Xue an nodded with a smile.

To tell the truth, he was also very curious about the famous ghost needle doctor, so he followed Ao Shu and went inside.

Through a long corridor, the three came to the backyard.

Ao Shu explained in a low voice: "I wanted to tidy up here before, but master forbids me to touch every plant here. In his words, everything here is regular. If I tidy up, he will not find it!"

Xue an smiles but doesn't speak, but the vision turns to the place in the middle of the backyard.

There stands a high platform on which stands a huge alchemy furnace.

At the moment, all kinds of flames are burning in the four directions of the Dan furnace, and the curl of green smoke is floating above the Dan furnace.

And in Dan furnace side, there is a disheveled man is absorbed in looking at the fire.

If you only look at the appearance, you can't believe that this will be the most famous ghost needle doctor.

Because he's too sloppy, too humble.

A body has been about to be stained with various colors, almost unable to see the background color of cyan clothes, is a small dry body.

But above this body is a huge head, this figure proportion how to see how incongruous.

Not only that, it's hard to even see the presence of facial features in this head.

Because Zha Wenliang didn't know how long he hadn't arranged his appearance. His beard was almost to his chest.

At the moment, he was circling around the Dan stove, reciting something in his mouth. He didn't know what he was reciting.

Suddenly, the furnace began to tremble, and the smoke turned black from green.

Seeing this scene, Cha Wenliang was shocked all over and immediately said, "imperial concubine vine, Phoenix Mercury egg, satin bead Sha!"

The three lights immediately flew up from the ground and came to Zha Wenliang's palm.

Cha Wenliang's action was very fast. When he got the medicine, he immediately made a set of extremely complicated seal decisions. The flame under the Dan stove flickered, and at the same time, there was a slight opening on the Dan stove.

Zha Wenliang reached out and threw three herbs into it.


The sound of thunder came from the furnace, and Guanghua became more prosperous.

Aoshu face a white, immediately pull Xue an to retreat.

"Hide away quickly, be careful of the furnace..."

Aoshu just want to say that be careful, this Dan furnace exploded, at this time, just listen to a loud noise like thunder.

The red stove burst open in an instant, and countless pieces flew in all directions.

Xue an raises his hand is a sword light to protect Ao Shu and Yue Qinghuan behind him, but his eyes have never left the distant platform.

The power of the explosion is so great, and cha Wenliang is very close to it. Won't anything happen?

Xue an's heart can not help but emerge this question.

But just then, an angry roar came from the smoke.

"Fuckin 'failed again!"

With the voice, the smoke dispersed. Looking at Cha Wenliang at this time, he was still what he had just looked like. Except his clothes were a little bit more worn, there was almost no change.

He is rather depressed around the original position of Dan furnace to turn a few circles, Huoran raised his eyes to see Xue an in the distance.

"Who are you? When did you come? "

It was not until this time that cha Wenliang realized the arrival of Xue an and others.

Hearing his question, Ao Shu hurried forward.

"Master, this is brother Ann I mentioned before!"

"Xue an? Are you Xue an of Chinese nationality? " Cha Wenliang was stunned.

"You know me?" Xue an was also a little surprised.

Cha Wenliang shook his head. "I don't know, but this dead girl talks about you all day. I can't remember it! Yes? Come here to abduct this dead girl? I tell you, it's impossible! "

In the end, Cha Wenliang was angry again.

At this time, Xue an found this strange thing about Cha Wenliang.

Because he seems to be easily immersed in his own world and unable to extricate himself from it. For example, now, he really thinks that he is here to abduct Ao Shu, and the whole process does not listen to other people's explanation.

At this time, Cha Wenliang saw that Xue an didn't speak. He was even more angry. He turned his head and looked at Ao Shu."What did I say? This guy is a cheater who plays with his feelings. He has already got a family and wants to tease you. Do you forget what he did to you? "

Hearing Zha Wenliang's words, Aoshu blushes, but still refuses to bow her head.

"Master, you have misunderstood that brother an is not that kind of person. I was not sensible at the beginning..."

"You still have to speak for him? You... You... "

Cha Wenliang was so angry that he turned around on the stage. Suddenly, he bent down, picked up a piece of Dan stove and threw it at Ao Shu.

Fragments with the sound of breaking the air straight to Aoshu, but Aoshu did not even hide.

Because she knew that if she hid, she would be more angry.

It's nothing more than smashing the head and breaking the blood. Anyway, I'm a dragon, and I'm not in the way.

She was thinking.

But at this time, Xue an stretched out his hand, directly grasped the fragment, put it on his nose, sniffed it, and then raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Are you refining the elixir to bring the dying back to life?"

As soon as this remark came out, Cha Wenliang, who had been furious, calmed down in a moment, and his eyes burst out with a heart-catching light.

"How do you know?"

"It's very simple. It can be inferred from the taste of the residual liquid on this fragment that there are tianjinggu and dishengya. The most important function of these two precious herbs is to whiten the flesh and bones and improve the skin. In addition, the three herbs you added later are complementary to these two herbs. So I guess you are refining the elixir of bringing the dying back to life!"

Xue an talked, while the light in Cha Wenliang's eyes was flashing.

Until he finished, Cha Wenliang said in a deep voice: "do you know the way of alchemy?"

"A little bit!"

Ao Shu was dazed when she heard this. She studied with Cha Wenliang for such a long time, but she didn't even remember the name of the medicinal materials, so she couldn't understand Xue an's words.

However, this does not hinder her worship of Xue an.

Brother ANN is so handsome now!

Ao Shu's eyes are shining and looking at Xue an, and she says silently in her heart.

Even Yue Qinghuan is quite surprised. How many surprises are hidden in Xue an!

At this time, Cha Wenliang gave a sneer.

"I really know a little bit, because do you really think I'm just refining the elixir to bring the dying back to life?"

"Isn't it?"

"Ha ha, you look down on me too much. How can the elixir of bringing the dying back to life make me fail again and again?"

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