"For what?" Cha Wenliang looked at Xue an without blinking, just like a thirsty child.

"Because only such a planet can have a strong sense of death!"

As soon as he said this, Zha Wenliang's mind was like a flash of lightning. All the hazy moments before became clear. Then his whole body trembled and looked at Xue an in disbelief.

"You want to..."

Xue an smiles and nods, "yes, that's what you think!"

Cha Wenliang felt that his hair was standing up, because if what he guessed was true, Xue an's layout was too deep, too far and too terrible.

At the same time, Xue an said faintly: "in fact, I could have punched into the depths of this planet, but that would probably leave my breath and make mistakes in the whole plan!"

"So I can only use my pure physical strength to dig a little bit, and at the same time, I can draw a rune array on the cave wall that shields all perception and perfectly disguises as sand and stone. In this way, as long as Yue Shifang is put into the core of the planet at that time, then for the whole outer sky, he will really disappear completely."

"And then it's your turn to play!"

"I understand that when the traces of his existence are completely erased, his soul will be supplemented, so that the situation of being interrupted by indescribable forces will not appear again! Is that right? "

Xue an nodded, "yes! This is my whole plan

Cha Wenliang took a breath of cold air and said, "it's a good move to hide the truth from the world. At first, I thought your plan was just to induce the unstable factors in the military family by feigning death, and then eliminate them, and finally stabilize the situation!"

Xue an laughed, "how could it be so simple after so much effort!"

Cha Wenliang suddenly thought of something, frowned slightly and said: "can this channel really block the prying of existence?"

"Of course, it's not that simple, so I plan to draw the whole planet full of Dharma array after making this passage, so as to deceive the sky!"

"Hiss! It's a big project Chawenliang exclaimed.

"It's not that complicated!" Xue an pointed to the way behind him. "I told Ao Shu to pile up the mounds according to the direction I left. When the time comes, I'll sort them out a little bit, and the array will be finished."

"Did you even count that in advance?" Chawenliang exclaimed.

"Almost! The so-called plan after action, I always have to have a detailed plan to start! "

This time, Cha Wenliang looked at Xue an with admiration.

"I used to think that it would be a waste if you didn't take advantage of your medical talent, but now I don't think so."

"Oh? Why? "

"Because you are more suitable to be a counselor hiding in the dark and playing with the wind and cloud than a master of medicine!"

Xue an laughed.

"What are you laughing at? What I said is true

"I laugh because someone once said this to me. Frankly speaking, you just want to say that I am more suitable to be a conspirator?"

"Well, that's what it means!" Cha Wenliang nodded.

Xue an's eyes flashed an obliteration, "in fact, I don't want to do anything. If I have enough strength, I just want to overturn those people who think they are superior and wantonly play with others!"

"That's right. That's what I fuckin 'think! It's a pity that my talent on the way of cultivation is so poor that I have no choice but to practice medicine! "

Speaking of this, Cha Wenliang patted his thigh and said, "Damn, who can be a soldier would be a wet nurse!"

Xue an smiles and pats him on the shoulder, "in fact, nanny is also a promising profession, work hard!"

"Oh, no!" Cha Wenliang suddenly thought of something.

"What's wrong?"

"If the person who hurt Yue Shifang has been paying attention to this matter, how can you guarantee that he will not send someone to investigate the situation on the spot?"

"Especially now Yue Shifang is still in the headquarters of the Yue family. If they come to worship on the pretext of visiting, if they see the clue, they will lose all their previous achievements."

Xue an sighed, "I have thought about this matter for a long time. That's why I asked Yue Shifang how sure he was about it. His reply is that no one knows death better than him."

"And this is the only variable that I can't control in the whole thing. Now I just hope that he can really do what he says. As long as he can make it to the funeral, then this thing will be finished!"

"Is it just as easy as a funeral? What if this group of people followed and even tried to dig tombs to explore the truth? " Cha Wenliang frowned.

Xue an smiles with a few banter and cruelty.

"If they really do that, then it's time for the offensive and defensive sides to change their positions, because as long as Yue Shifang's injuries are healed, I believe he will tell these people with his actual actions, who is the victor, who is the fish!"

"Now I just hope that the two girls and Yue Qinghuan will be calm. Even if someone comes to challenge them, they must not act rashly. Otherwise, all their previous achievements will be wasted." Xue an said in a deep voice.

Cha Wenliang sighed, "I hope so!"

Xue an patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "OK, now the question in my heart has been solved. Is it time to work hard? After all, there is still a lot of work to do! "

Zha Wenliang looked at Xue an's smile. He looked like a black hearted contractor who squeezed the bottom workers.

"Well, I take back what I said just now. You are more suitable to be a black hearted foreman!"

Cha Wenliang murmured, then turned around and began to work.

Just when Xue an was busy, as Cha Wenliang expected, a team jumped out of the void not far from the military galaxy.

Looking at the huge galaxy like a giant tree, on top of the flagship ship, a man in luxurious clothes sneered.

"What a spectacular Galaxy! It's a pity that the past glory of military strategists has gone away. What they have left now is just a bunch of wine bags and rice bags!"

Behind him came a coquettish voice of teasing, "how come senior official Ximen is suddenly sentimental?"

With the voice, there was a clear sound of footsteps.

Just by the sound of the footsteps, we can hear the swaying posture of this woman.

But the man didn't even look back. On the contrary, his face became a little ugly.

"Pan, don't make such sarcastic remarks here!"

At this time, the woman finally came to the man's side, with the aroma of intoxication, revealing a delicate face like a flower.

And then the woman giggled a few times, to the man's body together.

"Simon Ho, how can I be sarcastic?"

Although the fragrance was charming, Simon Hao stepped back like a snake, as if this woman was extremely terrible.

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