With this cry, in the atrium, someone lifted Yue Shifang's body from the coffin and put it into the coffin that had been prepared.

Then, 360 coffin bearers came forward in silence.

"Get up!"

With Xue an's deep drink, the huge coffin rises.

The coffin is like a hill. Naturally, it can't get out of the courtyard.

But it's hard for everyone to see that the people carrying the coffin flew up together, carrying the coffin into the air.

And this scene was also seen by people in the square outside.

"Hiss! It's a big battle, and it's the top bar of 360 people. It's amazing that the Yue family can get together! " Someone exclaimed.

But at this time, people paid more attention to the direction of the coffin and whether the family in law would let people follow.

Because if people are willing to follow, it means that Yue Shifang's cemetery will be open to the public.

But almost everyone thinks the family won't do that.

Because in that case, it is likely to attract the enemy's revenge.

After all, you can't stay in front of the grave all day.

But unexpectedly, Xue an, as a spirit guiding officer, just gave everyone a cold look, then raised his hand and pointed to the front.

"Let's go!"

At a command, 360 barbers followed Xue an's guidance and flew to the starry sky.

Then there are two girls, Yue Guannan and Yue Qinghuan.

There is no intention of blocking the whole process.

This is a big surprise to many people.

Long Yushu and Sima Chongchao looked at each other and immediately flew up, followed by them.

Gu forgets his career, Zhong Li and others are no exception.

For a time, eleven people from different families rose one after another, forming a vast funeral procession and marching towards the starry sky.

And when everyone moved together, Ximen Hao and pan ruomei, who were hiding in the void, were aware of it for the first time.

They didn't send out a large army, because it was too ostentatious.

I saw the two of them flying out of the fleet, quietly following the team, flying to the depth of the void.

The planet chosen by Xue an is not too far away from the home of his wife's family. If you use his speed, it will be half a day's journey at most.

But this time, because of the large number of people carrying the coffin, it took a whole day to arrive.

When people fall on the planet, many people are shocked by the extremely desolate scene here.

Because when people choose cemeteries, they usually choose beautiful places.

Who would look for such a desolate, dead planet?

Even all the people in the Yue family were shocked. Yue Hechang finally asked in a low voice, "Xue an, is this the owner's cemetery?"

Xue an nodded, "that's right! Don't you see? That's it in front of you! "

They looked in the direction Xue an pointed out, but saw a tomb standing alone in the boundless wilderness.

"This..." Yue and Chang are silly.

Because this tomb is too shabby.

A small tomb less than three meters in size is a stone tablet.

A few big characters were scribbled on the stone tablet.

The tomb of Yue Shifang.

There's nothing else.

Let alone Yue Hechang, there was an uproar among the people who came to the funeral.

Someone said in a strange voice: "at least I was a hero for a while, but I didn't expect to be so subdued after I died!"

"Who said no? I thought it would be such a grand tomb when I started to watch the funeral of my wife's family. I didn't expect that even an ordinary person would be inferior to me. It's really funny!"

"There must be some inside information. It's supposed to be lively now!"

Although the voices deliberately lowered the volume, many of them still floated to the ears of the people in law's family.

All the people in the Yue family felt red in the face and lowered their heads.

Because what the outside world said is really right!

Even Yue Junze, who worships Xue an most, can't help complaining.

Commander, what's the matter with you?

Why is the tomb of the master so shabby?

Many people are filled with cold.

You should know that Xue an left Yue's family when Yue Shifang just died. He had been busy outside for many days, but he handed over such a result.

No one would believe it if there were no tricks in it.

As a result, Xue an's prestige in the Yue family fell to the bottom.

Many people can't help lamenting.

Sure enough, people with the same surname just can't!

As soon as the head of the family died, he had a strange heart.

But Xue an didn't seem to notice the embarrassing eyes of the outside world. He said faintly: "the auspicious time has come. Let's bury it!"

Yue and Chang had a heart to say something, but it was no use saying anything now. So he could only reluctantly resist his inner indignation and said in a deep voice, "bury yourself!"

360 barbers came to the grave with coffins, but when they were buried, an accident happened again.

Because the tomb dug out on the ground was so narrow that it was impossible to put down the coffin smoothly.

But Yue and Chang couldn't help it. He came to Xue an with an iron face.

"Xue an, what's the matter? Why are graves so narrow? How is this buried? "

Xue an smiles, "is it small? Why don't I feel it? "

Yue and Chang suppressed his anger and said in a cold voice, "you can come and have a look!"

Xue an, two girls and Yue Guannan, Yue Qinghuan and others came to the tomb.

Sure enough.

What can be seen from the grave's eyes is much smaller.

This time, all the people of the Yue family set their eyes on Xue an.

Especially Yue Guannan, her eyes are as cold as ice, and she stares at Xue an instantly.

But Xue an said with a smile, "Oh, so it is! It's really a little small, but it's too late to reform now, or it's like this! How about erecting the coffin for burial? "

The whole audience was in an uproar.

Yue Hechang never dreamed that Xue an would give such a solution.

And wait for reaction to come over, see him all over fierce shake, hoarse shout a way.

"Xue... Xue an, is that what you say? I was asked to bury the owner's coffin upright. What's your peace of mind? "

"I don't have any heart. After all, it's the limit of my ability to dig out such a big grave. Now it's too late for temporary reconstruction. What should I do if I don't bury it upright?" Xue an light way.

Yue and Chang's teeth creak with blood. Now he just wants to beat Xue an.

But at this time, the two girls on one side suddenly said.

"Listen to him and bury him upright!"

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