The notes are all about soul research.

Different from Zha Wenliang's strange and irascible temper, the notes are very detailed and precise, supplemented by various fine illustrations and detailed experimental cases.

Xue an was fascinated by it unconsciously.

Just then, Cha Wenliang stepped in.

Anyan nodded slightly and then walked out of the room.

Until then, Xue an had no idea of the arrival of Zha Wenliang.

Zha Wenliang didn't urge him, so he sat quietly waiting.

It was not until an hour later that Xue an put down his notes and sighed.

"How's it going?" Cha Wenliang asked.

"Very powerful!"

"Of course, this should be the most real and detailed first-hand information about the soul of the whole heaven." Cha Wenliang said with pride.

Xue an nodded, "it's true, but I feel that some ideas in it still have room for improvement!"

"Oh? Where? " Chawenliang is interested.

You know, over the years, he has deduced all the ideas he can think of. He thinks that this road is the most suitable one, and there is no room for improvement.

But I didn't expect that Xue an just looked at it for an hour and found out the shortcomings.

He couldn't help being a little skeptical.

"First of all, I think it's a good starting point for you to experiment with the souls of evil doers. It can prevent the innocent from being harmed, but it will bring a problem!"

"What's the problem?"

"Such villains are often extremely cunning, that is to say, their intelligence quotient may be higher than that of ordinary people, so this leads to greater resistance when you dismantle their souls!"

Cha Wenliang patted his thigh, "yes, I found this problem, but is there any good solution? I can't reach out to those innocent ordinary people

Xue an a smile, "certainly can't injure innocent!"

"How do you do that?" Cha Wenliang frowned.

"It's very simple to know that people's souls are not born complete. Some people with five disadvantages and three deficiencies often have such and such deficiencies in their souls, and you can use your understanding of the soul to diagnose and treat them. In this way, not only will it not hurt the harmony of heaven, but also can deepen the understanding of the soul. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?"

"Yes! Why didn't I think of that! " After hearing Xue an's words, Zha Wenliang was so excited that he patted his thigh. Then he stood up and went out.

But just after a few steps, he stopped, wondering: "where can I find so many people with incomplete souls?"

Xue an a smile, "this, I think your apprentice certainly has a way!"


"That's right!"

"What can she do?" Cha Wenliang didn't believe it.

In his eyes, Ao Shu is an ordinary girl of dragon nationality. At the beginning, he saved her just because he wanted to find a different tester.

After all, the dragon and the Terran body structure is very different, the effective medicine to the Terran body may have no effect.

This kind of difference is exactly what Cha Wenliang wants to study.

But after bringing her back, Cha Wenliang found that Ao Shu was incredibly intelligent and had a very "bumpy" love history.

Cha Wenliang couldn't help feeling compassion, so he accepted him as a disciple.

So up to now, in Cha Wenliang's impression, Ao Shu is just an ordinary girl.

This kind of impression until Xue an calls Ao Shu to the front to inquire carefully, then disintegrates.

Aoshu patted her chest and said, "don't worry, just give me such a little thing. I promise to do it!"

Cha Wenliang was a little silly and couldn't help asking, "how do you do that?"

Ao Shu said with a smile, "master, maybe you don't know. You've been addicted to research recently, so I founded a green dragon gang in my spare time!"

"Do you find that there are fewer people coming to see a doctor recently?"

Cha Wenliang nodded thoughtfully, "it's really like this, it's much less!"

"That's all my credit. The Qinglong Gang I founded monopolized the whole Luoshen valley. If you want to enter, you have to register. In this way, you can not only increase your income, but also avoid the entry of some idle people!"Cha Wenliang didn't know about it at all, and he couldn't help feeling confused.

And AO Shu said, "later, I feel that we are too desolate in Luoshen valley. There is a lot of space wasted, so I developed it and took in many homeless goblins and Terrans to help us take care of it."

"Now the whole Luoshen Valley has changed a lot. The output of the medicine field alone is enough for your daily needs."

Ao Shu was combing one by one with her fingers, while Cha Wenliang was listening to the clouds.

As a master of medical ethics, he was deeply immersed in medical ethics, but he knew nothing about these chores.

But soon he put all these behind him and said seriously, "can you really find these people with five disadvantages and three shortages?"

"No problem, that's what the green dragon helpers I subdued are good at Ao Shu is complacent.

"Cough..." At this time, Xue an coughed twice, and then said awkwardly.

"I forgot to tell you something. I killed all your men outside!"

Ao Shu: "it's..."

But in the end, she accepted it, because as the "leader" who created the Qinglong Gang, although all the members of the gang died, the relationship was still there.

So under her full operation, a message soon spread among the stars around the valley of falling gods.

Luoshengu is looking for people with natural lack of soul at a high price, and has the opportunity to cure them.

The news spread and soon aroused people's enthusiasm.

Although not many people are born with incomplete souls, they can't stand a large number of people, and such people often become a heavy burden on their families.

Now I heard that doctor Cha of luoshengu was looking for these people and had a chance to cure them. Naturally, these family members were overjoyed and took the initiative to send them to their home.

Of course, more people are still greedy for the reward offered by luoshengu, but in any case, the people with five disadvantages and three shortages from all sides soon met the needs of the experiment.

Although some people complained in this process and thought that luoshengu must have a different purpose in doing so, for Zha Wenliang, nothing was more important than his own research.

As for the voices of the outside world, he simply ignored them.

Soon, everything was ready, and cha Wenliang and Xue an devoted themselves to the research. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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