As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became stagnant.

Xue an, or Taotie, grinned.

Laughter, a mighty momentum straight to pan Rumei.

Pan Rumei also laughed.

It's just that when she smiles, the power that originally came to her directly dissipates in the invisible.

The teapot and cup in front of the back burst directly, and the hot tea mixed with porcelain pieces went straight to Taotie and yueguannan.

Taotie opened his mouth and swallowed all the attacks in one bite.

Pan ruomei's eyes flashed slightly, and then sneered, "ancient fierce beast gluttonous? Unfortunately, it's just a minor. It's not a threat. "

With the voice, Ximen Hao has quietly appeared after Taotie, and then fell.

Taotie roared, sidestepped to avoid the blow, and then tangled with ximenhao.

Pan ruomei snorted coldly, then the fog dispersed, and she was about to drag Taotie into the dreamland.

Under the attack of two phases, the situation of Taotie is in a critical moment.

At this critical moment, Yue Guannan suddenly raised his hand and cut off his finger.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the mist was cut in half in an instant. Pan ruomei snorted and stepped back a few steps, with a look of shock on her face.

"Yue Guannan, what do you mean?"

Yueguan's face was as white as paper, but he had no expression. He just said coldly, "no matter who he is, it's not your turn to teach him!"

Pan ruomei was furious, "then you go to die together!"

Then she launched a strong attack on Yue Guannan.

Yue Guannan was not moved, but only at the critical moment.

But often such a move will force pan ruomei to retreat, making her unable to save.

This kind of situation makes pan ruomei roar repeatedly, completely without the previous soft temperament.

"Yue Guannan, I don't believe you can carry on like this all the time. You and this guy will die sooner or later!"

Yue Guannan's face is more and more pale, because every move she makes is actually burning her own life.

But she is still like a monument, will pan ruomei firmly block out.

The situation has fallen into a stalemate, but both pan Ruohan and Yue Guannan are very clear that if the situation continues like this.

Then the ultimate loser must be Yue Guannan.

Even Taotie understood this, so he kept roaring, trying to beat ximenhao and turn to deal with pan ruomei together.

But it backfired. Although Simon Hao's strength was not as good as pan ruomei's, he was not as good as Taotie.

In this case, no matter how angry or anxious Taotie is, he can only be dragged into the abyss of bitter struggle.

And just as the outside world is fighting hard, in the deep core of the planet, Yue Shifang, who is healing, has come to a critical moment.

However, countless auras poured into Yue Shifang's body like a turbulent tide, and the speed was so fast that a whirlpool formed around Yue Shifang's body.

Cha Wenliang's face was dignified. "The most critical moment is coming soon. Are you nervous?"

Xue an light smile, "what's so nervous."

"But why am I so nervous all of a sudden?"

"That's because you're still too upset."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a crackle.

Cha Wenliang raised his eyes and looked at Yue Shifang in the red stove.

Because it was Yue Shifang's body that made the sound.

At the same time, all the liquid medicine in the Dan stove instantly evaporated into fog, covering Yue Shifang as a whole.

The huge energy makes the core of the whole planet vibrate slightly.

"Did it work?" Chawenliang's quivering voice.

Xue an's eyes were cold, "it should be successful!"

Sure enough.

When the fog gradually dispersed, but see the red light of Yue Shi convenient appeared in front of them.

At the moment, he is full of spirit and clear vision, where there is the decadent image before.

Even he couldn't believe it. He looked down at his hand and said to Xue an with a smile.

"It feels good!"

Xue an also laughed, "of course not bad, after all, you have successfully passed the first level!"

Yue Shifang nodded, then looked up at the space above.


Xue an light way: "needless to say, I already know, but now is not the time to manage these, the top priority is to cure your body injury, otherwise once miss this opportunity, may never have a chance!"

Yue ten respects color dignified nod, "understand, that now hurry to start!"

Xue an looks at Cha Wenliang.

Chawenliang reached out and took out a small bottle from his arms, licked his dry lips, "good luck to you!"

Then he threw the small bottle to Yue Shifang.

Yue Shifang took it. When he opened it, it was a mediocre pill.

It's the elixir that Xue an refined before that can complete the soul.

At that time, two pieces were made, one of which was tested, and this one was specially reserved for Yue Shifang.

Without hesitation, Yue Shifang swallowed it.

When the pill into the abdomen of the moment, the majestic power suddenly, instantly activated the whole cave rune.

When the golden light flashed, he began to cover the momentum of Yue Shifang.

Yue Shifang closed his eyes to meditate, and his momentum rose steadily.

The rune patterns associated with the whole cave are also more and more bright.

Chawenliang's nervous body was shaking.

Because this is the goal he pursued all his life. If Yue Shifang really recovers, it means that his research is a complete success.

Xue an looked at it without moving.

With his keen mind, we can naturally feel that Yue Shifang's wounded and extremely weak soul is strengthening a little bit.

After reaching a critical point, there was a loud noise in Yue Shifang's body.

With this sound, the whole core of the planet, and even the whole planet began to shake up.

Such a change naturally also shocked Yue Guannan, pan ruomei and others who were fighting outside.

I saw that they were separated and looked at the shaking wilderness around them in surprise.

"What's the matter? Isn't this planet dead? Why are there earthquakes? " Pan ruomei asked.

It seems to be to answer her question. As soon as her voice fell, in Yue Shifang's tomb, a strong and unimaginable breath rose to the sky.

But before the breath broke out of the atmosphere, the rune hidden on the surface of the whole planet was activated, and a dazzling light curtain was formed, which directly blocked the breath.

Pan ruomei was so frightened that she suddenly realized something. She screamed, "no, he's not dead at all. Instead, he's taking the opportunity to heal. Let's go and report to the adults!"

The one who responded faster than her shouts was Simon ho. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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