"But..." Yue Hechang said hesitantly.

"Nothing but, just do as he says!" Two girls sink a way.

Yue Hechang's eyes were full of grief and indignation, but he could only turn around and wave his hand.

"Erect the coffin and bury it!"

Hearing this, there was a commotion among the family members, and many of them were not angry.

But under the pressure of the two girls, they didn't dare to say anything, so they had to hold their breath and began to work.

The coffin stood up slowly and then went down towards the grave.

Just at this time, among the crowd, someone suddenly said with a smile, "do you think it's like planting radish?"

This speech, the whole audience is a burst of low laughter.

The people of the Yue family lowered their heads and were full of shame and indignation.

But it's no use saying anything else.

Soon, the coffin was put into the tomb.

All the people of the Yue family knelt to the ground and watched the Loess bury the coffin.

All of a sudden, I heard Yue Hechang cry out, "go home, master!"

Then he kowtowed heavily to the ground.

The rest of the Yue family kowtowed, and the scene was moving.

Long Yushu looked at Sima Chongchao and said with a sneer, "do you want to do it now?"

Sima Chong chuckled, "wait a minute. After all, so many people are watching. Let them live a few more days. After the funeral is over, we can clean up the family!"

The words hit the heart of Long Yu Shu. He nodded, "OK, let's leave now!"

Then the longs and SIMAS left directly.

As soon as they left, the other families looked at each other, then shook their heads and left one after another.

Although Gu forgetting Ya of Gu family and song Yuze of Song family look at the sad looking Yue family, and they want to stop talking, they finally leave with a sigh,

After all, now that people have been buried, there is no reason for them to stay here.

Soon, the crowd of onlookers went clean.

Simon Hao and pan ruomei, hiding behind the crowd, fled into the void, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

They couldn't have left so easily. At least they had to take Yue Shifang's body back.

At this moment, Xue anchong and Yue Qinghuan said faintly: "let's go! The master-in-law is in peace, so go back! "

Yue Junze finally couldn't help it and asked in a voice: "don't you need to send someone to guard here? After all, so many people have seen the home owner's burial place. What if someone takes the opportunity to retaliate? "

This sentence also let many eyes focus on Xue an.

But with the previous full of awe and appreciation of the expression is different, this time in the eyes of a lot of cold color.

Seems to be waiting for Xue an's answer.

To this, Xue an just a faint smile, "you don't have to worry about this, and first don't say that no one will come here to look for trouble, it is true, I can guard here!"

But although he said so, there are still many people worried.

For example, Yue Guannan, who had not spoken during the whole funeral, suddenly went down in a deep voice.

"I'll stay, too!"

This proposal is just in line with the wishes of Yue Hechang and others. They immediately nodded.

"Good! It would be great if commander Yue could stay and guard! "

When they spoke, they made the tone of these three words full of irony.

To this, Xue an just a smile, as if did not hear the same.

"Good! Since Miss Guannan is willing to stay, please stay! "

Soon, the family left.

Only Xue an and Yue Guannan were left in the wilderness.

Yue Guannan took a deep look at Xue an, but did not speak. Instead, he found a leeward position and sat down and began to wait silently.

But Xue an didn't seem to notice her indifference, so he took the initiative to get up, and then sat down.


There was a silence on the other side.

"If you don't say it, you'll drink it!"

With that, Xue an threw out a tea table, which was full of all kinds of tea sets.

After a while, jujube red flames rose from the small stove, and the roasted teapot gave off a strong aroma.

The green tea is poured into the white porcelain cup, forming a strong sense of beauty.

Xue an pushed the teacup to Yue Guannan and said with a smile, "have a taste! It's delicious! "

But Yue Guannan didn't look at the teacup on the table at all. Instead, he looked at Xue an coldly.

Xue an was not moved, but still had a brilliant smile.

After a long time, Yue Guannan whispered, "I really want to know what kind of secret you are hiding!"

"Oh? Why do you say that? " Xue an sipped a cup of tea and said with a smile.

"It's very simple, because you must have made some kind of deal with the second girl and even Yue Qinghuan, otherwise they would not cooperate with you so much!"

Xue an laughed and said nothing.

"But the problem lies in this. What kind of transaction can make them ignore the reputation of Yue Shifang and the whole Yue family, or... Yue Shifang is not dead at all?"

Yue Guannan said coldly, but as soon as she finished, she shook her head in self denial.

"But it's impossible, because I've confirmed that he is dead and can't die any more!"

Xue an then put down his tea cup and said with a smile, "is the answer to the truth so important to you?"

"Of course!"

"Then drink tea and wait, because soon all the answers will be revealed!"

After hearing Xue an's words, Yue Guannan finally picked up the tea cup in front of him and sipped it slowly.

There is no sign of activity on the planet except for the raging winds.

And Xue an and Yue Guannan are drinking tea in silence.

This scene was also seen by Simon Hao and pan ruomei, who were hiding in the void.

They communicate with each other quietly through the mind.

"Now what? This evil woman has stayed behind to guard. Do you want to do it now? " Simon asked.

Pan Rumei's face is as deep as water. "Don't act rashly first. Compared with this woman, how do I think this man is more profound?"

"He? It's just an immortal. No matter how powerful it is, where can it be? " Simon said.

But at this time, Xue an sighed, "the wind is really blowing a little noisy, blowing away the fragrance of tea!"

With that, he snapped his fingers.

There was a crack.

The wind stopped and the clouds stopped, and the whole world was quiet.

Simon opened his mouth wide.

Because this hand is extremely beautiful, although he can do it, it is far from as smart as Xue an is now.

Pan Rumei glanced at him. "Now?"

Simon Hao touched his chin awkwardly. "I think there's no time limit for the tasks that the anti justice people have to explain, so it's OK to wait a little bit! After all, they can't wait here indefinitely. As soon as they leave, it's not too late for us to start again! "

"Ha ha!" Pan Rumei rolled her eyes and stopped talking.

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