A whole day.

The walls of the whole village have been thickened a lot, and women and children have joined forces to take out everything that can be used as weapons.

Then Wuqing took out all the stored grain and cooked a delicious dinner.

It's just that no one can eat it.

All the people looked at the road in the distance.

It was near dusk.

The sun was shining on the path.


A huge shadow appeared in the sky.

Wu Qing, who is patrolling the city wall, looks tight. When he takes a closer look, his heart will completely cool down.

In the distance, more than 100 werewolves were coming.

In the middle is a huge wooden cart pulled by two snow-white werewolves, on which sits a fat white wolf.

It's the snow wolf king!

Such an array is enough to flatten the whole mountain village.

At this time, the whole village saw this scene.

A lot of people were scared to death.

Wuqing tried all his strength to yell: "don't panic, you can't be killed by these animals on your knees anyway!"


Many men's eyes are getting red.

The wolves stopped at a distance from the village.

The snow wolf king looked at the simple mountain village, and those villagers with firm eyes above the wall of the mountain village, and laughed scornfully.

"I really don't know whether the Dalits still want to resist?"

The snow wolf king is in a bad mood recently, because he has not been to the main world for a long time since he was sent to this remote country by the high priest.

Think of that colorful world, snow wolf king's saliva can't stop flowing out.

If it is in a bad mood, it will want to kill people.

This time I happened to pass by here, so I made a temporary plan to kill a village and go to bad luck.

The resistance of Wuqing and others was regarded as a dying struggle by the snow wolf king.

But the more so, the more happy it will be.

That's interesting!

"Run up and kill everyone, only bring the leader back!" The snow wolf king ordered.


Several big wolves with a height of four meters came to the mountain village with a grim smile.

"Shoot! Let go of the rocket Wu Qing looked at the distance almost and roared.

Several burning rockets flew past, but it was like tickling on the wolves.

Wu Qing clenched his teeth, picked up the best made bow in the village, aimed at the eyes of a giant wolf, held his breath, and shot out suddenly.


The sword was shot very accurately, which just broke one eye of the wolf.

The wolf howled and roared, "I'll crush you all into meat and mud."

Then the wolves rushed over.

The villagers shot out their bows and arrows, threw away their spears, and used up all their attacks.

Everyone's face showed the color of despair, and even some people have been decadent closed eyes, ready to meet the final death.

Wu Qing also sighed, throwing away the bow and arrow, pulling out the sword, ready to commit suicide.

But at this time, a faint voice came.

"It's a good moon tonight. It's suitable for killing animals!"

With the voice, Xue an came on the moon.

His appearance surprised all the villagers, especially Wuqing, who watched Xue an coming from the moonlight.

"Xue Mr. Xue, why are you coming back Wu Qing asked anxiously.

Xue an faint smile, "if I don't come back, don't you all want to die in the hands of these animals?"

"But it's useless for you to come back. The other party is the snow wolf king, and there are so many subordinates!" Wu Qing was sweating.

Xue an smiles, "as far as I am concerned, no matter how many animals are animals!"

The wolves were all angry when they heard Xue an open his mouth and shut his mouth.

"Pariah, I'm going to grind you up and swallow it up!" The wolf roared and was about to come.

Facing the huge wolf, Xue an stood in the air with a negative hand, and said faintly: "the sword rises!"


The gentle moonlight suddenly turned into countless sword Qi, and then gathered into the shape of dragons, and went straight to these giant wolves.

The wolf at the front was scared to death and was about to shout something.

But the sword Qi is like the sea, which has already submerged it.

When it reappeared, it had turned into a forest of bones, and then fell to the ground.

This stone breaking sword, let the snow wolf king who had been well prepared for a while was startled.

But this is just the beginning, the sea like sword Qi has not stopped, and it just wrapped up several giant wolves in the back.After several deafening howls, the wolves were all turned into white bones.

Everyone was stunned.

Especially the villagers, they can't believe their eyes.

Usually one can kill a village of giant wolf, in front of this man, not even a move to pass, turned into white bones?

How good is this man?

And now the snow wolf king, also stood up.

As soon as he stood up, he was one head taller than the other wolves.

Five meters tall, like a hill in general.

Xue an was standing in front of it, looking very small.

"Are you the warrior of the Lord world?" Snow wolf king deep voice.

Xue an light look at this giant wolf, "is again how?"

The snow wolf king's face flashed with surprise and respect.

"In that case, you are the VIP. You were a little abrupt just now. Please forgive me! I'll let go of these villagers! "

Snow wolf king actually apologized to this man!

The discovery stunned the villagers.

Mr. Xue, is he so big?

But the snow wolf king thought that the low posture, but only let Xue an gently shake his head.

"You have made a mistake!"

"What's the matter?"

"It's not that you can't let go of the villagers, it's I will not let you go! "

This sentence made the snow wolf king think he had heard it wrong, and then he said angrily with a smile: "I respect you as the warrior of the main world. Does it mean that I am afraid of you and refuse to let me go? Do you know who I am? I am the little son of wolf God, snow wolf king

The proud voice of the snow wolf king has not gone.

Xue an showed a few beautiful teeth, a forest smile, "you are wolf Buddha's son, is still an animal!"

After that, the sword Qi creeping under Xue an's feet suddenly blooms like a peacock's open screen, and then the mercury rushes to the ground.

The first to bear the brunt are the guards of the snow wolf king.

Before they could react, they were engulfed by the sword Qi. After a few squirming times, these giant wolves were all turned into white bones.

The king of snow wolf saw all the ghosts and roared, "the secret of wolf!"

A light covered the snow wolf king, making his momentum several times stronger.

"Since you are determined to fight against us wolf God, then go to death!" The snow wolf king came roaring.

It was difficult for those swords to pierce the light, so the snow wolf king successfully rushed to the front.

Seeing Xue an in front of him, the snow wolf king couldn't help but feel happy.

As long as you have a sprint, you are a fairy and will be smashed!

The villagers exclaimed in surprise.

But in such a situation, Xue an's face was not sad or happy, facing the snow wolf king, raised his fist.

"One punch Move the world

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