This confrontation with the long family and the Sima family, although Yue and Chang mentioned it to the two girls several times, there has been no response.

At that time, everyone thought that the two girls and Yue Qinghuan must have been too sad because of the death of their master, so they hid and ignored the world.

So even at this critical moment, Yue and Chang did not disturb them.

But they didn't expect to show up on their own initiative.

"Two girls, you..." Yue Hechang was a little surprised.

Two girls light smile, "at this time of crisis, as the people of the law, how can we be absent?"

Then she nodded to Yue Qinghuan.

"Let's go!"


They immediately flew up, pulled out a light curtain in the air, and rushed to the flagship of Sima's family.

When Sima Chongchao saw them through the porthole, he couldn't help looking greedy.

"Hehe, it seems that there is no one in the Yue family. They let two women go to war! But do you think such a thin light curtain can stop me? How naive

With that, Sima Chongchao urged his flagship.

The ship shuddered, then burst out a terrible momentum and rushed forward.

The speed is so fast that it even makes a sharp sound of breaking the air.

"Two girls, get out of the way!" Yue Hechang could not help exclaiming.

But the two girls and Yue Qinghuan were not moved at all, but the brilliance in their eyes was more prosperous, and the light curtain also became thicker.

When the two collided, the light curtain lasted only one second, and then broke like glass.

Two girls and Yue Qinghuan snorted together, and they were shaken back hundreds of feet, but they were not discouraged, and then they began to cultivate all over again.

In a flash, another light curtain appeared.

"Ha ha ha, it's useless. You two should surrender! As long as you are willing to commit yourself to me, I can spare your lives! "

Sima Chongchao's crazy laughter came from the ship.

Hearing this, Yue Hechang and many men in law all showed the color of humiliation.

Because the two girls and Yue Qinghuan are the wives of the Yue family, but now they are being teased in public, which is equivalent to slapping everyone in the face.

"Do it together, fight with them!" Yue Hechang roared indignantly.

All the people of the Yue family immediately flew up and stood behind the light curtain constructed by the two girls and Yue Qinghuan. Then they burned up their accomplishments and made up for the light curtain.


This is equivalent to that all the people in the Yue family are building a human wall with their own lives.

Sima Chongchao saw this, but he laughed more arrogantly.

"It's really a touching spirit of sacrifice. Unfortunately, no matter how strong the spirit is, it can't change your destiny that you are about to perish!"

"Today is the day when your wife's family is completely removed from the twelve Branches of the military family!"

With Sima Chongchao's words, the flagship rushed towards the light curtain and the crowd with crazy speed.

All the faces of the family in law looked like death.

But the moment the flagship was about to hit the light curtain.

All of a sudden, Sima Chongchao felt the ship trembling at his feet, and then he was blown out by an indescribable force.

you 're right!

The huge flagship, which looked like a mountain, rolled and flew out.

It happened so fast that no one responded, and the ship had already gone a long way.

Then it began to disintegrate in mid air.

This sudden scene dazzled everyone.

What's going on?

Only two girls and Yue Qinghuan suddenly thought of something and immediately looked up.

And at this time, but see Sima Chongchao in a mess from the broken flagship flying out, and then hysterical roar.

"Who! Who's actually sneaking in? "

The voice was filled with infinite anger.

But just as his roar fell, a cold and indifferent voice came behind him.

"Why is Sima's master so angry?"

Although the voice is not big, it is clear and accurate into the presence of everyone's ears.

Everyone's eyes open in an instant.

Especially in the Yue camp, there are many people shaking uncontrollably.

Because the sound... Is so familiar.

But the most violent reaction was Sima Chongchao, who was shocked all over, and then turned around slowly.

When he saw the familiar figure, his pupils contracted to the size of a needle tip, and a ghost like look appeared on his face.

"How... How possible! Aren't you dead? "

you 're right!

It was Yue Shifang who came back from the dead.

He said with a faint smile, "yes, I'm dead, but some people don't seem ready to let go of my family, so I'm alive again!"

Sima Chongchao felt that his whole body was cold and his heart was trembling.

Because he was shocked to find that although Yue Shifang just stood there, he completely suppressed his power.

Moreover, this kind of suppression is also a kind of extremely unreasonable suppression.

Even if they uphold the law of heaven, they have no power to fight back.

This feeling, he only felt in some unspeakable existence.

At this point, an idea flashed through his mind.

And it was this thought that made his face turn pale instantly.

"You... You..."

You've spent a long time, but you can't even say a complete word.

Yue Shifang said with a faint smile, "master Sima seems very excited. Is it because I'm happy to see my injury healed?"

As soon as he said this, Sima Chongchao stood there.

At the same time, a flash of light suddenly flew out of the dragon's flagship in the distance, and then fled to the distance with the speed of lightning.

Yue Shifang looked at it with a smile. He didn't seem to worry at all. He waited until the light was about to fly out of sight.

"Master long, why don't you leave without saying goodbye?"

With that, he stamped his foot.

"Come back!"

Just two words, long Yushu, who has escaped hundreds of millions of miles, feels a flower in front of his eyes, and then appears in front of Yue Shifang.

This incredible scene immediately confirmed their conjecture.

Because as quasi saints, even saints can't play them lightly.

Only the existence above the sage can do this.

At this point, they immediately gave up all the resistance and stood in place.

As for other people, they are completely stupid. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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