Soon, Ao Shu came running with a brocade box in her arms.

"Here you are, master!"

After chawenliang opened it, there was a whole set of gold needles.

This set of gold needles emits thousands of milligrams of light, and has a huge amount of aura around. It is obviously a rare treasure.

Cha Wenliang twisted one of the gold needles, which was no longer than his little finger, and stabbed the woman.

"Ah The woman let out a cry of pain.

But soon, with the golden needle, majestic aura quickly poured into her body.

Then, under the baptism of this aura, the injury on her body healed quickly with the speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the thick dead skin fell from her body, revealing a new skin.

It seems that the extremely serious injury actually recovered as before.

Then Cha Wenliang did the same, but in a moment he cured all the other women.

It was only then that I saw the faces of these women. Without exception, they all described beautiful women with superior posture.

Unfortunately, because of the incomplete soul, everyone's eyes are very dull.

Anyan can't help but feel uneasy and whispered to Xue an: "husband, these girls themselves are very poor. The next experiment won't hurt them!"

Xue an said with a smile, "don't worry, this experiment will only help them return to their normal state, and will never hurt them!"

Anyan was relieved.

"Start?" Xue anchong said to Zha Wenliang.

"Let's go!"

Like the previous experiment, Xue an first separated enough weight from Zha Wenliang's spirit with his own mind, and then poured into the sea of these women's consciousness with his abnormal control.

The whole process can be described as extremely dangerous. A little carelessness may make these women lose their shape and spirit.

However, Xue an is adept at dealing with it.

Even Zha Wenliang had to admit that in terms of mind control alone, no one could control the whole heaven.

Soon, Xue an said in a deep voice, "well, everything is ready. The next moment will be the most painful one!"

Cha Wenliang nodded, held the gold needle in his hand, and said solemnly, "let's start. I'm ready, too!"

Xue an took a deep breath, and his mind suddenly urged him.

"Ah, ah, ah!" The woman immediately let out a howl of agony.

It was the spirit that was filling the agony of her birth defect.

Aoshu and Anyan can't help but raise their heart to their throat.

Time goes by second by second.

In the blink of an eye, it's half a minute.

Almost all previous experiments stopped here.

Therefore, even Zha Wenliang could not help but get nervous and concentrated on observing the woman. If something happened, he would immediately stop the experiment.

But unexpectedly, although the woman has been groaning in pain, the body does not have much violent reaction.

It shows that she is far from reaching the limit.

This discovery did not stop Cha Wenliang's eyes brightened and he could not help shouting, "Xue an!"

Xue an naturally understood what it meant. In fact, he also found that this woman was different from the previous experiment.

She's obviously more tolerant of pain.

Xue an sighed to himself.

There is only one explanation for this great endurance, that is, she is used to suffering.

It is conceivable that she lived in such a miserable situation before.

One Minute!

One and a half!

Two minutes!

Time went by like this, and the critical point came in the blink of an eye.

As long as we can make it past three minutes, we will have a very high probability of success in this experiment.

But at this time, the woman's mouth and nose began to shed blood.

It was a sign that her body was on the verge of collapse.

"Come on! She's about to die! " Cha Wenliang said solemnly, at the same time, the gold needle repeatedly stabbed, trying to maintain the woman's body.But no matter how the aura surges, it can't be instilled into a woman's body.

Not only that, the woman's skin also began to crack, the blood instantly dripping, shocking.

"Stop it, she's going to die!" Cha Wenliang roared.

But Xue an didn't listen to her. Instead of stopping, she suddenly increased her mental intensity by another order of magnitude.


Listen to the woman's head came a slight and imperceptible light sound, and then scream suddenly stopped.

The woman bowed her head and did not move any more.

The whole room was quiet.

Chawenliang was angry. "I just told you to stop. Why don't you listen? It killed her

Xue an didn't explain. He just restrained his mind and watched quietly.

The woman sat there with her head down, motionless, like a corpse!

Anyan, Aoshu, and yueqinghuan, who has never spoken, come near.

Anyan whispered: "husband, is she... Dead?"

Xue an smiles. Instead of answering an Yan's question, she asks, "do you think I was just cruel?"

Anyan did not speak, but sometimes silence often means acquiescence.

Yue Qinghuan sighed, "after so many frustrations, it's not a relief to die like this. Otherwise, once she returns to normal, she may not be able to face that unforgettable experience."

Aoshu also nodded, "yes! So brother an, you don't have to feel sad and blame yourself. It's a relief for her

"Why should I feel sad and remorse? She's not dead Xue an said with a smile.

"Not dead?" The three women were all surprised.

Cha Wenliang was also stunned, but after a little investigation, he realized that, and then he was surprised and said, "I'm not dead! She just passed out for a while

"What the hell is going on?" Anyan asked.

"It's very simple. In fact, her soul has been completed in less than three minutes, but as Qing Huan just said, when she returns to normal, that unforgettable experience is likely to become an unbearable burden in her life!"

"So I just erase her memory! But the result of washing memory is that she has to sleep for a while, that's why you see this scene! "

After hearing Xue an's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

"When will she wake up?" Ao Shu can't wait to ask.


With that, Xue an patted her palm gently. "Wake up, it's all over!"

Hearing his cry, the woman trembled all over. Then she slowly raised her head and looked at Xue an.

Xue an smiles, "haven't you woken up yet?"

The woman's dull eyes gradually showed brilliance.

Strange to say, when a person's eyes have a luster, even her face will become vivid.

Then the woman suddenly got up and bowed down to Xue an.

"Thank you very much for your help, my Lord and some girls!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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