Pan ruomei had already confirmed that Yue Shifang was dead, so she let go of her hand coldly and said, "I'm just angry for a moment, I can't control myself!"

Yue Qinghuan was so angry that his chest fluctuated. "Get out of here, my brother's body can't be desecrated by you guys!"

Pan ruomei sneered, "in that case, I'll leave!"

Then she turned and walked out.

Although Simon Hao intends to stop and see the development of the situation, pan ruomei has no reason to stay here.

Therefore, he had to follow pan ruomei and leave his wife's home.

When they left, Yue Qinghuan remained angry, but did not speak. He just looked at Xue an with questioning eyes.

The second girl frowned slightly. "Xue an, these two people are obviously not good at it. Do you want to be on guard?"

Xue an said with a smile, "those who come are not good. That's for sure. As for being on guard, they don't have to, because after what they have just done, they have obviously determined something, so they will leave here!"

Despite this, many people still feel uneasy.

Some people think that Xue Angang's practice is really improper. He let outsiders touch the owner's body.

Although the other side's doubts have been dispelled, isn't it a clear sign of weakness?

However, these people have pressed their thoughts to the bottom of their hearts and have not shown them.

At this time, the second girl said in a deep voice: "although we say that, we still have to step up our guard. By the way, what happened to the construction on the other side of the tomb? Why did you come back early? "

"The main body has been built. As for other details, they are of no importance. So I came back!"

"So the date of the funeral can be determined?" The two girls' eyes flashed and asked in a deep voice.

"Well, three days later, it will be the time for Yue Shifang to make a big trip!"

Just when the date of Yue Shifang's funeral was fixed, a fleet was floating quietly in the starry sky not far from the headquarters of the Yue family.

Simon Hao and pan Rumei did not go far, but stayed here, waiting for something.

At the moment, in the middle of the flagship, Simon Hao is frowning and asking, "are you sure he's really dead?"

"Of course, after touching his body, I went deep into his body in various ways, and there was no response, so I can be sure that he is dead!"

"But if you just go back to your life like this, the adults will not be satisfied." Simon Hao hesitated.

"Ha ha, you may have seen the situation at that time. The woman blocking the road was obviously very powerful. If we had an attack on the spot, it would be difficult for us to retreat completely. So I decided to withdraw temporarily. When he went to the funeral, we would follow him!"

"At that time, we can dig out his body, and no matter it's taken back for recovery or whatever, we have an account!" Pan said.

Simon Hao nodded, "that's all I have to do!"

At the same time, three days later, the news that Yue Shifang's funeral will be on his way spread all over the military.

Long Yushu sneered, "is it time at last? Well, when it comes to the funeral, I see how arrogant you are! "

Sima Chongchao didn't speak, but he was eager to try. He obviously intended to avenge the death of his hand that day.

As for other families, the reaction is naturally different.

In this case, three days passed quickly, and the day of Yue Shifang's funeral finally arrived.

The day started in the morning, and the guests kept coming and going.

Soon, the square in front of the Department was full of guests.

These people gathered in groups to discuss the upcoming funeral, and many people sighed.

"It's a pity that the hero of Yue Shifang I left so suddenly that even his own family was almost lost after he died!"

"Who said no? If it wasn't for the sudden return of Yue Guannan, the God of war of the former Yue family, the dragon family and Sima family might have started at that time!"

"Hiss, if you don't say this, I'll forget. Who could have thought that the God of war in Yue's family was actually a woman, and she was Yue Shifang's younger sister? It's amazing!"

"Ha ha, it's really a pity that a woman is a woman after all. Now that her wife's mansion is about to collapse, she can't support it alone!"

"What about the boy who led the soldiers of the Yue family to win the first place in martial arts? What about him? "

"You say that Xue an who doesn't know the origin? Although he has a set of military training, but his cultivation is too bad, even yueguannan is inferior. How can he resist the coveted eyes of the outside world? "

There are many voices of sympathy and exclamation among them. Naturally, there are also those with ulterior motives and schadenfreude.

All in all, the public opinion in the market is boiling, just like the food market.

At the same time, the crowd suddenly a commotion, because the long family can Sima family people have arrived.

Long Yushu and Sima Chongchao stand on their own side, obviously disdaining to stand with these people.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, the voice of discussion in the field immediately lowered a lot.

Who doesn't know that these two men are among the few experts in the military. If they are annoyed, they won't have their own good fruit to eat.

At this time, the family members of Gu family, Zhong Li family, Song family and so on came together.

In an instant, the situation reached its peak.

But the more it is, the quieter it is.

All of them closed their mouths and waited for the funeral.

Only those who are close to each other will quietly stand together and communicate with each other in a silent way.

Suddenly, I heard a gong ring from the Yue family, which was so desolate and pathetic.

It made all of you shiver.

Then he heard a uniform sound of footsteps, and a group of soldiers in heavy filial piety poured out from the gate of the Yue family.

After these soldiers came out, they immediately separated and waited in silence.

This kind of prestige also made the atmosphere in the field suddenly dignified.

Sima Chongchao curled his mouth and said with a sneer, "I've made a mystery!"

Long Yushu did not speak, but narrowed his eyes to look at these soldiers, with a look of greed in his eyes.

Because the evil spirit and power of these soldiers are obviously not ordinary elite.

If this can be used for oneself, it will certainly push the strength of the dragon family to a higher level.

Just as the two men were pregnant with each other, suddenly there was a dull drum sound from their in-law's family.

The drum sounds like beating on everyone's heart, which is very boring.

Many of the weaker people are slightly changed, can not help but back a little.

And at this time, just listen to the earth shaking sad drink.

"Good journey, master!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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