Before he left, Xue an still told Yue Junze, "keep an eye on the gate of the courtyard. No one is allowed to go in or out without my permission!"

"Yes Yue Junze responded immediately.

Soon, the gate of the courtyard became empty.

But Yue Junze's heart became hot, and the haze accumulated before was swept away.

Mr. Xue came back with the famous ghost needle doctor. The master of the family can be saved!

Thinking of this, Yue Junze couldn't help but look happy.

At the same time, Yue Hechang and many elders arrived.

"What's the matter?" Yue Hechang asked.

Yue Junze immediately told the story, and then said excitedly: "Mr. Xue and the ghost needle doctor have just entered. I believe that good news will come soon!"

Hearing these words, Yue Hechang and other elders could not help but breathe a sigh of joy.

"That's great!"

"Yes! Mr. Xue is really powerful. He invited Cha Wenliang, who is famous for his eccentric temper

"The master of the family is saved!"

People were talking excitedly. No one left, but all stood in front of the backyard and looked forward to it.

Time goes by.

Soon it was dark. Someone held a lantern and illuminated the whole backyard like day.

But at this time, there was a dull sound behind the backyard door.

Then came the sound of weeping.

"Ten sides..."

As soon as the cry came out, all the people on the scene turned pale.

Before the joy disappeared, replaced by the dignified and suspicious face.

"What's the matter?" Yue and Chang asked.

"I don't know! It's supposed to be... It's supposed to be a mistake! " Yue Junze explained with a strong smile.

But he didn't believe it.

An ominous premonition suddenly poured into everyone's heart.

All previous comments have disappeared.

Everyone was waiting with fear.

Waiting for the final news.


After the gate, a group of people came out.

Xue an accompanied Zha Wenliang out with a dignified face, and then Zha Wenliang stood up.

"I'm sorry, the master-in-law's injury is too serious. Please forgive me for not being able to recover. Mr. Xue, please forgive me!"

This sentence is like a heavy bomb. Everyone in the scene was dumbfounded.

Xue an's face was as dignified as iron, and he nodded gently, "there's a miracle doctor of Lao Cha!"

"Oh, go!" Cha Wenliang sighed, then led Ao Shu to fly up, and disappeared in the sky in the blink of an eye.

After he left, Xue an took a look at these people.

Yue Hechang immediately came forward and asked, "Xue... Xue an, what's going on inside? What's the matter with the master

Xue an lowered his head and said in a low voice: "the master's injury is too serious, and cha Wenliang can't help it!"

"What do you mean?" Yue Hechang felt his teeth trembling.

"That is to say, the leader of the family in law is... Dead!"


This word out, really like a thunderbolt, shock everyone together and tremble.

"No way! How could the owner die? Even if his body collapses, he can still be reincarnated! " Yue Junze yelled at the top of his voice.


This sentence reminds many people.

The master's injury is not a day, even if the injury is too serious, he can be reincarnated!

But Xue an shook his head at this time. "It's useless. This time, the injury is too rapid, and even the God's consciousness and soul of the master of the family have completely collapsed, so... There's no chance of reincarnation!"

The whole room was as quiet as death.

Everyone's eyes became dull.

Who would have thought that the head of the family who had sheltered the Yue family for thousands of years left in this way.


Someone flopped to his knees, opened his mouth and began to cry.All of a sudden, everyone knelt down in the backyard.


Its sound is like blood weeping, which makes people can't bear to hear it.

But Yue and Chang still have the last glimmer of hope in his heart.

He trembled and asked, "well... Where is the owner's body now? I want to see him

Xue an nodded, "it's in the backyard. Come in!"

With that, Xue an turned and walked back into the courtyard.

Yue Hechang and others immediately followed him.

After crossing the gate of the courtyard, the withered flowers and plants all over the courtyard were the first to catch the eyes of the public.

You know, the flower hall in the past will always be full of flowers.

But at this moment, it has become withered.

In the middle of the flower hall, there is a wooden bed, on which a person lies quietly.

There were two people kneeling beside the wooden bed.

It's two girls and Yue Qinghuan.

At the moment, they have changed into white robes, even with heavy filial piety on their heads.

The white is so dazzling.

When he saw this behind the scenes, Yue and Chang felt dark and nearly fell to the ground.

Yue Junze quickly helped him, but Yue Hechang struggled to get rid of him. Then he rushed to the wooden bed, fell down on his knees and roared in tears.


This roar made the whole audience cry in an instant.


Everything you can see is dazzling white.

The whole family became quiet, and a sad atmosphere enveloped everyone.

Yue Shifang is dead!

The news was like a big bomb, which caught the whole family off guard.

The people who were out on duty immediately left everything at hand and rushed back.

When they saw the white couplet hanging in front of the door, almost all of them were paralyzed, and some of them vomited a mouthful of blood directly.

Because Yue Shifang is the spiritual pillar of the whole Yue family!

Thousands of years have already made him inseparable from his wife's family.

I thought this kind of time would last forever, but no one thought it would stop suddenly at this time.

The back yard has already built a high canopy. Two girls and Yue Qinghuan, dressed in heavy filial piety, kneel around numbly, as if they had already cried their tears.

At this time, the news of Yue Shifang's meteorite spread like a hurricane.

The first to learn the news are the long family and Sima family, who have been paying close attention to the trend of the Yue family.

To tell you the truth, at the beginning of hearing this news, long Yushu and Sima Chongchao couldn't believe it.

After all, it was too sudden.

But with all kinds of news coming from behind, especially when they heard that Zha Wenliang had done it himself, but he couldn't save Yue Shifang, they couldn't help but doubt it.

"Is Yue Shifang really dead?" Long Yushu asked with a frown.

"I don't think it's possible. There must be fraud in it!" Sima Chongchao said in a deep voice.

"But the news is so solid that it seems to be true! Why don't we go in and have a look? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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