"Give in?"

"That's right. In fact, even on this day, Taoism and Confucianism are the two schools that are the most benevolent. To put it bluntly, they are very good at guiding the situation and catering to the characteristics of your Chinese people."

"So it soon occupied a very important position among you Chinese people, but I always feel that the origin of these ancient hundred families should have an indescribable relationship with you Chinese people."

"So it's not clear who influences whom."

Xue an was silent.

Because today he received too much information, even he had to digest it.

Yue Shifang didn't urge him, so he stood by and looked at it with a smile.

It was not until a long time later that Xue an took a long breath.

"I see!"

"Understand what?"

"You don't even know who's behind the scenes, do you?"

Yue Shifang nodded, "that's right! In fact, I told you from the beginning that the answers to these questions are not clear to me. I can only tell you all I know! "

Xue an smiles, "so I still thank you very much, because the information you provided is really important. At least I infer a truth from the information!"

"The behind the scenes of the Chinese people should be closely related to the sudden decline of the Chinese people, that is to say

Xue settled down and said in a deep voice: "as long as we find out the reasons for the decline of the Chinese people in those years, we can uncover the whole mystery!"

Yue Shifang clapped his hands and sighed, "that's right. Your idea is the same as mine, but I have no choice. I've explored for thousands of years, but I can't find any trace. It's like an invisible hand has erased all the traces!"

This is the second time that Yue Shifang has said this. It can be seen that Yue Shifang is helpless about this matter.

But Xue an just laughed at this, "as long as something has happened, it can never erase the traces of its existence, so I will find the answer, I firmly believe it!"

Looking at Xue an's resolute eyes, Yue Shifang suddenly envies him.

Although his appearance is similar to Xue an's age, he finds that his mentality is inevitably getting old.

Even has lost the spirit, far less than Xue an that full of youthful spirit.

Is there such a big difference between living more than 3000 years and living more than 10000 years? Or are you really old? Yue Shifang couldn't help thinking.

And this sense of loss continued until Xue an left.

When only Yue Shifang was left in the temple, he raised his head and sighed.

"You say, am I really old?"

With the voice, the empty wall behind the shrine began to ripple.

Then, a dazzling light began to appear.

Then he listened to an old voice and said with a smile, "why is xiaoshifang so sentimental all of a sudden?"

Small ten!

Maybe the only thing that the whole strategists are qualified to call Yue Shifang is the existence of these spirits in this ancestral temple.

At the same time, another voice, Jie, said with a strange smile, "what else can I do? I'm just stimulated by that boy."

With the voice, but see a few illusory figures appeared in the light of the wall.

It was a white haired old man and a bearded man who spoke.

Hearing this, Yue Shifang gave a bitter smile.

"You elders, don't make fun of me. I just felt something!"

"That's right. You old guys are just disrespectful for the old. If you want me to say that little Shifang shouldn't talk to you!"

With a clear female voice, the virtual image of a well-dressed beauty emerges.

"Hey, hey!" At the sight of the woman, the bearded man could not help laughing and rubbing his hands.

"My baby Xianyi, you're awake, too!"

The woman glared at the man, "who's your treasure Xianyi?"

"Of course it's you!" The man with the cheek said with a smile.

"Zhong Lishan, do you have the ability to say it again?" The woman's eyebrows are straight.

"Oh, why take it so seriously? I'm just expressing my excitement to see you!" Zhong Lishan said with a smile.

"Bah, I don't know what you are in zhonglishan? I tell you, Gu Xianyi is not the kind of woman who allows you to have fun. If you don't say one or two or three today, be careful that I'll pull all the beards off your face one by one! " Gu Xianyi called.

Hearing this, Zhong Lishan shrinks his neck and looks at the old man with help.

"Old man Yue, you have something to say! What is it to hide and watch the excitement? "

The old man grinned and stroked his beard on his chin, "what are you talking about? It's your fault. It's up to you to calm down! What does it have to do with me? " When Zhong Lishan heard this, he said, "Yue Huazang, it's not interesting for you to do this. I don't treat you as a senior at ordinary times." Gu Xianyi then sneered, "Zhong Lishan, you don't involve other people, master Yue. Today you have to give me an account!"“ Account, what account, aunt, I'm wrong, can't I? " Zhong Lishan has called for mercy“ no way! What's the use of just saying that I'm wrong? "“ What else do you want to do? " Zhong Lishan calls for a sky bump. Gu Xianyi is in the moment stare big eyes, incredible looking at Zhong Lishan, "you dare to roar me?"“ I... I didn't! " For a moment, the scene became lively. Here, Zhong Lishan and Gu Xianyi quarrel, while Yue Huazang and several old people gather together to whisper“ Well, who do you think will win this time? "“ Isn't that bullshit? It must be Gu Xianyi! How could Zhong Lishan be her opponent! "“ I think so, too. How long do you think Zhong Lishan will last this time? "“ That's the most The old man held out two fingers“ Twenty minutes? "“ Ha ha, you look up to Zhong Lishan too much. He must kneel down and beg for mercy in two minutes at most. Do you believe it“ I don't believe it! Three minutes, anyway“ Let's make a bet“ Bet, bet For a moment, the onlookers actually made a serious gamble. The bet is when Zhong Lishan will admit defeat. And these words also floated to Yue Shifang's ears, which made him unable to laugh or cry. you 're right! Those who quarreled and gloated at each other were the forefathers of the major military families. For example, Zhong Lishan is a sage from Zhong Li's family, and Gu Xianyi is the founder of Gu family. www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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