Zhong Li, as if aware of something, glanced at long Yushu and Sima Chongchao, then sneered: "it's a pity. Originally, I wanted to get to know commander Xue. Since he's not here, I'll wait for him to come back."

With that, Zhong Li went straight to a corner not far away from long Yushu and Sima Chongchao, and his eyes were staring at them.

Both long Yushu and Sima Chongchao knew that the reason why Zhong liwuhu did this must be intentional, but they were inconvenient to attack, because Zhong liwuhu was famous among the military strategists.

So although he was staring at them as thieves, they had to treat them as if they didn't see them.

The atmosphere suddenly became strange.

Gu forgetting Ya looks at Zhong Li's arrogance and long Yushu's unnatural face and Sima Chongchao. He can't help but smile.

As the saying goes, the villain has to be grinded by the villain. That's true!

Just as Gu forgot to sigh in his heart, the people of the Song family also arrived.

But seeing that song Yuze was dressed in plain clothes, he made a solemn sacrifice, and then he took a deep look at the two of them.

As early as on the road, he had learned the news, saying that long Yushu and Sima Chongchao did not leave after the worship, but stayed, as if they were planning to do something wrong.

Sure enough.

The situation at the scene is the same as the rumor.

But what's interesting is that the people who left the Gu family and Zhong family didn't even leave. Instead, they separated in two corners, vaguely competing with the long family and Sima family.

Seeing this, song Yuze pondered a little, and then took the initiative to find a humble corner to sit down.

The Song family was weak, so it was necessary to find out the complicated situation ahead of time.

As for the families of Lu, Bai and Tao who came later, their thoughts were similar to those of song.

So the huge atrium was soon filled with people, and all the eleven families were present.

There was a young man in the crowd of the family in law who was not familiar with the world. He could not help but ask the elder beside him.

"What are these people going to do? Why don't you go? "

Anger loomed in the elder's eyes. "Some of these people are friends. They stay out of good intentions, but some of them deceive my wife's family that they don't have super strong people to sit down and deliberately stay to see jokes!"

As the elder of the Yue family said, the Yue family without the super power is like a building without the main beam, which is in danger of toppling at any time.

Just as the situation became more and more serious, I heard a cry of sadness in the distance.

"Yue Shifang!"

His voice was hoarse and harsh, and spread to everyone present.

They looked up one after another, and then they saw a figure coming as fast as lightning. In the twinkling of an eye, it came to the sky above the atrium. After landing, it was a man wearing a pure gold mask.

His appearance caused a stir in the audience.

Especially in the camp of Yue family, some people exclaimed in surprise: "it's the former commander Yue!"

The second girl and Yue Qinghuan were all trembling.

Because it was Yue Guannan who had been in charge of the elite soldiers of the Yue family for thousands of years and was honored as the God of the soldiers of the Yue family!

Although the mask on her head has changed a lot, her figure and temperament are the same as before, and even more melancholy.

Two girls and Yue Qinghuan did not expect that Yue Guannan would suddenly appear at this time.

Just when they were stunned, they saw Yue Guannan jump directly in front of the coffin, and then stay in the same place.

On the coffin, Yue Shifang's body is lying there quietly.

In an instant, tears came from Yue Guannan's eyes and rolled down the beautiful mask.

She just stood there and cried silently.

However, the other 11 families had different reactions after seeing him.

Some are relaxed, some are happy, only long Yushu and Sima Chongchao look at each other in a gloomy way, and both see the fear in each other's eyes.

You should know that Yue Guannan had been in charge of the elite soldiers of the Yue family for thousands of years, although he did not achieve much in the martial arts conference.

But you should know that Yue Shifang, the master of his family, has been reincarnated several times.

Every reincarnation of the army means at least three years of strength blank period, but the Yue family has never been in trouble in the past 1000 years, but has passed smoothly under Yue Guannan's seat.

From this we can see the horror of Yue Guannan.

But some time ago, she suddenly disappeared, replaced by Xue an, whose identity has become a mystery.

This made the long family and Sima family take a breath for their growth.

But I didn't expect that she came here today.

Now it's getting a little tricky.

This is also the reason why long Yushu and Sima Chongchao are depressed.

Just then, Yue Guannan, who had been silent and choking, suddenly began to laugh.

It's just that the laughter sounds so desperate.

In the laughter, her shoulder kept shaking, like a butterfly folding its wings in the storm, helpless and desperate.

"Brother, in fact, it's better for you to leave. In this way, you don't have to work so hard to bear the pain of reincarnation over and over again! It's just... "

Yue Guannan said, "it's just that you're gone. What can I do?"

At the end of the day, Yue Guannan was choked.

All the listeners are silent.

Many people in law's family sobbed silently because of this.

Only long Yushu and Sima Chongchao seemed to have discovered a new world.


She called Yue Shifang brother? What's the relationship between them?

Just when they were confused, Yue Guannan suddenly trembled and slowly took off the mask on his face, revealing the beautiful and refined cheek below.

But at this time the face was full of tears, pale and terrible.

Seeing this behind the scenes, the whole audience was shocked.

Gu forgets ya to open big eyes, incredible murmur way: "originally this famous Yue family war god is a woman!"

Zhong Li's face was dull, and he didn't take a breath until a long time later.

"It's a woman, that's terrible!"

In his opinion, it is incredible that Yue Guannan can achieve such brilliant achievements as a woman.

As for other people's shock, it is beyond words.

Even many people in lianyue's family were shocked.

Because there are only a few people in the Yue family who know the true identity of Yue Guannan.

Only long Yushu and Sima Chongchao had a quick look at each other after their initial amazement, and then they had an indescribable look on their faces.

It's just like those jackals on the grassland who have been tracking their prey for many days and finally peep at the next mobile phone meeting. They are cruel and terrible.

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