For example, now, first Cha Wenliang wrote a Dan prescription himself, and then everyone immediately began to prepare.

Soon, all kinds of herbs were ready.

This is also due to the fact that the second girl left a lot of medicinal materials when she was cooking medicine in the backyard.

When the medicine is ready, eyes can not help but focus on Xue an.

Xue an raised his hand to Yue Shifang and said in a deep voice, "now, put him into the furnace."

Under the red stove, the flame soared into the air. The nearly pure white flame turned the whole red stove in the blink of an eye, and the medicinal materials and rootless spirit water added in advance also began to boil.

But the steam stopped when it was half a finger away from Yue Shifang, who was sitting in the middle of the Dan stove.

Because a light barrier blocked them.

This is what Xue an wrote.

After all, today's Yue Shifang is dying. If he takes a medicine bath directly, he is likely to be burned by the scalding liquid.

For this reason, Xue an specially added a layer of flame curse seal to his body.

For Xue an, who has a strange fire and is good at controlling it, this layer of flame seal is extremely simple.

But the effect is enormous.

For example, now, when the liquid medicine is rolling with the increase of temperature, the scorching heat wave even forces everyone out of the distance.

But Yue Shifang, who was sitting in the middle of the room, was calm and even had a look of enjoyment on his face. Then he said with a smile.

"It feels good. It's like taking a bath!"

Hearing that he was still in the mood to tease, the two girls and Yue Qinghuan felt relieved.

Xue an said with a smile: "it's just the beginning, but there's still something you've suffered! I don't think you'll be able to say such a light word at that time! "

Yue Shifang laughed, "do you think I will be afraid of pain?"

"It's not fear, it's the feeling. It's not just pain."

With that, Xue an made a curse, and the flame under the red stove exploded, completely wrapping the whole red stove.

As for Yue Shifang in the Danlu, he disappeared.

Although she knew that Xue an would not harm Yue Shifang, the two girls could not help but clatter at the sight.

Seems to see her panic, Anyan soft voice comfort: "don't be afraid, everything will be OK!"

At this time, Cha Wenliang stroked his beard and said in a calm tone: "according to this progress, at most 48 hours will be enough!"

"Will it take that long?" Two girls can't help asking.

Cha Wenliang looked at her, "what do you think this is? In fact, if Xue an didn't use this method to replenish his Qi and blood, it would take at least a month for him to recuperate slowly in his present condition! "

"In this way, the liquid aura was directly infused into his body, which greatly accelerated the progress, so the 48 hours has been a very short period of time!"

Two girls don't talk, just look at the burning Dan stove with full face of hope.

In any case, it's hope.

Then there was a long wait. In the process, Xue an was absorbed in controlling the fire of Dan furnace.

And cha Wenliang kept fine-tuning the herbs that needed to be added into the Dan stove.

The tacit cooperation between the two made the progress a little faster.

Time goes by.

In the blink of an eye, forty hours had passed.

In the whole process, two girls and Yue Qinghuan never leave Danlu.


When the process of time reached a critical point, the furnace suddenly began to vibrate slightly.

Then, the steaming heat rushed out of the furnace.

Two girls instantly become very excited, "is fast out?"

Cha Wenliang chuckled, "it seems that it's almost the same, but..."

The voice is not lost.

Listen to Xue an suddenly sink to drink a, "not right!"

These three words immediately shocked the whole audience, especially the second girl.

"What's the matter?" She asked in panic.

Cha Wenliang rushed to the front immediately, and his face became extremely dignified."What's the matter?"

Because at this time, the flame on the furnace is fading at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the flame tried to fight back several times in the whole process, it still failed.

It's as if something irresistible is ordering these flames to disperse.

Not only that, in the Dan furnace above suddenly emerged a very gloomy power.

As soon as this power appeared, the whole audience was oppressed.

Cha Wenliang opened his mouth and was about to drink. Just at this moment, the Dan furnace broke open quietly.

This is a very strange picture, because there is no sound in the whole process, but the hot liquid is mixed with the broken pieces of Dan furnace, which spread in all directions.

The speed doesn't look fast, but it makes the space tremble.

Moreover, Zha Wenliang and the other two girls all stayed in the same place. Even Zha Wenliang's scattered beard stopped in the air, as if someone had pressed the stop button on them alone at the moment.

At this moment, I only heard a cold drink.

"Back up!"

With a command, the majestic power surged out of Xue an's body and directly collided with the shock wave.


The hot air suddenly rises, but it seems that there is a natural moat, blocking all the hot liquid medicine and the fragments of Dan furnace.

The voice suddenly came out, and the stop button that was pressed finally bounced back, and cha Wenliang's stagnant beard also floated again.

Then he exclaimed, "no, go back!"

But as soon as the words came out, he noticed something strange.

Because all the liquid evaporated in front of him.

Not only he, but also the second girl and Yue Qinghuan realized that it was wrong.

"How could that be? How about ten? What about him? " The two girls screamed.

Xue an, a little pale, took a deep breath, and then said slowly, "failed! But others should be OK, because this power seems to be a kind of curse, just to destroy his recovery! "

Sure enough.

After the fog of the liquid medicine dispersed, Yue Shifang was sitting alone in the red stove with only the base. His eyes were closed, and his body shape was as usual, and even more decayed.

"Who did it?" Cha Wenliang said angrily.

Xue an's eyes glittered with brilliant brilliance, "it should be the hands and feet that hurt him at the beginning!"

Cha Wenliang took a breath of cold air in an instant, "you mean...!"

"Yes! It is the existence of ancient wars. " Xue an said coldly.

Cha Wenliang's face was changeable, and he finally sighed, "if it's true, it's going to be trouble!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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