Even as soon as the light curtain started, ximenhao turned into a streamer and ran out of the starry sky.

But it's too late.

After passing this critical node, Yue Shifang's soul was finally completely replenished.

He opened his eyes slowly under the ground.

Bright eyes, full of endless power.

Then he stepped out in one step.


Along with his step, the whole planet cracked a huge gap, and then he appeared in the outer sky.

After seeing his figure, Yue Guannan, who was already on the verge of collapse, chuckled and immediately fell back.

No other.

It's because she's so tired.

The cost of overdrawing one's life after another is heavy.

But before she landed, Yue Shiyi appeared beside her and hugged her.

Looking at this familiar face, Yue Guannan's eyes were red and tears fell down.

Yue Shifang chuckled and wiped away the tears from her eyes.

"Well, don't cry. I'll take care of it next."

In the soft voice, the majestic energy suddenly poured into Yue Guannan's body, making up for her lost life.

Yue Guannan was surprised.

Is this the strength of my brother after his complete recovery?

It's incredible!

But this is just the beginning.

As soon as Yue Shifang grasped it, Ximen Hao, who was already able to escape from the planet, felt a huge force coming from behind.

He didn't even have time to make a sound, so he was dragged back by Sheng Sheng.

When he saw Yue Shifang standing not far away, his momentum was like a raging wave, Ximen Hao's teeth began to fight.

In fact, it's not just him. Pan ruomei is no better than him.

Even because of her strength, she can understand Yue Shifang's strength better than Ximen Hao.

It is a kind of existence beyond the way of heaven.

And this sign also means that he has gone beyond the realm of saints to a realm that no mortal can understand.

This realm is also called supreme!

When aware of this, pan ruomei instantly extinguished all the thoughts of resistance in her heart and knelt down straightly.

Because as an adult, she knows better than anyone what Taishang means.

If saints represent the world's top fighting power, then the supreme is enough to deter all forces.

Because once this state is reached, it can not be eliminated unless the same level exists.

So she was very obedient, kneeling down and kowtowing.

"Little girl pan ruomei, welcome the return of the master-in-law!"

Seeing her doing so, Simon Hao immediately knelt down without hesitation.

Looking at the two people kneeling on the ground, Yue Shifang's eyes were not sad or happy.

"He sent you?"

"Yes! My Lord has ordered us to see if you are really dead! " Pan ruomei replied honestly.

"Ha ha!" Yue Shifang said with a smile, "he is really cautious!"

Pan ruomei didn't dare to say a word.

Because this kind of thing involves the existence of the top, she does not even have the qualification to intervene.

"What else did he order?"

"My Lord also said that if you are really dead, you will take your body back!"

There was a chill in Yue Shifang's eyes.

No matter how well his self-cultivation is, he will always have boundless anger in the face of his opponent who has hurt himself and suffered for thousands of years.

It was this cool color that filled pan ruomei and ximenhao's heart.

But they didn't even dare to beg for mercy.

Because they have been with adults for a long time, they have understood that in the eyes of these beings, they are actually the same as the mortals, they are all like ants.

At the same time, Xue an, Cha Wenliang and AO Shu also flew out of the huge crack.

When he came to the back of Yue Shifang, Yue Shifang asked, "Xue an, what do you think you should do with these two people?"

As soon as the words came out, the two men immediately looked at Xue an with infinite pleading eyes.

Xue an, however, seemed not to see it and gave a cool smile.

"Isn't it up to you? If they can, let them go. If they can't... "

Although I didn't say the following words, the meaning is obvious.

Yue Shifang nodded, "I see!"

Then he waved his hand.

Pan ruomei and Ximen Hao didn't even hum. They disintegrated into the purest vermicelli powder and then dispersed with the wind.

The whole process is not even bloody, easy freehand as if there is an invisible hand to completely erase it.

And when they were wiped out, Yue Shifang stepped down.

At the foot of the moment appeared numerous cracks, and extended to the distance.

In an instant, the runes on the surface of the whole planet directly disintegrated.

Without the blockade of Fuzhen, Yue Shifang's momentum went straight to the world and shook the galaxy.

Xue an watched quietly.

He knows exactly what Yue Shifang is doing.

This is to announce his return to the whole sky.

At the same time, they are demonstrating to their former opponents.

Sure enough.

Just in a moment, the void suddenly began to tremble, and then an indescribable existence opened his eyes slowly in the boundless space, and looked coldly at Yue Shifang.

This is a kind of mysterious feeling similar to the virtual image but real existence.

And just be swept up by this eye, Cha Wenliang and AO Shu involuntarily indulge in them.

Only Xue an snorted and barely kept awake.

At this time, Yue Shifang suddenly gave a sneer.

"Now that I have returned, do you still allow yourself to be presumptuous here?"

With the voice, Yue Shifang reached into the void. By the time he reached for the eye, his hand had become as big as the sun and the moon. Then he held it in his hand.


After a dull sound, the eye broke.

Vaguely, it seems that there is a shrill howl in some immeasurable dimension.

But Yue Shifang was not moved at all. At the same time, he looked at the void coldly.

"Don't worry. It's just the beginning. The hatred ten thousand years ago will come to an end."

Words fall, everything dissipates, recovery as before.

Then Yue Shifang turned his head and looked at Xue an, Cha Wenliang and others, with a smile on his face.

"The business here has been dealt with. Come home with me!"

"Good!" Xue an nodded.

But this time, Yue Shifang did not fly back as before. Instead, with a wave of his hand, Xue an and others were coerced by a soft radiance.

"Sit down!"

After that, the emptiness in front of us suddenly rippled, and then everyone disappeared in the same place.

And in the moment after they disappeared, the planet would vanish without a sound.

It's like it never existed.

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