"What's the matter?" Ao Shu frowned.

"I'm Su Feijing, the son of the Su family. I'm here to see doctor cha. I just presented the fairy grass. I don't know..."

"Oh, you say this, give it back to you!" Ao Shu threw out the immortal grass.

"My master has no time to see others now. Please go back."

Say Ao Shu to drag Xue an then to go inside.

Su Fei was surprised to catch the immortal grass, and his eyelids were beating, but he said with a strong smile: "I have no time to see other people, so why can this man go in?"

"He's my brother Ann. Naturally he can go in! As for you, it's different. " Ao Shu naturally said.

Su Fei was shocked and felt the blood flow up.

Damn, although I know this guy is powerful, I'm still very upset when I'm ignored by a girl!

Just then, the elder came up and said with a smile, "this girl, why don't you take us in like this? If doctor Cha refuses to see us, we'll have no choice but to turn around and go. What do you think?"

But Ao Shu was already a little impatient, "Oh, why are you so annoying? To tell you the truth, my master is doing an extremely important research now. He hates being disturbed by others very much, so you don't want to see him! "

This time, Aoshu no longer cares about these people, but leads Xue an straight in.

The Su family was very angry.

You know, they are the most noble families in the world. How could they ever be ignored? So the elder snorted coldly.

"Little girl, it's not a way to treat guests like this."

Said he does not move the air to step forward, just stopped Ao Shu's way.

Not only that, other people of the Su family also step forward to stop the road, and look at Ao Shu and Xue an with bad eyes.

"What? Want to use force? " Aoshu's face sank and she said in a cold voice.

"Of course not. I just want to see the doctor Cha, and ask the girl to help me!" The elder said indifferently.

"But what if I don't?" Ao Shu also came to temper at this time.

As the third princess of the dragon family, she has been spoiled since she was a child. How ever has she been threatened like this.

"Ha ha, no one can refuse Su's request yet!"

With that, the elder burst out a very powerful momentum, and rushed to Ao Shu.

Can not wait until the Aoshu near, but see Xue an step forward, just Aoshu block behind, at the same time whispered: "then if I want to refuse?"

Words fall, this majestic momentum instantly disappear without invisible.

The elder's pupils suddenly shrank, and a look of horror flashed across his face.

Because he really did not expect that this young man, who was not immortal, could defuse his power so lightly.

But soon he returned to normal, and then sneered, "it's a bit interesting, but it's too far from me!"

As soon as the elder raised his hand, a huge claw suddenly appeared and chopped down at Xue an.

Where we passed, even the space was cracked.

Obviously, the elder has already killed Xue an.

But when he thought that Xue an would die, he suddenly raised his head, turned his wrist, and saw a red sword, then stabbed it into the sky.

The two hit each other, but there was no abnormal sound.

The sword in Xue an's hand seemed to pierce a piece of tofu, which easily pierced the elder's claws.

The elder snorted. He stepped back two steps involuntarily. Then he looked at Xue an's sword in horror.

"Where did you get this sword?" The elder hissed.

Xue an light way: "friend gift!"

"You're bullshit. It's the heart of the Shen family's sword. How could it be a gift from a friend?" The elder's face can't be described with difficulty.

Meanwhile, Su Fei's surprise at this time also shows the clue, and his heart is also suddenly surprised. Looking at Xue an again, his eyes become more strange.

Because only he could understand why the elder was so changed.

That's the Shen family!

In particular, the sword held by this man is condensed from the heart of the sword, which shows that this man must have a high position in the Shen family.If so, it will be a big deal!

"Is it a gift from a friend? Do you want to explain it to you?" Xue an sneered.

The elder's face was changeable. After a moment, he gritted his teeth. "Of course, there's no need to explain it, but boy, I advise you to think about it clearly, because someone will ask you to explain it soon. Young master, let's go!"

After that, he didn't stay any longer and left in a hurry with Su Fei.

In the blink of an eye, these people went clean.

Ao Shu looked at these people's back strangely, and then asked: "brother an, does this sword in your hand have any special origin? Why do all these people change when they see it? "

"I don't know, but it was given by a friend of mine. No matter who came, I would say that!" Xue an light way.

"Well, I believe you. Let's go in!"

With that, Ao Shu led Xue an to the thatched cottage.

Yue Qinghuan naturally won't ask for no fun, and even didn't say a word, he just followed.

All the way down, Ao Shu kept chirping, like a child.

Xue an listened with a smile, until she said almost, then asked softly: "how did you come here and become a disciple of the ghost needle doctor?"

Aoshu sighed, "when I escaped from my home, I didn't know where I was going, so I wandered all the way, but I met the master who went into the heavens to collect herbs by chance!"

"At that time, I was heartbroken and had the idea of suicide for several times. Originally, with master's character, even if I died in front of him, he would not look at me one more time. But he didn't know what happened that time, but he rescued me, and then brought me here and took me as a disciple."

Xue an nodded, and then asked, "you just said your master is doing a very important research?"


"What research?"

"Here, just go in and have a look!"

By this time, they had come to the thatched cottage.

When we got close to the front, we could see that although the thatched cottage was simple in shape, it was actually well made, and even the arrangement of every plant was very particular.

And standing in front of the cottage door, you can smell the pungent smell coming from it.

Ao Shu made a silent gesture, and said in a low voice: "my master is cooking medicine in the backyard again. It seems that he has failed again, so he must be in a bad mood now. Don't speak out, or he will be very fierce!"

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