Yue Guannan raised his hand and twisted his hair into a bun. Then he turned to scan all the people present.

Many people can't help but look sideways to avoid.

No other.

It's just that her eyes are too fierce and frightening, just like the sharp blade, which makes her face cold.

Even long Yushu and Sima Chongchao, who had already made up their mind, could not help turning pale.

At the same time, Yue Guannan grabbed the stool beside him and walked towards the crowd.

Under the pressure of momentum, many people subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

Then he saw Yue Guannan put down his stool and sat down.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.

Because people don't know what Yue Guannan is doing.

Yue Guannan was not in a hurry to explain, until after a long time, she spoke slowly in a cool tone.

"I know that many of you now think that Yue Shifang's death will make the Yue family a plaything to be bullied by others, but I just want to tell you that you are wrong!"

With the voice, but see Yue Guannan Huoran raised his eyes, the body emerged a very violent evil spirit.

"With Yue Guannan here, you and others who have ulterior motives will never set off any storm!"

Every word she said echoed in the audience with great power, which also made people turn pale.

At least, long Yushu and Sima Chongchao, who had planned to take advantage of this opportunity, were very ugly at the moment.

Because everyone knows who Yue Guannan is talking about, which is equivalent to pointing at their noses and swearing. Naturally, they can't accept it.

In particular, Sima Chongchao, who was the most ruthless and domineering, gritted his teeth and then began to laugh.

"Yue Guannan, I didn't expect you to be Yue Shifang's younger sister, but your age should be his younger sister in a certain life!"

Yue Guannan raised his eyebrows slightly, "so what? Is master Sima still concerned about the private affairs of our wife's family? "

"Ha ha, I'm not interested in the affairs of your Yue family at all. I just want to know what you have to say. Do you think you are still in charge of the Yue family?"

Yue Guannan sneered, "master Sima, if you are not convinced, you can come and have a try now. I'll tell you what strength I have."

Sima Chongchao was stunned and immediately gave a few strange laughs.

"Good. You asked for this on your own initiative. Don't blame me for doing it at your father-in-law's funeral. After all, how can I be your elder? "

Although he said it politely, Sima Chongchao had no mercy under his hand.

He rushed to Yue Guannan, who was sitting there like an arrow, and raised his hand at the same time.

It was a fierce hand. If it hit, it was estimated that Yue Guannan would have broken his bones and broken his tendons at that time.

But Yue Guannan didn't dodge this. Instead, he looked at the palm coldly.

Seeing the palm of his hand getting closer and closer to Yue Guannan's face, Sima Chongchao's face showed a cruel color.

What he likes most is to destroy beautiful women like Yue Guannan himself, which will make him feel almost morbid.

But unexpectedly, the expected soft touch did not appear. On the contrary, Sima Chongchao felt that his wrist was cold, and then there was a sharp pain.

When he looked down, he saw that his palm had no idea when it was broken, and the blood was gushing out along the wound.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Sima Chong gave a roar of pain. He stepped back a few steps. Then he looked at Yue Guannan with a dignified face.

"What's the matter? What did you hurt me with? "

In fact, at the moment, not only Sima Chongchao was stunned, but also all the people present were muddled.

At least Sima Chongchao was also a quasi saint. His body was so hard that it was hard for ordinary treasures to leave a scratch on him.

But just now, people didn't find any action from Yue Guannan, so Sima Chongchao's wrist was broken.

Of course, it's a little weird.

But Yue Guannan held Sima Chongchao's severed palm in his hand, ignoring the blood on it, and said with a cold smile, "are you surprised?"

With the voice, Yue Guannan gave a firm grip.


Yue Guannan made the broken palm into minced meat powder.

Sima Chong snorted, and his eyes were angry.

Although this injury for him is nothing, but the humiliation is very strong.

Yue Guannan giggled, then raised his bloody finger and daubed it on his lips.

For a moment, Yue Guannan's lips became red, which added a touch of color to her pale cheek.

"If you want to know what I used to hurt you, come back and try again!" Yueguannan youyou road.

But this time Sima Chongchao hesitated.

Because he really didn't know what kind of card Yue Guannan was holding.

Just as his wrist suddenly broke, the strange injury made him alert.

As I said before, Sima Chong was extremely cautious and suspicious.

Especially now Yue Guannan's fearless manner makes him full of vigilance.

"Well, no matter what tricks you use, I don't want to give you the same opinion, but I just want to tell you that you can protect the family for a while, but you can't protect the family for a lifetime!"

After that, Sima Chongchao turned to greet long Yushu.

"Let's go!"

In fact, long Yushu doesn't intend to go, but now he and Sima Chongchao are grasshoppers on the same rope, sharing weal and woe.

Now Sima Chongchao was injured by Yue Guannan. Obviously, he can't stay here any longer.

He had to leave with him.

When the two families left, the atmosphere in the field became relaxed.

All of them looked in awe at Yue Guannan, who was sitting in front of the coffin, just like a general who could not open the door.

Because she just quit the master of Sima's family.

Only the two girls' eyes showed a touch of worry.

Because she was the only one who understood what Yue Guannan had paid for the blow.

"Miss Er, Miss Yue, now that the long family and the Sima family are gone, there should be nothing more to do here. We'll take care of our family and leave first, but we don't know when the leader of the Yue family's big trip will be?" Gu forgets ya to ask a way.

The so-called big business is actually a funeral.

The second girl bowed her head and said, "Xue an is supervising the construction of the mausoleum. The construction can be completed in seven days at most. By then, it will be the time of the grand tour."

"Oh! If so, I'll come back in seven days! " Gu forgot his career and left.

As soon as she left, the Zhong family and the Song family left one after another.

In the blink of an eye, just very busy atrium became quiet.

Then the two girls got up and went to Yue Guannan. "They're all gone. Don't hold on. Let's have a rest."

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