"Pan ruomei, you'd better stay away from me. Don't forget what we're here for!" Ximen Hao has a green face.

Pan Rumei covered her mouth and chuckled, "Simon Hao, why are you so afraid of me? Can I still eat you? "

Simon Hao's face was so ugly that he stepped back subconsciously.

Because he knew very well that this woman who looked like a fairy was actually a man eater.

Seeing that Simon Hao was so alert, pan ruomei humed blandly, and the smile on her face instantly converged.

"It's really boring. I wanted to play with you, but I'm so timid. I'm not a man!"

Said, she lazily stretched a stretch, soul stirring lines instantly revealed no doubt.

"Call me when you get off the boat later. I'll go squint first!"

Then she swayed away.

Simon Hao secretly clenched his teeth and was not angry at Pan ruomei's attitude as if he were commanding a servant. However, he did not dare to provoke the beauty snake, so he could only hold his breath in a cold voice.

"Start from the Yue family!"

The fleet slowly turned around and headed for the Yue family.

At the speed of this fleet, it was only an hour before the division of the Yue family, and finally stayed on the planet where the Yue family's headquarters was located.

After landing, the huge noise made the guards in front of the door surprised.

What's going on?

Why is there a fleet all of a sudden? What are they doing here?

With these doubts, Yue Junze, who is in charge of guarding the front of the gate, immediately has soldiers dispersed, forming a defensive formation.

At this moment, the door of the fleet slowly opened, and a group of strong men came down first.

Every body has layers of evil spirit.

After these people are Simon Ho and pan ruomei.

They stepped out of the spaceship and looked up at the headquarters of the wife's family.

When they saw the couplet hanging above the gate, their faces could not help showing a different look.

Then they walked towards the gate.

Yue Junze drank deeply, "stop, who are you? What are you doing here? "

Ximen Hao gave a little smile and said in a loud voice, "we are friends of Yue Shifang's father-in-law. I heard that he died suddenly, so I'm here to worship him!"

With that, ximenhao threw something.

"This is my post!"

Yue Junze was stunned.

The owner's best friend?

He took the post dubiously. When he opened it, he saw three gilded characters on it.

Simon ho!

west gate?

This surname is rare in this day!

Yue Junze is thinking about what happened.

Ximen Hao had come near and said with a smile, "what? Can't you come to worship? Is that how you treat your guests? "

Yue Junze clenched his teeth, and then made way for the side of the road, "of course, it's OK to worship, but only you are allowed to go in, and other people have to wait outside!"

"That's no problem!" Simon said with a smile.

"But I have a problem!" Pan ruomei suddenly said, then stepped forward, said with a smile: "little brother, if you only allow him to go in, what about me?"

"You?" Yue Junze looked at Pan Rumei hesitantly.

"Yes, that's me!" Said Pan ruomei a chest, that unspeakable existence immediately vibrated.

Yue Junze's face turned red quickly with the speed visible to the naked eye. Then he turned his eyes awkwardly and did not dare to look again.

"Keke, do you also have a sticker?"

Looking at the shyness of Yue Junze's face, pan ruomei licked her lips. It was as if she wanted to swallow Yue Junze as a whole, and her voice became very soft.

"Although they didn't, they were also good friends of the father-in-law's family. This time they heard that he had suddenly fallen, their hearts were very painful! If you don't believe it, you can touch it! "

With that, pan ruomei was about to move forward.

Yue Junze was scared back and forth, "no... no, I believe it. You can go in too!"

"Hee hee, my little brother is really understanding. My sister likes it."

After that, pan ruomei gives Yue Junze a coquettish look, and then swings her waist and walks in.

Simon Hao's face is becoming an iron plate, his eyelids are beating wildly, and his heart is constantly reciting.

I don't know this girl!

Without him, it's a shame.

He even couldn't understand what Pan ruomei was thinking, and he was in such a situation.

However, he did not dare to say, because no matter in terms of cultivation or status, he could not provoke pan ruomei.

So he could only endure the anger in his chest and walk in together.

Across the front porch, they came to the atrium.

Here, as usual, there was just one more chair before the coffin.

In fact, up to now, most of the Yue family have calmed down and accepted the fact that Yue Shifang left.

After the first few days of excitement, the number of people who came to worship began to decrease significantly, and finally completely deserted.

The so-called people go to tea, that is.

But all this has nothing to do with Yue Guannan sitting there. She is just like a monument, sitting there quietly, guarding the person she once loved most, and probably will love most in the future.

This kind of guard is so silent, even in these days, she didn't even say a word, just sat there silently, staring at the front door.

When ximenhao and pan ruomei came in one after another, the eyes of the family in law in the atrium all focused on them.

Of course, Yue Guannan is also included.

I saw her dark eyes as if they were lit up by something, quickly shining up.

The following is the majestic momentum of Yue Guannan.

But Simon Hao and pan ruomei didn't pay attention to these. Their eyes were attracted by the coffin in the middle of the atrium.

Although separated by a distance, but with their strength, or at a glance to see the coffin of Yue Shifang lying quietly.

After a few days of inactivity, his body has begun to wither, without any vitality.

See this scene, two people can't help but look at each other, and then coincidentally go forward.


A cold drink, the fury of the moment stopped the two people's way.

Then the anxious two people wake up and look up at Yue Guannan not far ahead.

Yue Guannan's face was as pale as paper, but his eyes were as cold as a pool.

"If you want to worship, you can do it here. Otherwise, the idle people will stop!"

Simon Hao's face suddenly sank and sneered: "it's a joke. I've never heard of anyone's family not even allowed to worship!"

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