As for Yue Huazang, he is naturally the sage of the Yue family.

They are all in the fall, a little true spirit does not die out, depending on the existence of this ancestral temple.

It can also be said that it is the oldest witness of the whole military.

Once upon a time, because these spirits had just died and their strength still existed, the ancestral temple at that time could be said to be the most terrifying fighting force of the strategists.

But with the passage of time, the strength of these souls also dissipated a little bit, and finally became what they are now.

Just like the old man walking around in the park, he has no strength to be praised except for his rich experience and experience.

However, this does not prevent these military sages from quarreling and watching the excitement.

For example, now, the war between Zhong Lishan and Gu Xianyi is obviously coming to an end.

As expected, Zhong Lishan was defeated in the end.

He bowed down obediently and said, "aunt, I'm wrong. I'll never dare to do it again, OK?"

"What are you afraid of? Say it and let me hear it

"I promise I will never call you baby Xianyi again, and show you enough respect. That's OK."

"Well, that's about the same! Go straight Gu Xianyi said coldly, but her eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles.

Zhong Lishan stood up with a sad face, but as soon as he turned around, the depression on his face disappeared, and he scoffed at the contemptuous eyes cast by Yue Huazang and other elders.

"What are you looking at? I've never seen an apology before. My husband is flexible. What's the point? "

"I've seen apologies, but it's rare to kneel down and beg for mercy like you do!" One of them said with a smile.

Zhong Lishan glared, "Sima Yu, don't make sarcastic remarks on one side. I just didn't kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"What are you doing?"

"I just happened to be a little tired, so I want to squat down and have a rest!" Zhong Lishan said without changing his face and heart.

Old people: convex ('0 ´) Convex!

Zhong Lishan didn't care about it at all. With a smile, he flashed to Yue Shifang, then walked around him for several times, and finally nodded.

"Don't tell me, I've really recovered! And that's the boy's credit? "

"Well!" Yue Shifang nodded.

"How did he do it? You know, even we can't do anything about your injuries! " Gu Xianyi also came to Yue Shifang and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, I know Cha Wenliang, too. He doesn't have the ability to cure all your soul wounds!" Sima Yu also said.

Yue Shifang laughed. "It's a long story to say!"

With that, Yue Shihong told the story again.

When he heard that Xue an was actually using a death star as a cover, and carved a shielding Rune on it, he finally succeeded in deceiving heaven and making Yue Shifang come back to life.

All the military experts and sages present applauded.

"It's a good move to hide the truth from the world. I really have the style of military strategist!" Sima Yu said.

Long Tianzong nodded frequently, "this son is really not a common person!"

Even Gu Xianyi, who has always been proud, can't help but say: "if it's all planned by him, it's really desirable!"

On the contrary, Zhong Lishan said, "this boy is a little smart, but do you really decide to help him? You know, it's not a joke. If we don't take care of it, we may put the whole army in danger! "

Yue Shifang said with a smile, "I really have made a decision, otherwise I will not tell him all the secrets of the past, as for the consequences you said..."

In Yue Shifang's eyes, there was a bright light. "Why don't we take a gamble when compared with continuing such a mediocre decline?"


On hearing this word, all these people came to be interested.

"How to bet?"

"Yes, how do you bet?"

Only Yue Huazang, the oldest, suddenly understood something and bowed his head thoughtfully.

Yue Shifang said in a calm tone: "I think you can realize that the military strategists have been declining for thousands of years, even though you live in this ancestral temple."

Hearing this, all the sages were silent.

Because Yue Shifang is right.

Compared with the heyday of the military strategists, they have declined too much.

Let's just say that the owners of the twelve meridians do not even have a real saint except one Yue Shifang.

Even in the past thousand years, the military strategists were absent.

From this we can see the situation of the decline of the strategists.

"What does that have to do with this boy?"

"Of course, it does matter, because this boy is a Chinese, and I don't need to say more about how brilliant the Chinese used to be."

"So what? Isn't it the end of a complete failure to quit Tianwaitian Zhong Lishan said. Yue Shifang shook his head. "It's different! Because I can clearly feel that in this young man, there is the great fortune of the whole Chinese people's rejuvenation! "“ What? "“ "The great fortune of Chinese rejuvenation?" The crowd was horrified“ Are you sure you're not kidding? "“ Of course not! And I'm serious. " Yue Shifang said in a deep voice“ But this boy is just the cultivation of xianzun now! How easy is it to revive the Chinese people? " Zhong Lishan obviously didn't believe it“ Hehe, although his current cultivation is not very good, do you know how long it took him to rebuild from a man whose foundation was completely destroyed to his present state? "“ How long? "“ But more than ten years! " Once this was said, these military sages were all in a commotion“ How could it be“ I didn't believe it at first, but it's true Yue Shifang said faintly. All these military sages were silent. Because they know that Yue Shifang will not joke about this kind of thing“ If that's the case, this boy is really unusual! " Zhong Lishan murmurs“ That's why I decided to help him, because at the same time, I'm helping our soldiers themselves! " Speaking of this, Yue Shifang looked around“ So there's one more thing I'm going to tell you! "“ Yes? Oh, please say it quickly, it's really worrying Zhong Lishan road. Yue Shifang laughed and said in a deep voice: "I've decided to break the twelve points and unify the whole army!" The whole room was quiet for a moment, but only a moment later there was a loud noise“ Good! I agree! "“ That's right. It's long overdue! "“ Damn, if I want to be alive, this soldier will not dare to split at all! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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