The men were all stupefied.

These werewolves didn't use all their strength to encircle them, otherwise they would have died a long time ago.

But these werewolves, who made them feel desperate, didn't even make a move in front of xue'an.

Xue an walks up to them and smiles.

"Where is this?"

The oldest man came forward and said respectfully, "Sir, this is wolf Valley!"

Warwolf Valley?

Xue an pondered for a moment and then said, "your world How big is it? What's the nearest city? "

Just now, Xue an explored with his mind, and found that there was no boundary within a hundred Li, so he asked.

The man trembled slightly, and his eyes looked frightened. "The world is big, but there are only a few cities, and It's all these werewolves who rule. "

Xue an's heart moved, then a little smile, "today you found that there is something strange in the neighborhood?"


Xue an sighed, it seems that the fire phoenix people should have fallen somewhere else.

Out of the warwolf Valley, there is a small mountain village within a short distance.

When these men came back, the village was boiling.

Several men with bows and arrows jumped down from the crude wall.

"Mr. Wu, you are back!"

Wu Qing nodded and then solemnly introduced: "this Mr. Xue is the one who saved us. Without him, we would not have come back at all!"

There was a commotion in the crowd, and many people looked at Xue an in surprise.

Xue an just laughed it off.

On the way back together, Xue an has roughly learned about the world.

The world is about half the size of China. There are many aboriginal villages scattered all over the world.

But the real rulers are the werewolves.

These wolf people live in the city, relying on the support of these aborigines.

Moreover, the Aborigines were divided into three or six grades, among which the Chinese were the most bullied.

"Mr. Wu, why didn't my man come back?" A woman shuddered.

Wu Qing's face darkened. "Third, he In order to hold down those damned werewolves, he exploded and died

After listening to her body shaking a few times, the woman passed out.

Many villagers came forward to help, but most of them were numb.

Death is a very common thing for these people.

Even if those werewolf masters were not happy, they would kill a village.

They are all used to it.

Xue an wanted to send these people back, but he left because he was the Savior of the respected elder Wu in the village. These enthusiastic villagers blocked their way and refused to let Xue an go.

Moreover, many people here may have never been out of the mountain village in their lifetime. The only one who has ever entered the city is the elder Wu Qingwu.

Xue an plans to ask for the way and then rush to the nearest city.

The world also has the sun and the moon change, even the stars above the sky are the same as the earth.

To put it bluntly, it's like a small world attached to the earth.

In the evening, the village set up a bonfire and prepared the most luxurious dinner they could afford.

Xue an looked at them. They were all wild animals in the mountains and the grain growing in the fields.

There are also wines, but they are all poor fruit wines.

Xue an tasted it, then laughed and took out a small wine pot with her in her arms.

"Have a taste of this!"

When the lid is opened, the smell of vodka wafts out.

Wuqing is one of the shock, full of horror said: "this is the city's old men can afford to drink wine!"

Xue an faint smile, "Oh? So you've seen this kind of wine

Wu Qing nodded.

Xue an smiles slightly cold.

Country e! Good! You actually collude with these people, and you deliberately hold a special forces competition in Siberia. I guess it's all designed by you!

"I'll give it to you." Xue an saw that Wuqing was very fond of this exquisite small wine pot, so he laughed.

Wu Lian said: "this thing is too valuable

Xue an laughs. He bought the wine pot for fifty rupees in the street. It was made in Yiwu. It has nothing to do with expensive.

Finally, Wuqing took the wine pot and carefully poured out some vodka for everyone to taste.

For those villagers who are used to drinking coarse fruit wine, they are dizzy after taking a sip of vodka.

The atmosphere of the dinner also reached a climax.The children, who had begun to be afraid of Xue an, also gathered around at the moment.

Because of her daughter, Xue an is very fond of these children.

Unconsciously, they chatted late.

Finally, Xue an did not leave the mountain village at all, but stayed.

Wu Qing's daughter blushed and gave Xue an a clean room and a brand-new quilt.

Xue an nodded his thanks, then closed his eyes and began to try to contact the fire phoenix with his mind.

But after a night's hard work, he still failed.

When Xue an got up in the morning, he heard the drums outside.

Xue an's heart moved and turned out of the room.

All the villagers were surrounded at the entrance of the village with ugly faces.

When Xue an passed by, he saw an arrow on the wall at the entrance of the village, and a wolf head sign was nailed on the arrow.

Xue an didn't know what happened. She was about to ask.

"Mr. Xue, I'm sorry, something happened in our village. I can't entertain you any more. I'll send some people to see you off now!" he said

Xue an looked at Wu Qing's expression flustered, can't help but smile, "what happened in the end?"

Wu Qing shook his head, "Mr. Xue, it's nothing to do with you. You'd better leave here quickly!"

At this time, some villagers have already sobbed.

Xue an's eyes gradually cold, "what's going on?"

Wu Qing sighed, "you'd better not ask!"

Xue Anluo pondered, then nodded, "well, send me away!"

After several young people sent Xue an away from the mountain village, a man who came back with Wu Qing asked.

"Elder, this Mr. Xue is obviously a man of great ability. Why did you let him go?"

Wu Qing shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "anyway, our village can't be preserved for too long. Why bother others? No matter how strong he is, he is the snow wolf king

The name of the snow wolf king made all the villagers look pale.

Some women even cry out.

At this time, Wu Qing gritted his teeth, "don't cry, we can't run away. We'd better try our best, even if we kill one, it's enough!"

Under his encouragement, the villagers' fighting spirit gradually rose.

But Wuqing's heart was more desperate than anyone else, because he knew that the whole mountain village would be destroyed once the snow wolf king appeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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