Yue Qinghuan's face turned white in an instant.

Because if even Zha Wenliang, the great doctor of ghost acupuncture, can't cure his brother's injury, no one will be able to save him in Tianwaitian.

Is my brother going to suffer in the reincarnation?

Yue Qinghuan had a sour nose and nearly shed tears.

But at this time, Xue an chuckled, "at that time, now is now, I think with my help, you should be able to do it!"

Cha Wenliang looked at Xue an with a smile, and finally nodded, "well, in that case, it's settled!"

After that, Cha Wenliang turned around and left the backyard.

Xue an came down to Yue Qinghuan.

Yue Qinghuan was confused. "Did he really agree?"

"Well, yes!"

Yue Qinghuan wept with joy, and then looked at Xue an seriously, "Xue an, thank you!"

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "You're welcome, but if you want to save your brother, you'll have to wait for a while!"

"How long will it take?"

"At least we have to wait for another major breakthrough in his research."

While Aoshu on one side was quite surprised and asked: "brother an, why wait until master's research has a breakthrough before you can save people?"

"Because... The injury he suffered came from the soul level!" Xue an light way.

Yue Qinghuan trembled all over, immediately lowered his head and stopped talking.

Ao Shu naturally does not understand these, at the moment of her suddenly excited way.

"Brother an, you said before that you would let me meet two little girls. Where are they now?"

Xue an didn't refuse.

Because it's really a long time since I let the two little girls out to breathe.

In fact, as early as a long time ago, the two little girls wanted to communicate with Xue an through divine thoughts more than once, but Xue an didn't have a foothold in the sky at that time.

For the sake of safety, Xue an did not agree.

But now it's different. The valley is obviously safe.

Although Cha Wenliang has a strange temper, he is not a bad person. Therefore, Xue an opens Fubao's small building after hearing Ao Shu's request, and lets an Yan come out with thoughts and thoughts to relax.

All of a sudden, the scene became lively.

The two little girls who haven't appeared for some time have grown a little higher at this time. Combined with Anyan's discipline and edification, their behavior has faded a little childish.

But children are children after all, especially when they have been holding in Fubao building for so long, once they come out, they are just like birds coming out of the cage, cheering and cheering.

"Dad, if you don't let us show up again, many people will soon forget us!" Niannian blinked and said very seriously.

Xue an pinched her face. "How can I forget you two little girls?"

"Well! He's a lady again Niannian pouted back a few steps.

And the other side as like as two peas, the two girls who looked alike dressed as if they saw the new continent, their eyes were excited.

"Wow, two beautiful little girls!"

At this time think and Niannian also noticed Aoshu, because her breath is very similar to Xiaosha, so they all tilt their heads to look at Aoshu.

"You... How do you smell like Xiaosha? Are you a dragon?"


Ao Shu squats down and drags the hands of two little girls and refuses to let go.

I don't know what's going on. Maybe I miss Xiaosha, so the two girls are very close to Aoshu who belongs to the same dragon family.

The three soon began to chatter.

Seeing this, Xue an smiles, and then says to an Yan, "we're going to live in the valley for the time being, and you'll help me make pills together!"

"Good!" An Yan nodded calmly.

The thatched cottage, which had been silent for a long time, became lively because of the appearance of two little girls.

At the beginning, Ao Shu was a little uneasy, because she knew that master usually liked to be quiet. If such noise angered him, she would be in trouble.

But strangely, when he saw two little girls, Zha Wenliang was not angry. Instead, he mumbled a lot."It's a great talent, and it's far-reaching. The future of these two girls is limitless!"

To this Xue an just a smile, on the contrary is an Yan quite curious ask a way: "master, you still can see a fortune telling?"

Zha Wenliang was very satisfied with the title of master. He nodded and said with a smile: "the medical divination is not separated from the family, so I know a little bit about it."

But he didn't last long.

Because after the beginning of the strange, two little girls found that this is not tall, with a long beard, and dirty "grandfather" is not so difficult to get along with.

So the two little girls began to play around Zha Wenliang.

Not only that, the soul of the two little girls is even more ridiculous.

"Grandpa, why is your beard so long?"

"I'm not an old man. I'm not that old! As for the beard, don't you think it's very handsome? " Cha Wenliang's long beard was very complacent.

The two little girls shook their heads together. "I didn't feel it."

Cha Wenliang became very embarrassed for a moment.

Then Niannian asked, "Grandpa, why don't you wash your clothes so dirty? No one washed it for you? Don't you have a wife? Is your wife not following you because you are too dirty? "

Zha Wenliang: "the..."

"I said, I'm not a grandfather, and I don't have a wife because women will only affect the progress of my research, not that I don't want to find one!"

"Oh! So it is Read and nod.

"I see!"

Can one side think about this time, but suddenly a death, "sister, in fact, a lot of people say so because they can't find a wife, so come up with an excuse Oh!"

The air suddenly quiets down, Ao Shu frightens hair to all stand up.

But Cha Wenliang just twitched his eyelids a few times, and finally turned around and left.

"Don't go, Grandpa. We didn't mean to say that about you!" The two little girls also felt that what they said was a little too much, and cried out in a hurry.

Cha Wenliang faltered, almost fell to the ground, and then ran away.

Aoshu is quite surprised to see his master's back, don't understand always hot temper of him, why this time actually didn't angry.

But when she looked at the two little girls in the pink carving jade carving, she suddenly understood something.

Who can resist the attack of such a lovely little girl?

Especially two!

After the thatched cottage became lively, Xue an was carefully reading the notes that Zha Wenliang had given him.

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