"Oh? Since you are not refining the elixir to bring the dying back to life, what are you refining? " Xue an asked with a smile.

Cha Wenliang raised his head with pride, "I'm doing a great research. If I succeed, I can subvert the whole Tianwaitian!"

"Can you show me that? I also want to know what kind of research is enough to subvert the whole universe! " Xue an talks about it.

The back of Aoshu but for him pinched a cold sweat.

Because she knew her master's temper so well that if she said something wrong, he would be furious.

But unexpectedly, in the face of Xue an's question, Cha Wenliang didn't get angry. Instead, he said with great interest, "do you really want to know?"

"Of course!"

"Well, follow me!"

Cha Wenliang walked down the high platform and went to the back.

Ao Shu is a little silly.

But Xue an gave her a smile, "let's go! Let's see your teacher's great research. "

With that, Xue an followed.

Ao Shu looks at Xue an's back doubtfully.

She didn't understand why Shifu, who was always eccentric and moody, suddenly became so talkative in the face of Xue an.

Only Xue an knows why.

In fact, although Cha Wenliang was eccentric, he was a very simple man.

It's easy to get along with him as long as you find out his temper and follow his meaning.

of course.

The premise of all this is that you can understand him and understand his mind.

It happened that Xue an could do this, so he successfully scratched Cha Wenliang's itch with a few words.

The party followed Zha Wenliang to a corner of the backyard, where stood a house, which looked the same from the outside.

Cha Wenliang went to the door triumphantly, "today I will show you what is really great research."

Then he reached out and opened the door.

The whole process didn't show any brilliance. It can be seen that this door is an ordinary wooden door, and even the simplest defense Rune has not been blessed.

Including Ao Shu, everyone's eyes immediately turned to the room behind the door.

But unexpectedly, the room was empty and there was no difference

Is this the so-called great research that cha Wenliang is proud of?

Just when people were confused, suddenly, they saw a curl of smoke floating in the room.

These green smoke condenses quickly and turns into a fat monster in the blink of an eye.

"Wow, how cute!" Ao Shu can't help saying.

Although the monster is huge in size, one head occupies 90% of its body, and on its head are slightly funny features, which makes it look very cute.

But Cha Wenliang's eyes were full of pride when he saw the monster, "come here!"

Hearing his order, the monster came to Zha Wenliang, and then blurted out two words.


Cha Wenliang nodded complacently, then turned and looked at Xue an.

"Do you see any clue?"

Xue an frowned slightly and looked at the monster for a moment. He suddenly raised his head and said in a cold and deep tone, "are you making souls?"

Yue Qinghuan's color changed suddenly when he said this.

Cha Wenliang was laughing, "good eyesight, that's right! I'm really making soul, and it's my most successful experiment so far! "

"How's it going? Is this the greatest study? " Cha Wenliang said contentedly.

But this time there was only silence.

Because Xue an was also deeply shocked.

You should know that the soul is the most mysterious and mysterious place, although there are many things that can sprout wisdom as long as they are old, such as the ginseng doll ah Qi that he met when he was going to the valley.

But this kind of natural intelligence can't be compared with the soul of the human race.

As a result, the difficulty of their cultivation has increased by hundreds of times, while the Terrans are proud to claim that they are the best of all souls.

From ancient times to the present, it is not that there are no amazing people who try to explain the secrets of the soul, but without exception, they all fail.And they all suffered a very violent backfire, the end is very miserable.

As a result, all the theories related to the soul have become absolute taboos, and no one dares to set foot in it.

I didn't expect that Zha Wenliang would be so bold. He not only studied the soul, but even boldly tried to make the soul. He also successfully made the experimental object.

If this is to be spread, it will definitely cause a great disturbance.

Seeing people's reaction, especially Xue an's silence, made Cha Wenliang sneer.

"What? Scared? What you said just now made me think that you should not be a vulgar person, but now it seems that you are just so! "

Then he turned around in disappointment and said in a cold voice, "get out of here! You are no longer welcome here! "

It took only a few seconds from the initial excitement to the change of face, which showed Cha Wenliang's moodiness.

But Xue an did not leave, not only did not leave, but also went forward a few steps, came to the test object.

"Why don't you leave? Do you have to ask me to leave?" Chawenliang said coldly.

But Xue an laughed, "it seems that the intelligence of your experimental object is only the size of a three-year-old child!"

"So what? At least I made it little by little. Having intelligence has proved that I have chosen the right direction, but I still lack skills! " Cha Wenliang said coldly.

"How long have you been stuck here?" Xue an asked again.

This time, Cha Wenliang's face became a little embarrassed, "well, it's been ten years!"

But later, he explained, "but I have made a great breakthrough recently, and it is estimated that I will succeed soon!"

"Breakthrough? You mean the Dan stove that just exploded? " Xue an said with a smile.

This speech a, Ao Shu in the heart clap Deng for a while.

It's broken!

With master's temper, how can you stand Xue an's tone.

Sure enough.

Then he saw Cha Wenliang's face changed wildly, and his eyes were full of fierce killing intention.

"Are you mocking me?"

But Xue an was not moved at all, as if the power that came to his face was just the breeze. He said lightly, "of course not, I'm just talking about a fact!"

"Xue, get out of here before I change my mind, or I'll make you live or die!" Zha Wenliang said.

But Xue an laughed and suddenly said, "don't be so anxious. I'll leave after I ask a few questions. The first one is..."

In Xue an's eyes, Guanghua flourished. "What's the meaning of your soul making?"

"Why should I answer you?" Cha Wenliang sneered.

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