"If I can't save him, no one can save him!"

This overbearing declaration also made two girls and Yue Qinghuan feel relieved.

Just then, Xue an suddenly asked, "second girl, do others know the news of our return?"

The second girl shook her head. "As long as you don't disturb other people when you come back and enter directly from the backyard, others will not know!"

Xue an nodded, "that's good!"

"What's the matter?" Yue Qinghuan asked in a low voice

Xue an laughs, "it's OK, it's just an immature idea all of a sudden!"

After that, he turned and left to discuss with Cha Wenliang how to cure Yue Shifang.

Yue Qinghuan looks at Xue an thoughtfully and doesn't understand why he just asked.

But after thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't figure it out, so she had to put the question behind her for the time being.

Because there are more important things for her to do, such as... Persuasion.

you 're right.

Because of her brother Yue Shifang's treatment plan, a fierce quarrel broke out between Cha Wenliang and Xue an.

It's not accurate to say that it's a quarrel, because only Cha Wenliang's roar can be heard at the scene. Xue an hardly talks, but only occasionally retorts.

But every sentence directly hit Zha Wenliang's key, which also made him feel angry.

"It's no use saying anything else. I'm the master of medicine, so I'm right!" Cha Wenliang roared.

"I admit that, but in terms of my understanding of the soul, I'm no less than you, and there's a big problem with your plan."

"What's the problem? All his problems come from the deep wounds of his soul. As for the wounds on his body, they are just incomplete bodies. Is it necessary to pay attention to them? " Cha Wenliang said coldly.

But Xue an shook his head, "I feel that you are wrong. It is true that the root is from his soul, but don't you find that his Qi and blood have declined to the extreme? If he mends his soul by force now, it is likely that his body will be unable to bear it and will collapse directly! "

"What if it collapses? As long as his soul can be restored, let alone his body

"Ha ha, generally speaking, it can be said that, but his situation is different!"

"What's the difference?"

"Don't forget that he has experienced dozens of reincarnations, and his soul is very weak. At this time, he can't stand any disturbance." Xue an said in a deep voice.

Hearing Xue an's words, Cha Wenliang opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say it at last.

"I know that you have a strong ability in medical practice, so you can ignore this, but he is really different, so for the sake of safety, I think it's better to supplement his body first, and then restore his soul!"

Cha Wenliang looked at Xue an with twinkling eyes. After a long time, he suddenly said, "are you interested in developing in the medical field?"

This speech, including Yue Qinghuan, everyone's eyes are focused on Xue an.

Because it is obvious that Zha Wenliang intended to teach Xue an's medical knowledge.

This can be said to be a dream good thing for others, but unexpectedly, Xue an smiles and shakes his head.

"I've been involved in the medical profession, but I don't want to involve too much energy. After all, there are still many important things to do in front of me, so I'm sorry..."

Cha Wenliang sighed and interrupted Xue an directly, "OK, just say that you don't want to learn. There's no need to beat around the Bush, let alone say sorry. As for his medical plan, just follow what you say!"

Speaking of this, Cha Wenliang turned to look at the second girl, "please ask, do you have a cauldron stove?"

"Cauldron furnace?"

"Yes, it's the kind of stove used to cook medicine!"

"There are stoves for cooking medicine, but..." The two girls look embarrassed.

"Oh, as long as it's a stove for boiling medicine, why do you hesitate?" Cha Wenliang obviously didn't like her mother-in-law's character and said directly.

In desperation, the two girls had to move out the stove where they cooked medicine for Yue Shifang.

When the Dan stove appeared before and after the public, Cha Wenliang couldn't help but have some silly eyes.

"That's what you usually use to make medicine?" Xue an can't help asking.

"Well!" The second girl nodded in embarrassment.The reason why people are so impolite is that the appearance of the Dan stove is so strange.

At first glance, it looks like a big bathtub, as tall as one person.

Aoshu around the "Dan stove" to turn a circle, and then reached out to touch, suddenly puffed a music.

"Master, I remember you once said that if something looks like something, feels like it, and looks like everything, it is that thing! So I think this Dan stove is a big bathtub at all! "

The second girl, blushing, explained in a low voice, "I can't help it. I've used the traditional Dan stove, but it's too difficult to master the fire. So I modified one myself. The high wall is to avoid the boiling and losing of the liquid medicine!"

At this time, Cha Wenliang got close to him. After sniffing the smell of the Dan stove, he couldn't help saying something.

"All kinds of herbs for invigorating qi and blood are put together to be tempered. Thanks to the master-in-law's profound knowledge, you would have drunk other people long ago!"

The second girl's face became more red in an instant. She kneaded her clothes and was speechless.

If there were other people in law present, they would be amazed at the appearance of the second girl's little daughter.

"It seems that this Dan stove can't work, or else..." Zha wenlianggang wanted to say that he wanted to find someone's Dan stove.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly said: "no, just use this Dan stove!"

"Well? Why? " Everyone was puzzled.

Xue an said with a smile, "because I suddenly feel that although this Dan stove is not qualified for refining drugs, it is very suitable to make a bathtub!"

Many people still do not understand, only Zha Wenliang thoughtfully looked at Xue an.

"You mean..."

"That's right. Now his Qi and blood have declined to the extreme, and it's hard for ordinary medicine stones to work. In that case, it's better to treat him as medicine stone. Only such fierce moves can supplement his Qi and blood!" Xue an light way.

Cha Wenliang's eyes were shining, and he couldn't help asking again, "are you sure you don't want to go to the medical profession? With your talent, it would be a pity to waste it like this. "

Xue an said with a smile, "let's talk about it then. The most important thing now is to cure him first!"

All things are often like this. As long as you know what to do next, it will be easier to implement.

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