Just listen to the light sound of a crackle coming from the Dan stove.

The sound was very slight, but it fell in chawenliang's ears like thunder.

As soon as he turned white, he immediately called out, "no! Dan furnace changes

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud bang from the furnace, and then the furious Dan Qi overflowed, blowing out the women who were helping around.

Not only that, Cha Wenliang also felt that the temperature of the Dan stove was rising rapidly, and even his face was aching.

You can imagine how critical the situation is.

But after hearing Zha Wenliang's cry, Xue an was calm in the face of danger. He made a set of complicated seal decisions with his hands.

As the seal was made, the flame under the red stove began to turn from white to green, and it held the red stove in a lotus shape.

And the abnormal movement in the Dan furnace gradually calms down with the change of the flame.

Cha Wenliang just wiped a cold sweat and let out a breath.

"Fortunately, I was scared to death just now!"

Xue an looked at him with a smile, "are you so afraid?"

Cha Wenliang said with a bitter smile, "you don't understand. I've been blown out of the shadow now. I can't help shaking when I see the abnormal movement of the Dan furnace!"

"Ha ha!" Xue an chuckled, then turned his eyes to see the red stove, and said faintly: "don't worry, I'm here, it will never happen before!"

Then came the long and boring time of alchemy.

Because of the large number of medicinal materials, this furnace of pills takes longer than ordinary ones.

This will test Dan's continuous control over the fire.

There are many Dan masters who failed at this time because of their lack of spirit.

At the beginning, Cha Wenliang was also worried. After all, Xue an's cultivation was only immortal. Could he really survive such a long time?

But after three days, he found that Xue an was still in high spirits and not tired at all, so he put his heart back into his stomach.

"Mom, Dad, what pills are you refining? Why did it take so long? " Niannian comes to Anyan and asks.

"Dad is refining the most magical pill in the world. With it, we can help many people!" Anyan explained.

Read the nod that does not understand.

Think about it, but can't help but lift the nose to take a deep breath, and then said: "Wow, good smell ah, this pill is not very delicious?"

In fact, from the fifth day, a faint aroma will float out from the Dan stove, but everyone didn't think about it in other places. Only when they think about the snack, they can't help thinking about whether it's delicious or not.

Aoshu can't help laughing, "think about it, your cerebellar bag melon is not loaded with other, just think about how to eat good things?"

"Hey, hey!" Think of some embarrassed smile, "where there is, said I seem to have nothing else but to eat the same."

Can one side of read at this time but did not hesitate to uncover the camouflage of thinking, only to see her curl.

"Why not? You said yesterday that you would eat all the delicious food in the world

Think about face a red, some helpless stare read one eye.

"You still talk about me, don't you?"

"Why am I the same?"

"The ice cream I took out secretly the other day, you didn't eat less than me at all!"

"That's because you can't eat it, so I help you eat it!"

"You're bullshit, and the ice cream I can't eat? You are just greedy! "

The two little girls began their daily quarrel.

Ao Shu was made to laugh, and then couldn't help pinching their faces, "you two little girls, you are so cute that people want to bite you!"

Even Yue Qinghuan could not help smiling.

But at this time, I heard a very pleasant sound from the high platform.

They all heard about it.

The sound comes from the Dan stove, which is very clear and pleasant.

Not only that, but also with the sound of music, a little bit of brilliance rose from the red stove, condensing out all kinds of illusions.

Aoshu face a joy, "this is to knot Dan!"

Once the alchemy is finished, it means that the alchemy is about to be completed.But Cha Wenliang's face was full of dignity instead of joy.

Because the more time comes, the easier it is to make mistakes.

After all, Xue an has been standing on the high platform for eight days. During these eight days, he kept adjusting the flame and observing the situation in the Dan furnace.

This is a great test for people's physical strength and spirit.

Especially now, if he is a little bad, he may lose all his previous achievements.

So Zha Wenliang could not help but whisper: "Xue an, do you want to change me?"

Xue an chuckled, "don't have to. Just prepare the medicinal materials for the formation of the red knot!"

"It's already ready!"

Cha Wenliang was really a little too careful. He was afraid that Ao Shu and others would make mistakes again. He actually picked out the medicinal materials for jiedan Huaxing and took them with him for a rainy day.

"That's good!"

At this time, the music in the Dan stove suddenly stopped.

"Now! Golden feather spirit flower Xue an yelled.

Before his words came to the ground, Cha Wenliang had already handed the golden feather flower to Xue an.

Xue an's hand pinched the seal and pointed to the red stove


Dan furnace then opened a small gap, but the strange thing is that there is no leakage of Dan gas.

Xue an threw the golden feather flower into it.

In a flash, the Dan stove trembled, and the original dense illusion at the top also solidified.

But this is just the beginning, and then listen to Xue an drink.

"Free grass!"

"Fanqi stone!"

"Blood Chan bone!"


With the sound of light drinking, Cha Wenliang's hands kept on delivering all kinds of herbs to Xue an in an orderly way.

The dazzling operation of Ao Shu's eyes.

Brother an is so powerful that even the master has to listen to him!


When the last medicinal material was put into the Dan stove, the Dan stove suddenly quieted down, including the almost condensed illusion at the top of it.

Cha Wenliang gasped slightly, but his eyes were not blinking at the Dan stove, and his heart had already been mentioned in his throat.

Ten years of hard work, success or failure depends on this one stroke!

Not only is he, Ao Shu and Yue Qinghuan and others are looking at with fear.

When the whole audience was quiet, Xue an suddenly raised his head and chuckled.

"It's done!"

Words fall, the illusion on the Dan furnace instantly broken into powder, and then they rush into the Dan furnace.

In a flash, Dan furnace began to shake uncontrollably.

In particular, the lid of the Dan stove is clanging, as if something inside wants to break out of the shell.

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