Yue and Chang could not stop shaking, "the master of the house, he... He..."

He didn't say a complete word for a long time.

On the contrary, the two girls on one side took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "his injury has healed!"

The tone sounds very calm, but the tears in her eyes have already explained everything!

At the same time, not only them, but also the whole family of his in law is a clamor.

"The owner is back!"

"The master of the house is alive!"

"Home owner..."

Many people cried with joy.

Without him, it was too depressing in the past.

The sudden departure of Yue Shifang casts a shadow on the future of the whole Yue family.

There are even many people who are confused and think that the Yue family will never come out again.

But unexpectedly, when everyone was in despair, the owner of the house came back again.

He not only came back, but also healed the injuries that had been moving along for thousands of years, and appeared in front of the public in his heyday.

How can this not make the Yue family moved, excited and happy.

But this is what happens in the world. Some people are happy, others are worried.

For example, the members of the long family and Sima family are now in great panic.

They were originally following the family leader to fight against the Yue family.

Before they set out, they signed up enthusiastically for fear of losing the election.

The reason for this is that they all believe that there is no doubt that the Yue family will die.

So this expedition must be easy. Maybe I can make some profit.

At first, as they expected, everything went well.

But unexpectedly, seeing that the defense of his wife's family was about to be broken down, the situation suddenly changed dramatically.

Yue Shifang, who had fallen before, came back suddenly and easily subdued the owner of his family.

Looking at the trembling stand in the void, even the head did not dare to raise their own owners.

How can these people not live with cold and fear to die!

Just as the whole scene was boiling, several figures crossed the battlefield and appeared around Yue Shifang.

Xue an was the first to appear, followed by cha Wenliang and AO Shu.

I saw them.

A lot of people suddenly realized.

Needless to say, Yue Shifang must have been cured by them.

But the question is, how did they do it?

Just when they were in a state of consternation, Yue Shifang gave Xue an a smile, then raised his hand and pointed to long Yushu and Sima Chongchao.

"Xue an, how do you think I should deal with them?"

Many people have a tremor in their heart.

The master-in-law asked Xue an's advice in soft language. We can imagine how important Xue an was in his mind.

Long Yushu and Sima Chongchao trembled, then looked at Xue an with begging eyes.

Because they know very well that all their life and fortune are now in one sentence of this young man.

Xue an slightly raised her eyebrows, did not answer Yue Shifang's words directly, but said lightly.

"I'd like to ask you a question before I answer the question!"

"Oh? What's the problem? " Yue Shifang spoke with great interest.

"Now that your strength has recovered, what are you going to do next?"

Yue Shifang's eyes were shining. "What do you mean by this?"

"It's very simple. Are you going to stay in a corner and take charge of the family or..."

Xue settled down, with a faint light in his eyes. "Or do you plan to forge ahead and unify the whole army?"

This is a bold statement.

But Xue an said it in front of everyone.

After asking, Xue an looks at Yue Shifang coldly, waiting for his answer.

There are also many people watching Yue Shifang.

Because people want to know the answer.

Yue Shifang was stunned at first. It seems that he didn't expect Xue an to ask himself that, but he immediately gave a smile.

"If I'm going to be in a corner, how can I say it? If I'm going to be enterprising, how can I say it?"

"It's very simple. If you plan to stay in a corner, you can let them go now. After all, after this battle, they will know your strength very well, and no one will dare to provoke you from then on!"

"And if you are going to forge ahead and unify the twelve Branches of the army..."

Xue an sneered, "then they are the best flag objects!"

Yue Shifang couldn't help laughing when these three words came out.

"Good! What a sacrifice. I'll tell you the answer now! "

The words fall, see Yue Shifang handle a little bit of void in front of. Long Yushu and Sima Chongchao have a bad idea. In their infinite panic, they urge them to send out the most powerful force and turn around to run away. But all struggle in front of absolute strength is futile. I just heard two dull sounds. Long Yushu and Sima Chongchao had a big bloody hole in their eyebrows, and then the luster in their eyes quickly faded. In the blink of an eye, the power of the two men dissipated and turned into nothing. Because with Yue Shifang's understatement, their knowledge of the sea has been completely defeated. In other words, their spirits have been completely destroyed, leaving only their bodies on the ground. At this point, the spirits of long Yushu and Sima Chongchao were destroyed. The whole room was as quiet as death. Because no one thought that the master of the family, the quasi Saint level, could not even block the move of Yue Shifang, so he fell. What terrible situation has Yue Shifang's strength reached? In particular, the people of the long family and the Sima family were trembling and frightened after seeing this scene“ Is the answer satisfactory? " Yue Shifang said with a smile. Xue an nodded and then laughed. "In fact, I knew you would choose this way for a long time. I just want these two guys to die more clearly."“ What are these people going to do with it? " Yue Shifang looked at the opposite fleet again“ What do you think? " Xue an came forward and said“ Kill them all, they will lose their own strength, but if they don't punish them, they won't be enough to convince the public, so I decided to play a game! "“ oh What game? " Xue an asked“ Randomly draw one out of ten people, and the one who draws will die! What do you think? " Yue Shifang said with a smile. But his smile fell in the eyes of the long family and Sima family, but it was extremely terrible. In fact, no matter who hears that he has become a lamb to be slaughtered, he will not feel that the other party's smile is very beautiful. Xue an thought seriously for a moment, then nodded, "I think it's OK!"“ Well, let's start now! " www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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