The Yue family is divided into two families.

As long Yushu expected, after these days of confrontation, the original exuberant spirit of the people of the Yue family really dissipated a lot, and their hearts began to stir.

In fact, Yue and Chang had expected this situation.

But helpless, he is faced with a situation of almost no solution.

The other side has been hovering around the door, you can't just sit by and ignore it!

So he had to keep the whole family on alert.

The result is that the strings that are too tight tend to relax first.

In this regard, Yue and Chang can only let people rotate on duty, hoping to delay the emergence of this state as far as possible.

As for this situation, and all the efforts made by Yue and Chang, long Yushu saw it in his eyes.

At the moment, he stood in front of the porthole with a cup of mellow wine in his hand, looking at the soldiers of the Yue family defending in the distant void, and a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Is the time ripe? How long do we have to wait like this? " Sima Chongchao came near and asked impatiently.

"Ha ha!" Long Yushu laughed, drank the wine in the cup, and then said in a deep voice.

"Give me orders, prepare to attack!"


At the command, the fleet belonging to the dragon family immediately began to take action.

But Sima Chongchao also couldn't help but be happy when he saw this scene, and then he also ordered: "Sima's family work together!"

In an instant, the whole fleet formed a battle formation, and then rushed to the front of the Yue camp.

The whole process is very long, in fact, it takes no more than three minutes.

In the face of the sudden attack on the fleet, Yue Hechang, who is responsible for guarding the fleet, was also surprised. But immediately he calmed down and yelled.

"Don't panic, stand firm and get ready to fight!"

His calmness calmed the restless crowd that had been disturbed by the enemy attack.

Then Yue and Chang took the lead and stood in the front of the team. Facing the two fleets, his face was like a waterway: "really, I can't help it? Then go to war! "

The distance between the two sides was not very far, so as soon as Yue and Chang's words came to an end, they heard a loud bang, and the fleet hit the fortifications built by Yue's family.

The curtain of light on the fortification was shining, but the next second it was smashed by the fleet, and it came straight to Yue Hechang and others.

Many people were shocked and even trembled.

Because the momentum of this attack is too great.

But at this moment, Yue and Chang roared up to the sky.

"Give it back!"

With the words, his whole body's essence and blood began to burn, and his powerful power turned into a wave of extremely terrifying attacks, hitting the first dragon flagship.

Standing in front of the porthole, long Yushu could not help sneering after seeing the blow.

"How stupid! Do you want to shake my flagship with flesh and blood? "

Sure enough.

When Yue Hechang's attack hit the Dragon flagship, it only damaged a few pieces of armor.

In addition, the flagship did not even slow down by half a minute.

Seeing this scene, many people in the wife's family were even more frightened.

As for Yue Hechang, he couldn't fight with all his strength. At that time, he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and his body was like a withered leaf in the wind.

But even so, he still stood firmly in the same place, said in a weak but extremely firm tone.

"Don't panic. Hold your ground. Otherwise, once you retreat, you will all fail!"

The tragedy in this sentence has infected many people.

Although people have the heart to survive and hate death, there are still brave people who are not afraid of death at this critical moment.

Therefore, in a flash, dozens of Guanghua rose from the camp behind Yue Hechang, forming another wave of powerful attacks and hurling towards the fleet.


There was another heavy noise.

This time, the Dragon flagship swayed a little.

But that's all.

This huge ship is really like an ancient fierce beast, charging towards the crowd with a frightening attitude.

Just as many people were despairing, a deep drink came from behind.

"Don't panic, I'm coming!"

"And me!"

"And me!"

With a cry, Yue Hechang and all the people on the scene turned to look.

But see Yue Junze led all the young people of the Yue family are coming here.

Seeing this, Yue and Chang almost spat out another mouthful of blood, and immediately yelled, "what are you doing here? Let's go, let's go

Hearing his father's cry, Yue Junze said with a smile: "father, how can you attach hair without skin? If the Yue family fails in this battle, what's the point of us surviving? It's better to have a good fight. It's not a loss of my husband's reputation! "

"Yes! Mr. Yue, we all think so! "

"That's right!"

The youths behind Yue Junze answered one after another.

Looking at these young but heroic faces, Yue and Chang felt that his nose was sour and nearly shed tears.

"You silly children

When Yue Junze arrived, the soldiers of the Yue family, who had been in despair, also got a boost and recovered some of the decline on the battlefield.

And this scene makes long Yushu hum coldly.

He didn't expect that his wife's family would play such a game.

"But that's good. It's just the right way to wipe you out!" Long Yushu said with a grim smile, then waved his hand.

"Full speed

The whole fleet boomed and began to speed up, rolling towards Yue Hechang and others.

Yue Hechang, Yue Junze and others made concerted efforts and roared out their most powerful forces. They gathered together to form a wave of attacks and rushed towards the fleet.


This time, I finally heard some different sounds. There were several deep cracks on the flagship of the dragon family, and the speed slowed down.

But before everyone in the Yue family was lucky, Sima's flagship, which followed the dragon's flagship, speeded up and rolled over again.

Inside, Sima Chongchao said with a strange smile: "it's useless. In the face of absolute strength, all the struggles are futile. You'd better admit your life!"

But as soon as his voice fell, he saw two lights suddenly rising from the headquarters of the Yue family, and came to the field in an instant, standing in the front of the Yue family.

It's two girls and Yue Qinghuan.

Their appearance also made Yue Hechang, Yue Junze and others stunned.

Because since they came back from the funeral, they have locked themselves in the backyard and never showed up again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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