The Yue family.

Yue Hechang led many parents of Yue. They were very busy.

You should know that this party is the first big gathering after the unification of the militarists, and it is also held in the Yue's family, which is of great significance.

Therefore, Yue Hechang and others all played twelve spirit, busy with everything about the party.

Although very tired and cumbersome, no one expressed boredom.

On the contrary, everyone's face is full of smiles.

Because although the body is tired, but the spirit has been greatly satisfied.

After all, this is the scene they have been dreaming of!

Under such circumstances, people from all major families came in droves, which soon made the Yue family lively.

At the beginning of the Lantern Festival, accompanied by Yue Shifang's appearance, the atmosphere of the dinner finally reached a climax.

No matter how much hatred they had before, all the family members now put aside their prejudices and raised their glasses to welcome Yue Shifang.

Looking at the bustling scene like brocade, Xue an, sitting in an inconspicuous corner, smiles and drinks a cup from himself.

Just at this time, a gust of fragrant wind hit, and then the seat cushion next to it sank slightly.

"How can you hide here and drink by yourself?" Yue Qing laughs.

"It's nothing. I just don't like the excitement." Xue an light way.

"In fact, I'm just the same. I'm so tired of being with those family ladies!"

With that, Yue Qinghuan leaned lazily on the chair and stretched out without any scruples.

Although I didn't go out of my way to see it, I was so close that I could catch a glimpse of the amazing curve in the corner of my eye.

In particular, today's Yue Qinghuan also wears a brand-new peach pink dress. At first glance, it's a master's hand that has been carefully cut. It shows Yue Qinghuan's perfect figure incisively and vividly.

Xue an slightly unnatural side head.

Such a small move can be concealed from others, but Yue Qinghuan can't. There is a cunning color in her eyes, and she leans back to Xue an on purpose.

Xue an coughed softly. "I'm afraid it's not good for you to sit here like this."

"Why not?"

"Don't you see people looking at you?" Xue an said with a bitter smile.

As he said, when Yue Qinghuan, the goddess of the Yue family, sat here, the eyes of the whole audience were almost attracted.

After all, Yue Qinghuan not only looks peerless, but also has an invincible brother.

Now even a fool knows that Yue Qinghuan's identity will be more precious after the unification of the military.

In this case, many young Junyan naturally want to approach Yue Qinghuan with their own caution.

But to their surprise, Yue Qinghuan didn't give them the chance at all. After accompanying her brother and chatting with the girls, she went straight to Xue an.

This naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Especially when Xue an and Yue Qinghuan in white sit together, they look like a couple of Bi Ren, and many teenagers are angry.

But for this scene, the people in law were not surprised at all.

Even a mysterious smile appeared on many people's faces.

For them, Xue an, who has cured Yue Shifang's injury, seems to be a member of his own family.

The third lady's affection for Xue an was even more obvious to blind people.

If they really come together, it's a beautiful thing!

In fact, he didn't need to be reminded by Xue an. Yue Qinghuan, who was born to feel the good and evil in each other's heart, knew that many people were watching him.

But she said with a nonchalant smile, "so what? I'll sit where I want to. Do I have to get their permission? "

She even leaned to Xue an's side, and her soft skin had already touched Xue an's arm.

Xue an's mind came a cold hum. It was in Fubao's small building that an Yan was warning Xue an.

Xue an gave a wry smile and then moved aside.

"Well, how do I feel that you are a little strange today?" Yue Qinghuan said.

"What's wrong? No, I'm normal today! "

"Really?" Yue Qinghuan said meaningfully.

Xue an nodded, "of course it's true!"

"Then why don't you dare look at me!"

Xue an was silent for a moment, and finally whispered, "because I'm leaving!"

As soon as he said this, Yue Qinghuan trembled all over, and then his face turned pale.


"Well! In fact, I was going to tell you after the dinner, but since you ask me again and again, I have to tell you in advance! "

Then Xue an raised his eyes and quietly looked at Yue Qinghuan, "so... This is my farewell to you!"

In fact, Yue Qinghuan had expected Xue an's departure, but she didn't dare to think about it, or forced herself not to think about it. It's as if the problem doesn't exist. But today, when Xue an said her words in front of her, Yue Qinghuan still felt that there was something very important in the bottom of her heart. Sure enough... Is he still going to leave? Doesn't he really know what he wants? Even if he has a family, I would like to. For a moment, countless confused thoughts come to my mind, which makes Yue Qinghuan's eyes become blurred. And it is this kind of confusion mixed with the eyes of melancholy that makes Xue an feel as if he is really a heartbreaker, and feel uncomfortable. After a long time, Yue Qinghuan said: "where are you going?"“ I don't know yet, but the sky is so vast that I have to turn around and improve my strength. After all, you know what people I'm dealing with! " Xue an said softly“ So... Does my brother know? "“ I don't know yet, but he should know very well that I will leave! "“ But aren't you the commander of our wife's family... " Xue an laughed. "The commander was just joking. After all, my name is Xue, not Yue!" Yue Qinghuan took a deep look at Xue an, then lowered his head and said in a low voice, "OK, I wish you a good journey!"“ Thank you very much Immediately, they fell into a silent silence. Yue Qinghuan lowered her head. Her long hair fell down and covered her face. But Xue an still saw her thin shoulder shaking slightly. This does not prevent Xue an from feeling guilty, and then sighs“ All the banquets in the world come to an end. I... " Xue an is ready to give some advice, but before his voice falls, Yue Qinghuan pours into his arms, hugs his waist, and says in a crying voice“ But I don't want you to go! " Boom! The whole ballroom was in a tumult. Countless teenagers glared at Xue an. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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