"If that's the case, at most, you will be completely silent, just like those groups that once flourished and then declined!"

"But just about ten thousand years ago, with the arrival of all kinds of weather in that lifetime, you once again burst out a powerful and frightening potential. The strong emerge in endlessly, and the gods are everywhere!"

"And in this case, a catastrophe suddenly came!"

Speaking of this, a wry smile appeared on Yue Shifang's face. "As I said before, that catastrophe was far from as simple as you think. It was a huge storm that affected the whole heaven, even you heavens were not spared!"

"But the core of everything is from you Chinese, because in that catastrophe, evil things appeared!"

"Before ten thousand years, there were no evil things in the whole heaven, but in that catastrophe, these powerful and strange creatures came down from the sky and began to eat the whole world!"

"My wound was left by a confrontation with a powerful evil leader at that time!"

"At that time, even I was completely desperate and thought that the whole world would be destroyed. But I never thought that the invincible army of evil things suddenly slowed down its attack, which gave the whole world a chance to breathe!"

"As far as I know, that is, at that time, a large number of new Chinese gods disappeared, along with all the evil things of your heavens! It's like there's an invisible hand behind it pushing all this! "

Yue Shifang's tone was not urgent or slow, even a little flat.

But in this calm tone, it opened a magnificent past.

In any case, Xue an did not expect that the Chinese in those years had occupied the most powerful existence of the whole heaven.

And the Chinese catastrophe in those years almost brought disaster to the whole world.

As for Yue Shifang's words about the mysterious disappearance of the Chinese gods and the annihilation of the heavenly evils, Xue an suddenly remembered something.

At the beginning, Xue an was deprived of time by his opponent with strange powers.

At that time, he saw some strange scenes.

Especially around the earth, there seems to be a time gap.

At that time, Xue an was very shocked by this incident.

Because if this is man-made, the ability of the person who makes the move can only be described as incomprehensible.

Combined with what he said to himself, there was once an invisible force to coerce many Chinese gods away.

And the whole process, there is no hand to stop.

You know, it was the army of evil things that was watching all this behind the scenes!

Vaguely, Xue an seemed to feel something, but it seemed that he didn't grasp anything.

He just took a deep look at Yue Shifang and asked, "what about the back?"

"With the retreat of the army of evil things, everything fell into a state of confrontation, but you Chinese people were never able to recover because of this, especially in the case of the dissipation of Qi, even the aura of the ancestral planet was completely lost!"

"What I ask is why after this period of history, a hundred of you will also appear. Don't tell me that this has also been tampered with!" Xue an said coldly.

Yue Shifang said with a bitter smile, "I can't fool you! That's right. The reason why the various schools of thought appeared in your later history is not because of tampering, but because of us! "

"To tell you the truth, at that time, many people had a strong interest in you Chinese people, especially wanted to find out where those disappeared great powers went, so many families sent spokesmen to your earth in the later period!"

"Of course, it also includes our strategists! I think Qinghuan must have taken you to pay homage to many military sages on the earth

"Well!" Xue an nodded.

"Ha ha, she didn't know these things at all, so she was very surprised when she got there. In fact, almost all the great powers of the whole army went to the earth, such as Baiqi, such as... Sima mangju!"

"Didn't you go?" Xue an asked suddenly.

"Me?" Yue Shifang said with a smile, "at that time, I was trying to cure my injuries, so I missed that busy time. But I went there later, but the situation had changed at that time, so I only left a name!"

Xue an was shocked and suddenly thought of something. He said in a low voice, "Yue

"Yes Yue Shifang nodded with a smile.

"Then how can you be harmed by a traitor? And why did the fate of so many families among the various schools of thought end so miserably? "

Yue Shifang's face was very clear. "That's what I want to say next! Let's not talk about me. Let's talk about the period when a hundred schools of thought were contending. At that time, almost all the people of the ancient hundred schools of thought went to the earth! "

"But I never thought that all the people who thought they were going to the game world to explore the secret were slapped by the reality!"

"Because at that time, the way of heaven was very strong, and all the magic powers were blocked. Even if we went, we could only act in accordance with the laws and regulations of the way of heaven at that time."“ If that's all, that's all. But what I didn't expect was that I didn't know whether it was the way of heaven or some other reason. Just a few decades later, there was a king of heaven in the Chinese people at that time! "“ After his appearance, he unified the Chinese people with the power of destroying the withered and decadent, and then he slaughtered all the schools of thought. In your history, this is also known as... Burning books and pitching scholars! " Xue an did not know how to express his inner shock“ You mean the first emperor? "“ Yes, that's the man Yue Shifang clapped his hands and sighed, his face showing respect“ Although he is only a mortal, I still have full respect for him, because he has almost created an impossible miracle“ Countless in the sky outside the sky stamp a foot on the existence of stars collapse, but he mercilessly killed! This has also directly led to the fact that hundreds of ancient Chinese people no longer dare to covet and spy on the earth. "“ Because they find that they can't penetrate the barrier to go to the earth with their true body, and if they go to the earth with their divine mind, they must follow the law of heaven of the earth! "“ This is also the reason why I will go there separately with a divine idea, and the result will be so miserable, because once we get involved in it, it will soon lead to the strong attack of the law of heaven! "“ No, why did Confucianism and Taoism come down all the time? " Xue an asked. Yue Shifang laughed at himself, "that's because they gave in!" www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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