

At the moment, Xue an was made a little sad by AO Shu's words.

"Well, don't say anything stupid. How can I be angry?"

"Mm-hmm! If I'm not angry, brother ANN, can I like you secretly as before? "

Ao Shu's eyes are shining and looking at Xue an.

Xue an nodded helplessly, "whatever you want!"

"Thank you, brother Ann!" Ao Shu cheered, then took Xue an's hand and went to the cottage.

"Brother an, you must come here to see my master. I'll take you to see him now."

Su Fei was completely convinced!


He didn't even have the slightest idea of breaking with Xue an.

Because until now, he didn't know that he was so different from Xue an.

Once upon a time, he thought that he was strong enough. Because of his family and cultivation, many women admired him all the time, but he was not moved at all. For this reason, he did not know how many women were hurt.

But until now, he realized that compared with Xue an, he was just a little witch.

That's the ultimate form of a scum man!

He has a wife and family, but also let such a gorgeous girl to think of himself, even humble to the point of incredible.

What the hell is this!

This is a man's dream!

The red flag at home, the ultimate dream of the colorful flag flying outside!

For a moment, Su Feijing was awed by Xue an.

However, when he saw that they were about to enter the light curtain, he realized what the purpose of his trip was. He quickly stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Girl, please stay!"

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