In her memory, those who are too miserable have been erased. She only remembers that she was taken away by a group of bad people, and then saved by these people in front of her.

Xue an calmly smiles, "you are welcome. How do you feel now?"

The woman is very organized and clear way back: "feel no different!"

Xue an and cha Wenliang looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

There is no doubt that the experiment has won.

As long as you have a successful experience, the next thing will be simple.

Soon, Xue an cured the other women.

Of course, like the first woman, their memory was also cleaned by Xue an.

With the successful experience of these women, Xue an's skill of manipulating the soul has made great progress.

All unnecessary steps have been erased.

It took three minutes before the experiment, and it was compressed to less than a minute in an instant.

And this time is not an insurmountable gap for other experimental receptors.

Therefore, with the help of Cha Wenliang, Xue an kept on treating all the experimental receptors in only one day.

The end result is gratifying.

Except for a few of the experimental receptors whose souls are too severely mutilated, the rest have undergone fundamental changes.

When the families of these people saw them, they couldn't believe their eyes.

Who would have thought that a person with a broken soul from birth would be able to recover one day?

Soon, this result caused a sensation in the star regions around the valley of falling gods.

People praise each other and think that all this is due to the contribution of Zha Wenliang, the great doctor of ghost acupuncture.

For a time, Zha Wenliang's fame became bigger.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Cha Wenliang.

Because now he has more important things to do.

After accumulating enough experience, Xue an and cha Wenliang finally launched an impact on their ultimate goal.

Make the soul!

Then the whole cottage fell into endless quarrels.

"It's wrong for you to do this. The emperor's fruit is used for concentration. How can you refine your soul when you remove it?" Cha Wenliang clapped the table and roared.

Xue an was calm. "There are more than a few hundred herbs in your prescription, and there are more than ten flavors of herbs for concentration. So I think the addition of the emperor's fruit drop is totally superfluous! Removing it will help to simplify the prescription of Dan

"No, this prescription is the crystallization of my decades of hard work. It can be said that it can affect my whole body. You can't change it so carelessly!" Cha Wenliang still didn't agree, and his roar became louder.

"The crystallization of decades of hard work is the result of frying all day long?" Xue an said coldly.

In a word, he blocked all the words behind Zha Wenliang.

Ao Shu is frightened, for fear that the master will run away again, so she constantly signals to Xue an with her eyes, asking him to say less.

But Xue an ignored it and looked at Cha Wenliang.

After a long confrontation, Zha Wenliang finally couldn't hold on.

"Good! Since you insist so much, you can do as you like. But I want to tell you that some of these herbs are extremely rare. I've been collecting them for hundreds of years, but I've only accumulated so much. After several times of consumption, I don't have much left. "

"If you change Dan Fang and lead to the final failure, don't blame me for being impolite!"

With that, Cha Wenliang left in a huff.

Xue an just smile, completely did not take Zha Wenliang's threat seriously.

Because now he has already found out the temper of the ghost needle doctor, although he is very fierce now, in fact, when it's time to do it, he will be soft hearted.

What's more, Xue angai's danfang is not a blind change. He really has his own considerations and plans.

It is true that Zha Wenliang's attainments in medicine can kill Xue an a hundred times.

However, the experiment of mending the soul made Xue an accumulate much more experience than Cha Wenliang.

These experiences became his strength.

Because he is the only one who knows the key to the soul.

It can be said that Xue an, not Cha Wenliang, knows the soul best in Luoshen valley now.Even Xue an was a little surprised to find that after completing these experiments, his soul strength was also improved.

This kind of feeling is very subtle, Xue an did not feel any change in strength, but the promotion really happened.

As Xue an said, Zha Wenliang's temper came and went quickly.

But after a while, he took the initiative to come back and began to prepare what he needed for alchemy.

Because there are so many things needed, Anyan Aoshu and Yue Qinghuan also help.

There are also those poor women who came to help.

Because they were rescued from the gang by AO Shu, an Yan and Yue Qinghuan, there is no place to go.

Fortunately, the area of luoshengu was vast, and it was nothing to have more than a few people, so Zha Wenliang took them in.

In this regard, these women are naturally grateful, as long as it is within their power, they will rush to do.

As for the two little girls.

They have been in the front yard with the small demons who enter the cottage to play crazy.

Ginseng doll ah Qi and many goblins are not wary of thinking and reciting. Once they meet, they immediately become one.

In this case, all the preparations for alchemy were finally ready.

Then Xue an took a deep breath and raised his hand.


The flame soared into the air and completely enveloped the furnace.

The alchemy, which is very important for everyone present, begins.

At the beginning, everything went well. Xue an added the herbs into the furnace step by step and successfully laid an excellent foundation for alchemy.

The strong fragrance of the medicine began to diffuse, which also made Zha Wenliang's face a little Ji.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but this time it's obviously a good start.

It's a good sign after all.

Xue an was also absorbed in observing the changes in the Dan furnace, and carefully controlled the fire.

To tell the truth, the refining of Dan medicine for Xue an is also a difficult test.

Because this pill has never appeared in the records, and even its effect is unprecedented.

This also means that Xue an has no experience to draw lessons from at all, everything depends on his own groping.

But the progress was obviously faster than expected, but half an hour later, the end of the furnace was coming, and then the addition of medicinal materials.

Cha Wenliang could not help but raise his heart to his throat.

Because in the past, every time he blew up the furnace, it happened at this stage.

But Xue an was obviously not moved. He waved his hand calmly.

The red stove was half opened, and then all kinds of medicinal materials flew into the red stove like running water.

But just at this time, the sudden change happened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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