"I didn't cry! I just happened to be fascinated by the sandstorm! " The second girl forced herself to speak hard.

"Well, you're right! Is that all right? " Yue Shifang said with a smile.

But this time, the two girls didn't talk and laugh with him as usual.

On the contrary, Yue Shifang heard the sound of sobbing.

It didn't stop him from sighing, and then he didn't know what to say.

The flower hall was quiet.

Yue Shifang leaned back in his chair and looked at the distance with his godless eyes, while he was thinking about his plan after the liberation.

The reason why he refused to leave with his more and more broken body was that he wanted to see Xue an and his younger sister, and then arrange the three-year gap after he was released.

After all, even Yue and Chang can see the crisis that the Yue family is facing now, and as the owner of the family, he is unlikely to be unaware of it.

As for the treatment of injuries.

In fact, he didn't have any hope from the beginning to the end.

Because I know my own business.

This wound goes deep into the soul, which can't be solved by medical methods at all.

Just as he thought about it, the two girls suddenly had a look of surprise on their face.


"What's back?"

"They're back!"

With that, the two girls suddenly got up and raised their hands to open the light curtain in the back yard.

Sure enough.

The group headed by Xue an came down from the sky and landed directly in front of the flower hall.

The second girl saw the ghost needle doctor in the crowd at a glance.

Without him, he is really short and sloppy. He is too conspicuous.

Although her appearance was not good, the two girls felt a clap in their heart, even a burst of ecstasy.

Because she had heard about the appearance of the ghost needle doctor for a long time, she could immediately conclude that he was Cha Wenliang, the famous doctor.

Although Yue Shifang thinks that even if Cha Wenliang comes, he can't cure his injuries, but at least it's a hope.

Therefore, the two girls didn't even have the courtesy. They immediately called out, "doctor Cha, please come and see his wound!"

In fact, he didn't need to be urged by the two girls. After Cha Wenliang landed, he immediately went into the flower hall.

Yue Shifang was the first to catch the eye. Cha Wenliang raised his eyebrows slightly and blurted out, "what a bullying force!"

Yue Shifang chuckled, "check the doctor's eyesight!"

Cha Wenliang ignored Yue Shifang's words, but went straight to the front, held Yue Shifang's wrist directly and began to signal.

Everyone held their breath and waited.

Yue Qinghuan looks at his old high spirited brother, and now he looks like a dying old man. He feels sad in his heart.

Seems to be aware of this, one side of an Yan gently patted her shoulder, and then soft voice comfort way.

"Don't be sad. Didn't doctor Cha say he was 80% sure before? Then he will surely be able to heal your brother's wounds! "

"Well!" Yue Qinghuan gave a low reply.

Just then, Cha Wenliang loosened his hand and stood up to stare at Yue Shifang.

Yue Shifang said with a smile, "how about it?"

"It's a serious injury! To tell you the truth, it's a miracle that you can still sit here and talk to me now. After all, according to the normal situation, you should have died long ago! "

"Ha ha, this sentence was said to me thousands of years ago, but I still survived tenaciously!" Yue Shifang laughed at himself.

"By your soldiers, you can understand the method of reincarnation? But do you really think that's the solution? " Cha Wenliang sneered.

Yue Shifang shook his head. "Of course not, but I can't help it!"

"So you drink poison to quench your thirst? With your cultivation, you should know that every time you release and reincarnate, you will lose your soul source, which will make your already serious injury more and more serious! "

"How long did you survive the first time you were demobilized?" Chawenliang road.

"Eight hundred years!"

"And this time?"

Yue Shifang was silent for a moment, "less than a hundred years!"

"This is the best example! It's true that you can't wait to die, but the most correct way for you to deal with this situation is to seal yourself and wait for the opportunity, instead of wasting your soul so foolishly! "Cha Wenliang was not polite when he spoke, regardless of Yue Shifang's face.

Yue Shifang can only smile bitterly.

"Yes, you have taught me a good lesson, but if I'm gone, my wife's family will soon be annexed by other families, so I'm not qualified to sleep for these reasons!"

"Ha ha, I'm a doctor. I only evaluate your condition. As for what you do, it has nothing to do with me!"

"But I still want to remind you that your present state of soul is on the verge of collapse. If there is no accident, this release will be your last reincarnation. It is unknown whether you can even break through. I believe you should be very clear about this." Cha Wenliang sneered.

With this remark, the two girls and Yue Qinghuan turned pale.

"What?" Yue Qinghuan exclaimed.

The second girl looked at Yue Shifang in disbelief and said, "is everything that doctor Cha said true?"

Yue Shifang was silent for a moment, and finally nodded with a bitter smile, "yes!"

"You son of a bitch!" The second girl was furious, "if so, why don't you tell me?"

"What's the use of telling you, apart from adding to your troubles?"

The second girl burst into tears, "then you can't hide it from me! Do you know how sad I would be if you left? "

Yue Shifang was speechless. Only a moment later did he slowly say, "I'm sorry!"

"Don't say sorry to me, I want to be worthy! I tell you, Yue Shifang, you can't die without my orders! " Two girls vicious said, and then turned around, she rushed to check Wenliang knelt down.

Kneeling crisp, without procrastination.

"What do you mean, girl?" Cha Wenliang asked aside.

The second girl said with a firm face: "doctor Cha, I have nothing else to ask. I just want to ask you to save him. As long as you can do it, I will be a cow and a horse."

Yue Qinghuan also fell to his knees with a plop, "yes, please help my brother

The two girls knelt down at the same time. Cha Wenliang couldn't stand it any more. He quickly said, "get up. Since I have promised Xue an, I will try my best to finish it."

"Although it is true that his injury is very serious, it is not entirely uncertain. At least with the help of Xue an, there should still be a ray of life!"

Hearing this, the two girls suddenly burst out of their eyes, and asked in a trembling voice, "what you said is true?"

"Of course, how can I make fun of such a thing?"

Speaking of this, Cha Wenliang stroked his beard quite complacently, "you know, now I can be said to be the person who studies the soul most deeply in the whole heaven!"

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