With that, Yue Shifang snapped his fingers.


After a crisp sound, I heard the cries of fear coming from the ships of Sima's family and long's family.

Because at this moment, the heads of many people in the crowd burst.

Brain mixed with blood splashed around people, their faces were as pale as snow.

What's more, the random death continues.

No one knows whether the haze of death will come to him in the next second.

This practice has undoubtedly brought great psychological pressure to these people.

Especially when people who are just alive suddenly burst their heads in front of you and fall down one after another.

No matter how brave you are, you will tremble all over.


The nightmare is over.

Look at these two fleets. They are already bleeding.

The survivors had no heart of resistance at all. They fell on their knees and worshipped Yue Shifang in order to survive.

Yue Shifang was calm and turned to look at Xue an, "do you think I'm cruel like this?"

Xue an shook his head. "No, on the contrary, you are saving them!"

"Oh? Why do you say that? " A look of surprise flashed in Yue Shifang's eyes and asked softly.

"Because the dead are all damned people, and by doing so, you can avoid future turmoil to the greatest extent. The so-called means of thunderbolt, holding the heart of Bodhisattva! That's it

"Ha ha ha ha!" Yue Shifang looked up to the sky and laughed again.

"It's a good way to break the thunder and hold the heart of Bodhisattva. Xue an, I really appreciate you more and more!"

With that, a vast breath suddenly appeared on the top of Yue Shifang's head, and a virtual image of the whole military Galaxy appeared.

He lowered his head slowly, looked down at thousands of stars, and said in a deep voice: "the army has been divided for a long time. Now that I have returned, I will be unified. Do you have any objection?"

The sound is heard all over the sky.

In an instant, the whole military galaxy was shocked.

Gu family, Zhong Li family, Song family, LV family, Bai family and so on, and countless experts looked at the virtual image which occupied the endless void, and their eyes were shocked.

Gu forgets ya to murmur: "I knew once for the military family first superior he can't so easily die!"

Then she suddenly realized something, and then she took the lead to rush out of Gu's family, release the power of her family background, and bow to the virtual image of Yue Shifang.

"Look after the family, willing to surrender!"

Her move reminds other families.

Zhong Liwu, who was wild and uninhibited by nature, also laughed.

"Well, it's not insulting for me to submit to you, Yue Shifang! Zhong Li is willing to come down

In the Song family, song Yuze saw that his father was still hesitating. He was in a great hurry and didn't have time to ask for instructions. He stepped out of the house and bowed his head in the void.

"Song family, willing to surrender!"

For a moment, the whole army was in a void.

"The LV family is willing to surrender!"

"The white family is willing to surrender!"

In the blink of an eye, except for the long family and the Sima family, the other nine families have already made their stand.

Yue Shifang nodded, "that's good. In that case, I'll gather with you to discuss the merger."


The nine families agreed.

As for the long family and the Sima family.

The owner of the family is dead, and they have even lost their bargaining qualification.

Yue Hechang burst into tears.

Because this scene in front of him is the scene he had dreamed of!

On the contrary, two girls and Yue Qinghuan are very calm.

At this time, Yue Shifang, who finished everything, turned around and gave them a smile.

"It's been a hard time for you, too!"

The two girls laughed and did not speak.

But sometimes silence is more moving than words.

Yue Shifang seemed to hesitate for a moment, and immediately said softly: "before I was not healed, I couldn't give you any promise. Now my injury has recovered, so..."

"After that, you will be the mistress of my wife's family!"

This is a statement.

The whole family is a tsunami.

Yue Hechang and his parents immediately stepped back and bowed their heads to the second girl.

"Welcome to your wife!"

Then came a louder cry.

"Welcome to your wife!"

The sound vibrated the stars and dyed the two girls' cheeks red.

"I'll go back and tidy up the flower hall first!"

With that, the two girls left in a hurry. Yue Qinghuan looks at it with a smile, but at this time, the light from the corner of her eyes suddenly catches a glimpse. In the corner, there is a figure with a gloomy face and a low head. Yue Qinghuan shivered a little, and immediately thought of something. He sighed, but there was no comfort in the past. Because she knew that at such a moment, any comfort was cruel to Yue Guannan. At the same time, an idea came into her mind. Will it be the same for me in the future? At this point, she couldn't help looking at Xue an, who was on her brother's side. Looking at Xue an dressed in white and with a clean temperament, even in the shadow of his brother's huge momentum, she could not help being a little crazy. Just then, Yue Shifang said to Xue an, "Xue an, come with me!" With that, he waved his hand and they disappeared in the same place. The in laws here are busy. Because there's a lot to do next. However, people are very tacit understanding, did not discuss the home owner and Xue an to do. In fact, many people are full of guilt for Xue an at the moment. Especially Yue Hechang. He simply deeply regretted his misunderstanding of Xue an. So he has decided to apologize to Xue an in person after meeting him again. At the moment, Xue an appeared in a very mysterious and sacred place with Yue Shifang. The reason why it's mysterious is that it's a transparent space. Standing here, you can clearly see countless stars at your feet and around you. But when you reach out to touch them, you find that your palm will pass through them without any obstacles. This kind of feeling is just like a dream. It is sacred because there is a temple and ancestral hall in such a space. There is a plaque on the top of the temple. The Pantheon. Xue an slightly raised her eyebrows, "is this the ancestral temple of the strategists?"“ you 're right! Don't you want to know what happened back then? Then come with me With that, Yue Shifang walked to the temple. At this time, Xue an finally found that the virtual image of stars all over the whole space is the projection of this military galaxy. He closed his mouth and followed in silence. www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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