"You will answer for sure, because all your insistence must be appreciated by someone, and I... am that person!" Xue an light way.

This sentence changed Cha Wenliang's face. It was like seeing Xue an for the first time. He took a deep look at him, and then he said slowly.

"It's very simple. I've figured out all the physical problems. Even if there is a white bone in front of me now, as long as its soul is still there, I can save him!"

"Do you understand the feeling? Everything is no longer new, what you do every day is before the repetition, that kind of dull boring enough to make people crazy

Xue an nodded, "I understand. Please continue!"

"So I became interested in human souls. I wanted to know how they came into being, how they worked, and why several different gases combined together could form a wonderful consciousness and have joys and sorrows!"

"And then did you make it?" Xue an asked.

Cha Wenliang gave a wry smile, "no! I've been studying for at least a hundred years, but in the end I've achieved nothing. I've even dissected the human soul to the most basic state, and still can't find its secret! "

Xue an did not speak, but listened quietly.

As for AO Shu and Yue Qinghuan, they have been silly.

Cha Wenliang then said, "it's a big blow to me, because there has never been anything hard to hold me, until this time, I really failed!"

"But just when I was ready to give up, a very accidental event suddenly gave me an idea. Since I can't explore the ultimate mystery of the soul, why not do the opposite and find out the key to all this by making the soul?"

"This thought made me shudder and take action immediately. As a result, in the first few years, my progress was gratifying, and I soon made this experiment!"

Speaking of this, Cha Wenliang's face showed a look of pride, "this should be the most successful progress on the soul level in the history of Tianwaitian and even the heavens where you are!"

"Of course, I was overjoyed and thought that the dawn of victory was ahead, but I never thought that after the success of this test object, I would be in a long dilemma and never save any more!"

"The crux of the matter is that I can't make this test object any more intelligent."

"I used countless methods, but failed. In the end, I decided to start from the way of elixir. It turned out that it was very difficult to refine the elixir I needed. Even I couldn't do it. That's why there was the big bang you saw!"

It seems that these words have been held in Zha Wenliang's heart for a long time. This time, he poured them out with an almost cathartic attitude.

After the talk, Cha Wenliang's face gradually returned to calm, and his anger was restored again. "Well, all the answers you want are here. What else do you want to say?"

Xue an smiles, "no more!"

"Since you don't have it, you can go. I won't embarrass you in Ao Shu's face, but you don't want to appear in front of me again!"

Then Cha Wenliang turned around and left.

But at this time, a indifferent voice directly nailed him in place.

"What if I can help you make the pills you want?"

Cha Wenliang looked back and looked at Xue an with a cool face. He was surprised and asked, "what did you say?"

Xue an shrugged. "Don't I understand enough? If I can help you refine the pills you need, how can you thank me? "

Zha Wenliang's eyes flickered with amazement and surprise, but he was more suspicious.

you 're right!

It's suspicion!

You should know that the pills Zha Wenliang wanted to make were never found in the Pharmacopoeia of all the Danshu. The difficulty made him fail repeatedly.

But this young man can help himself.

How can this make Cha Wenliang believe.

Seems to be aware of the suspicion of Cha Wenliang, Xue an light smile.

"I know you don't believe it, but do you think I'll make fun of such an important thing?"

"How about that? I can make a batch of pills for you now. How about you see what it looks like before you make a decision?"

Looking at Xue an, Cha Wenliang was quite moved.

To be honest, he's really going crazy about the daily explosion of alchemy.If Xue an can really help himself, that would be great!

With the idea of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Cha Wenliang nodded.

"Well, I'll let you have a try!"

In Zha Wenliang's warehouse, in addition to medicinal materials, most of them are all kinds of Danlu.

In fact, this kind of equipment, which may be used by ordinary pharmacists for a lifetime, has become a daily consumable in Zha Wenliang's hands!

"You can choose any Dan stove here!" Chawenliang said.

There was pride in the tone.

Because there are not only a large number of Dan stoves, but also high quality.

Many of them are Lingbao level.

But Xue an didn't choose those dazzling Dan stoves. Instead, he looked around.


He stopped, then squatted down and looked at a dusty red stove in the corner.

"I advise you not to choose this one, because I got it by chance. Its function is so simple that it doesn't even have the most basic fire control. The most important thing is that ordinary fire can't burn it through, so I just threw it here once!" Zha Wenliang kindly reminded.

Xue an just smiles when he hears the words, and then reaches out his hand to gently touch the surface of the Dan stove.

The warm and cool touch made him slightly raise his eyebrows, and then said softly, "that's it!"

Cha Wenliang turned his lips and stopped talking.

This Dan stove was pulled out from the corner, cleaned and then moved to the high platform.

"What do you want to make in this furnace?" Xue an asked.

Cha Wenliang pondered a little, "it's bullying you to make it too difficult, but it's boring to make it too simple. Why don't you make a furnace of soul turning pill?"

Xue an did not hesitate and nodded directly, "OK!"

And then a hand.

"What do you mean?" Cha Wenliang was puzzled.

"What about Dan Fang?"

Cha Wenliang opened his eyes wide. "You haven't refined this soul turning pill before, but now you learn it?"

"What? Is there a problem? "

Cha Wenliang was speechless. He suddenly felt that the test was just a joke.

Because no matter how powerful the Dan master is, if he wants to make a batch of Dan medicine that he has never touched, it will take at least one year to get familiar with it.

But Xue an is so good that he is learning Dan Fang.

Isn't this the most important thing in the world?

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