"Well, I know! Thank you for your thanks Yue Guannan looked down at him, bent slightly, and then turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Yue Shifang finally called out these three words.

Yue Guannan stopped, but did not look back, "what else does the master-in-law want to say?"

Yue Shifang murmured for a moment, then said, "where are you going after you leave the army?"

"I don't know, but the whole sky is so vast that there is always room for me!"

"Can I see you again?"

"See me?" Yue Guannan turned around and gave a miserable smile. "Do you think it's necessary for us to meet each other?"

Yue Shifang was silent again.

Because of the brilliance in Yue Guannan's eyes, he did not dare to look directly at him.

"Don't you want to say anything more?" Yue Guannan watched Yue Shifang and spoke softly.

"Take care all the way!" Yue Shifang said with difficulty.

The light in Yue Guannan's eyes darkened rapidly, and finally dropped his eyes.

"You too. Take care of yourself!"

Having said that, she resolutely turned around, turned into a bright light, and instantly disappeared into the void in front of her.

Yue Shifang felt as if he had been punched in the chest. He was so suffocated that he couldn't breathe at all.

Just then, behind him came a faint sigh.

"If you want to catch up now, you can still catch up!"

Yue Shifang didn't even look back because he knew who was coming.

Two girls walked out of the darkness behind Yue Shifang and came to his side.

Yue Shifang shook his head. "Why chase? Instead of making her suffer all the time, it's better to cut off all her fantasies. Although it will be very sad at the beginning, time can heal all the scars in the end! "

Looking at Yue Shifang, the second girl couldn't help saying, "you are so cruel!"

"It's not cruel, it's just a choice to make! After all, this is also responsible for you! "

The two girls turned their heads and looked at the void in the distance. There was no joy on their faces. Instead, they only had sympathy, and then they went to the secluded way.

"But what's wrong with her? Just because I like someone I shouldn't like, should I bear such torture? "

Yue Shifang is unable to answer this question.

In fact, there should not be many people in the world who can answer this question.

At least an Yan can't help sighing after hearing this.

"What a poor woman

Then he put his face on Xue an's chest and drew circles on it with his hands.

"What do you say, husband?"

Xue an put her arm around her shoulder and leaned back on the chair, looking up at the bright stars in the sky, speechless for a long time.

Until an Yan asked again: "husband, what do you think?"

Xue an just wry smile, "what can I say? Sympathy or regret? "

"Then you have to say something!"

Xue an rubbed her hair with a smile, "what can you do without saying?"

"It's annoying. It's messing up people's hair again!" Anyan is very angry.

Xue an smiles but doesn't speak, because he knows Anyan's character too well. After he is satisfied, he is often as coquettish and lovely as a kitten.

They laughed for a while, and finally ended up with Anyan's "begging for mercy".

Then Xue an just light way: "in fact, this kind of thing is not the feelings of people can control, at least she loved, this is enough, isn't it?"

Anyan nodded her head, which seemed to be incomprehensible

Then she suddenly thought of something, "by the way, husband, where are you going next?"

"Well? Do you know I'm leaving? " Xue an looks at an Yan in surprise.

Anyan said with a smile, "of course you know, because only when you decide to leave, will you let me play!"

Xue an: "it's..."

Spin even if can't smile and cry of pinch pinch an Yan's nose, "you ah, sometimes can be really... Silly lovely!"

"Why am I stupid again?" Anyan was wronged.

"Don't be silly, Yan'er is the smartest in the world, isn't it?"

"Well, that's about the same!"

Anyan turned angry to happy, and then asked: "seriously, now the real murderer behind the scenes is still not found, what are you going to do next?"

Xue an smiles, "although the real murderer behind the scenes has not been found, there are a lot of precious information!"

"You mean the reason for the decline of the Chinese people back then?"

"That's right, but I don't intend to investigate these directly now, because my priority is to improve my strength first. After all... What I challenge may be the existence that the sage and even the Supreme Master can't match!"

When he said this, there was no fear in Xue an's eyes, but only supreme confidence.

And this kind of self-confident light also makes Anyan intoxicated“ Well, I believe your husband, you can do it! But before you leave, do you have to say goodbye to your little lover? " Anyan said“ Little lover? Which little lover? "“ Don't pretend to be a fool. It's the Qinghuan girl who follows you all day and looks up to you with admiration! " Xue an is not laughing or crying, but looking at an Yan's thin angry expression, Xue an also knows that she is a little jealous. So he said with a smile, "stop talking nonsense. Don't you know who I am? But saying goodbye is for sure. After all, she helped me An Yan stares at Xue an, until the expression on his face is a little embarrassed, then he chuckles, "you're scared, I'm teasing you! Do you think I'm really jealous? " Xue an: "it's..."“ But seriously husband, when are you going to leave? "“ How can we wait for Yue Shifang to completely unify this military family? "“ How long will it take to unify the army? " Xue an smiles, "don't worry, it should be soon!" As Xue an said, when Yue Shifang sent off Yue Guannan, he speeded up the pace of unifying the strategists. Because all the obstacles in the early stage have been cleared, so things are going very smoothly. Many families are almost fully cooperating with Yue Shifang's actions. After all, even a fool can see that reunification is an irresistible trend. Even if there are a very few people who are not willing to express their misgivings. Because the lessons of the long family and the Sima family are there. If you want to object, you have to weigh your strength first. In this case, in less than ten days, the twelve Branches of the whole army were completely broken up and reunited. So far, after thousands of years of division, the strategists have finally returned to unity, leaving only minor matters to be dealt with. Then Yue Shifang solemnly announced that a grand celebration party would be held. When the news came out, the whole army was boiling again. www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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