"What do you mean?" Two girls urgently ask a way.

Cha Wenliang shook his head and sighed. He didn't speak.

"Doctor Cha, Xue an, why don't you talk? Can't he be cured forever? " The second girl asked in despair.

Cha Wenliang nodded.

The second girl faltered and nearly fainted.

Yue Qinghuan rushed forward to help them. The two girls just stood still, but their faces were as pale as white paper. They whispered softly.

"No, it's impossible. There must be a way to cure him! There must be, right, Sheran? Answer me

Yue Qinghuan wanted to persuade her, but now her face was covered with tears.

Seeing this scene, Anyan and Aoshu are silent.

On the contrary, not far away Yue Shifang slowly opened his eyes and said with a smile.

"Well, er wench, don't be so sad. I'm ok now? It's no big deal. Just try to reincarnate again! "

But everyone knows that he is just comforting the second girl.

Because what Cha Wenliang said just now is clear. In his present state, he may not be able to survive another reincarnation.

The second girl naturally understood this, so she choked.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly walked to Yue Shifang and looked at him with bright eyes.

"Dare you gamble?"

"How to bet?"

"No matter how you gamble, I'll ask you if you dare! If you gamble successfully this time, not only your injuries can be cured, but also all the hidden dangers in the army can be caught, but if you fail... "

Before Xue an finished, Yue Shi said directly, "don't say it. I choose gambling!"

Xue an didn't expect that Yue Shifang would agree so readily. He raised his eyebrow slightly. "Don't you think about it any more?"

Yue Shifang said with a smile, "there's nothing to consider. Can I have a better choice in my present state? Instead of waiting to die, it's better to fight hard. In this case, there may be a chance of life. "

"Well, in that case, let's make a bet together!" Xue an said in a deep voice.

After that, he turned and looked at Cha Wenliang and others.

"Please come here for a moment, there are some things you need to cooperate with!"

At the moment, Cha Wenliang and the other two girls are just confused.

Because they had no idea what Xue an was going to do, they immediately came forward after hearing what Xue an said.

"What do you need me to do?" Cha Wenliang asked first.

Xue an smiles. "It's very simple!"

Then he passed a message with his mind.

Cha Wenliang was stunned at first, and then he took a deep look at Xue an.

"That's it?"

"That's it!"

"OK, I will cooperate with you to finish it, but I can't guarantee the final result!"

With that, Cha Wenliang turned and left.

Then Xue an gave instructions to the two girls and Yue Qinghuan.

The two girls all looked surprised, but finally nodded.

"I see. We'll prepare now."

After everything has been dealt with.

Xue an turned to Yue Shifang and said, "well, it's your turn next."

Yue Shifang already knew Xue an's plan at this time. He couldn't help chuckling, "Xue an, in fact, you are really suitable to be a counselor who plays tricks on the situation!"

"Do you mean I'm a conspirator?"

"Ha ha, that's not true, and conspirators are not derogatory terms, at least not among military strategists!"

Xue an also laughed, and then faintly said: "well, you also start to prepare, after all, you are the absolute protagonist of the next play, I hope you don't mess up!"

"Don't worry, I believe that no one in the whole world can understand death better than me!"

Xue an nodded, "I hope so!"

Then he turned and left.

Although he couldn't see it, when Xue an left, Yue Shifang suddenly breathed out a breath and then said with a smile.

"Is that a lie? Xue an, you should be a strategist more than a schemerThis is the 13th day for Yue Junze to guard in front of the backyard.

Looking at the empty gate, Yue Junze had mixed feelings.

As the leader of the younger generation of the Yue family, he is very clear about the dangerous situation the Yue family is facing.

Although the Yue family won the first place in the martial arts performance under the leadership of Xue an, the short-term glory can not dispel the shadow of the family leader Yue Shifang.

After all, for any branch of a family, the owner is the spiritual sustenance of the whole family, and the existence of dinghaishen needle.

In particular, today's Yue family is extremely lack of top fighting power, and almost no one can take the lead except Yue Shifang, which leads to the embarrassing situation that once Yue Shifang is demobilized and reincarnated, the whole Yue family will fall into the situation of no super power.

But this kind of situation, in the dragon family and Sima family covetous situation is nearly fatal.

So now the atmosphere over the whole family will be so dignified.

Everyone knows that once Yue Shifang leaves, the Yue family will suffer an unprecedented test.

Yue Junze's heart is heavy, because his father Yue Hechang told him clearly.

Prepare for the worst in advance!

Doesn't this prove that the owner's injury is irreparable?

In addition, Yue Qinghuan followed Xue an to luoshengu to invite the ghost needle doctor, but he never came back.

All these make Yue Junze's heart cast a thick shadow.

But at this time, a burst of noise came from the front yard.

Yue Junze frowned slightly, "go and see what's going on? Why is it so noisy ahead? "


Immediately, some people tried to go to the front to see what happened.

But before the man came out of the backyard, he saw someone running over happily.

"It's miss three! Miss three and Mr. Xue, they are back! "

"What?" Yue Junze is also pleased to hear the speech, "can you please go back to the ghost needle doctor?"

"Please come back!"

Yue Junze was overjoyed. He immediately cleaned his clothes and went to meet him.

At this time, Xue an and his party arrived in a hurry.

"Mr. Xue!" Yue Junze immediately stood still and called respectfully.

But Xue an didn't stop at all, just nodded slightly, and then hurried to the front of the backyard.

Yue Junze just wanted to remind Xue an that the whole backyard had been sealed by the second girl with a light curtain.

But before he could speak, the light curtain dispersed like mist, and then the two girls appeared in front of the door.


"Well! Come back Xue an said solemnly, "where is the master?"

"Right in the back!"

"Doctor Cha has been invited!"

"Come in, then!"

After a few words, the two girls immediately let Xue an and cha Wenliang into the backyard.

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