In the glare, the bighead's body began to shrink sharply.

In the blink of an eye, it shrinks from a huge monster to the size of a normal person.

Then the light gradually dissipated, showing the figure below.

People can't help but open their eyes.

Because at the moment in front of the public is actually a pretty young man.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked around blankly.

Cha Wenliang was very excited, "do you... Do you still recognize me?"

Hearing his voice, the boy trembled and fell to his knees.


Cha Wenliang could not care about anything else. He rushed to the young man with an arrow, grabbed him by the shoulder and said eagerly.

"Do you remember who I am?"

"Of course I do, because you made me and gave me soul. How can I forget it?" Young voice clear said.

Moreover, the logic between his words is very clear, which is quite different from that before, when he was vague and could only utter a few simple tones.

Cha Wenliang couldn't help laughing, "OK! Good! Good

Even said three good words, and laughter is full of the ultimate pleasure.

Xue an did not stop him, but looked at him with a smile.

After all, no matter who encountered this kind of accident, he would be as ecstatic as Cha Wenliang.

Until he finally stopped laughing, Xue an just light way: "now I promise you things have been done, your promise?"

"It's easy to say. Now I have some assurance. If you want, we can get up and go now!" Cha Wenliang said with a smile.

"Well, let's go now!"

"In such a hurry?" Cha Wenliang was surprised.

"Of course, because every day of delay, there will be one more day of variation!" Xue an's quiet way.

"Well, get up now!" Cha Wenliang didn't hesitate, he agreed immediately.

The party immediately got up and left Luoshen Valley to his wife's house.

At the same time, the atmosphere of my wife's family is very depressing.

The festive atmosphere created by winning the martial arts performance conference has long gone, and everyone's heart is as heavy as a big stone.

Occasionally someone looks worried in the direction of the backyard, then shakes his head and sighs.

Yue Hechang was no exception. He came to the front of the backyard and gazed at the deep scenery behind it. After a long time, he said, "how long has it been since the second girl came out?"

Yue Junze, who followed him behind, looked sad and sorrowful. "It's been ten days!"

"Still no word came out?"


Yue Hechang frowned, walked to the backyard door and touched it gently.

The space immediately rippled, and then formed a huge light curtain, covering the whole backyard.

"After entering the backyard, the second girl enveloped the whole backyard with a barrier. Now no one can enter it unless she allows it." Yue Junze said.

Yue Hechang sighed, "what's going on in such a tight defense? Could it be that the owner of the family

Yue Hechang didn't finish his words, but the meaning was obvious.

Yue Junze was silent.

"Prepare for the worst. If the master of the family really wants to fight again, the Yue family will have no one to protect them for at least three years, while the long family and Sima family are eyeing each other. We should be more careful about this!"

"I understand!"

Yue Junze bowed his head to answer the question, with tears in his eyes.

Just as they were talking, in the backyard flower hall.

Two girls sit quietly in the chair, beside flowers in full bloom, warm wind, everything has not changed, as if time in this solidification in general.

But all this didn't disturb the two girls. At the moment, she seemed that everything outside didn't exist. All her attention was focused on Yue Shifang not far away.

Yue Shifang was sleeping.

It's just that his deep sleep just makes people feel tired.

I saw him leaning on the chair in a strange posture, his chest undulating rapidly, but I couldn't hear the sound of breathing. Only after a long time, he would make a snoring sound like a bellows leak.The second girl knew that it was a sign that his lungs were on the verge of collapse.

So every time the voice sounded, the two girls' eyes would show the color of heartache.

However, this state did not last long, because even this extremely difficult sleep was a kind of extravagance for Yue Shifang.

But in a quarter of an hour, Yue Shiyi slowly opened his eyes, and then gasped heavily.

That kind of breathing is very good, as if there is an invisible hand holding his trachea, it makes people feel uncomfortable.

All of a sudden.

I think it's because of the shortness of breath. Yue Shifang can't help coughing.

The cough was so intense that it seemed as if the next second was about to stop breathing.

The two girls rushed forward and beat his back.

But she didn't dare to exert her strength, because Yue Shifang, who was already extremely thin, was full of upright bones on her back, as if she would break it with a little force.

So she could only tap gently.

A moment later, the cough was finally over. Yue Shifang was sweating and lying back in his chair. His strength seemed to have been drained by the cough. He could not even lift his fingers. There was no shadow of the past.

The tears in the two girls' eyes were faint and full of heartache. Finally, they could not help saying.

"If it's so hard, it's better to die before it's too late."

Yue Shifang said with a smile, "don't be sad. I'm used to it!"


Yue Shifang interrupted her directly, "Xue an and Qinghuan are back?"

"Not yet!" Two girls return a way.

"In fact, even if they really invite the ghost needle doctor Zha Wenliang back, it's useless, because the injury I suffered comes from the depth of my soul. It's not the ordinary medicine stone that can work!"

"Then why are you waiting for them?"

"We'll have to... Wait for them to come back and see each other before we get rid of them." Yue Shifang said softly.

There was silence in the flower hall.

Yue Shifang's eyes have long been blind, and now even his hearing has begun to degenerate. Even so, he can still clearly feel the sadness of the second girl.

"Well, don't cry. In your eyes, I may be suffering, but for me, it's just a piece of cake. After all, don't forget that I've experienced dozens of demolitions and reincarnations!" Yue Shifang said with a smile.

No, that's fine.

As soon as his voice fell, Yue Shifang felt a damp and cool shoulder.

It made him silent.

It was not until a long time later that he sighed, and then groped for his hand to gently touch the two girls' tearful cheeks.

"Well, stop crying!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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