At the same time, the headquarters of his wife's family was shrouded in a gloomy situation.

The owner of the family fell, and the Yue family, who had lost the super strong guard, was like duckweed in the wind.

Now, combined with Xue an's "sudden backwater" and the ambiguous attitude of the two girls, the future of the Yue family has become bleak.

At least the hearts of Yue Hechang, Yue Junze and others became heavy.

"Junze!" Yue Hechang said in a deep voice.


"Now that there is no one available for the Yue family, Xue an is no longer reliable, and everything is up to us. So I declare that from now on, the Yue family will enter a state of martial law, and everyone will have to work hard, understand!"

"Yes Yue Junze responded with awe.

Then Yue and Chang left in a hurry.

Because there are too many things for him to deal with now.

Even in just a few days, Yue Hechang, who was well maintained, had a few beautiful hair on his temples.

And it's not just him, all the men in law's family are now ready for the worst.

Because they know that the next test will be more severe.

Sure enough.

In the past three days, I heard that someone came back in a hurry.

"Elder Baoyue!"

"What's the matter?" Yue Hechang asked immediately.

"I just found that the fleet of the dragon family and Sima family appeared in the void before fenmai!"


Hearing the news, everyone was shocked.

Yue Hechang rose abruptly, "can you see clearly? Are you sure it's from the long family and the Sima family? "

"How dare you joke about such a small thing? I'm sure they're from the long family and the Sima family. There's a water curtain image here. "

Yue and Chang immediately waved his hand, and the water curtain image opened.

Sure enough.

Just in the vast space, there are two fierce fleets. The two flagship ships are engraved with the insignia of the dragon family and the Sima family.

Yue Hechang's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He gritted his teeth and said, "long Yushu, Sima Chongchao, you are really evil minded!"

Yue Junze then said in a deep voice: "father, do you want us to fight now?"

"Don't worry." Yue Hechang stopped Yue Junze and said in a deep voice.

"The people of the long family and the Sima family are obviously trying. They just want us to lose our composure and take the lead."

"Then what? Do we just watch the fleets of their two families dangling in front of our own houses? " Yue Junze was furious.

Yue Hechang pondered for a moment, and then said in a cold voice, "come on, let's go to the door with me to explore the real and the false!"

At the first order, dozens of elders enthusiastically signed up.

"I'll go!"

"Count me in!"

"Damn it, the dragon family and Sima family are deceiving people too much. They are fighting with them!"

"Good! Come with me

Yue and Chang immediately flew to the void.

Many elders followed.

The whole process did not disturb the two girls in the backyard.

Because in Yue Hechang's opinion, the two girls who were ambiguous at the funeral were obviously unreliable.

At present, the disaster faced by the Yue family still depends on the people with the surname Yue.


They came to the void before the pulse.

Sure enough.

Not far in front of the void, there are two huge fleets are swaggering around.

Yue Hechang's face became more and more ugly.

Because this kind of behavior is just like playing with knives and guns in front of your house. It's an extremely serious provocation.

But he still managed to suppress his anger, stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "Yue Hechang, elder of the Yue family, is here to wait for the master of the long family and the master of the Sima family!"

The voice spread out in a divine way.

Soon, there was a light on the front two flagship ships, but long Yushu and Sima Chongchao didn't show up, just responded in a cold voice.

"Oh? It's elder Yue Hechang. Why? What can I do for you It's long Yushu.

As for Sima Chongchao, he just sneered, but did not speak.

This kind of behavior is already naked discrimination. After all, it was their provocation first. Now they ask Yue Hechang what's the matter.

Yue Hechang's eyelids beat wildly for a few times, but he still managed to calm down.

"But I don't know what they want to do before they come to my wife's house to divide their relationship?"

"Ha ha! That's not what elder Yue said! "

With the voice, a virtual image appeared on the flagship of the dragon family. It was the long Yushu with a sneer on his face.

"Our two families are just doing routine exercises and training soldiers. How can we go to your mother-in-law's house and make a detour?"

When this remark came out, all the people in the Yue family were angry one after another.

This is no longer a rhetorical argument. It's just a lie.

Yue Hechang finally couldn't help it. After several sneers, he raised his head and asked.

"Oh? Routine exercises? It's a coincidence. As soon as my master left, did you come to my Yue's house as a routine

"What do you mean in front of the Yue family? This void is a land of no owner, and we have never stepped into the realm of your wife's family! " Long Yushu said in a cold voice.

Yue Hechang stopped it.

Because what long Yushu said is true.

Although the fleets of the two families had been circling before the division of the Yue family, they did not enter the Yue family's airspace.

Yue Hechang's face is already black.

He was more irritated by the naked insult than by the provocation.

If it is possible, he really wants to attack now and defeat the fleets of these two countries at one stroke.

But reason told him it was impossible.

Because the strength of long Yushu and Sima Chongchao is far better than their own.

So he could only reluctantly put the boiling gas and blood pressure in his heart and said in a cold voice, "so that's it. Please help yourself. I hope your drill will be a perfect success, but there's something I want to say in advance!"

After a pause, Yue and Chang said: "if you dare to step into the Yue family, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Ha ha!" Long Yushu sneered and said nothing. At the same time, he scattered the virtual image on the top of the ship, and really began to practice.

Yue Hechang stood in the same place and looked coldly. At the same time, he whispered to Yue Junze behind him: "Junze, go back now and transfer all the minors in the family to the training ground immediately!"

Yue Junze was stunned and immediately understood something. He said in a sad and indignant tone: "father, you'd better go and give it to me here!"

"Asshole, you can do whatever I ask you to do. What role can you play in guarding here? Get out of here Yue Hechang suddenly burst into a rage and roared in a low voice.

Helpless, Yue Junze nodded to Yue Hechang with tears in his eyes, then turned and left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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