As for those people in law, they are also muddled. I don't know why the third lady is so disrespectful and hugs Xue an in public.

Only Yue Junze grinned at Xue an, and at the same time quietly put up his thumb, full of worship.

Because in his opinion, the commander Xue was too powerful.

It's amazing to let my cousin, the goddess recognized by the younger generation of military strategists, throw her arms in front of so many people. What's that?

Under many eyes, Xue an felt her hair standing up.

Because the anger in the sea is not for fun.

But he can't get rid of it directly, because in that case, he will be more proud of his "scum man".

So he can only smile bitterly.

"Well, Qinghuan, you let me go first. So many people are watching. How indecent!" Xue an soft voice exhorts a way.

But Yue Qinghuan came to twist his strength at this time. No matter what Xue an said, he would not let go.

There was a cold sweat on Xue an's forehead.

For the first time, he realized what it was like to be on pins and needles.

He wasn't afraid of those burning eyes. The key was that the anger in the sea was getting stronger and stronger.

Just then, Yue Shifang suddenly separated from the crowd and came over.

As soon as he saw him, Xue an looked at him as if he saw a straw.

The expression on Yue Shifang's face was not smiling. He didn't pay attention to Xue an's look for help. He just walked up to him and said in surprise, "Oh, what are you doing?"

Hearing his brother's voice, Yue Qinghuan trembles all over, and his hands release their consciousness.

Xue an took this opportunity to stand up immediately, "ah, nothing, just a few words!"

Yue Qinghuan looks at Xue an with a resentful look on his face, and then stares at his brother. Then his figure flashes and disappears in the same place.

When she left, Xue an could not help but breathe.

But the next second he was choked by Yue Shifang's words.

"OK, boy, I'm brave enough to hook up with my sister in front of me!"

Xue an's heart seems to have 10000 horses galloping by, but in front of so many people, he is too embarrassed to say dirty words, so he can only keep his voice down.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? You're hugging my sister in front of so many people. What do you mean Yue Shifang's face was full of excitement.

And looking at the color of the narrow in his eyes, Xue an suddenly understood.

This guy wants to stand out for his sister.

At the same time, Cha Wenliang and AO Shu also stepped over.

In fact, what happened just now, he and AO Shu also saw it.

At that time, if Cha Wenliang hadn't grabbed Ao Shu, it was estimated that the furious dragon girl would have rushed over.

Even now, her face is still a little angry, standing coldly behind Zha Wenliang, not even saying hello to Xue an.

Cha Wenliang was a peacemaker at this time.

"Cough, it's such a beautiful day. Let's talk less about it. Let's have a drink!"

With that, he picked up his glass and handed it to Yue Shifang and Xue an.

For the ghost needle doctor who cured himself, Yue Shifang naturally wanted to give full face, so he took the cup with a smile.

"Thank you very much."

Xue an, of course, was looking forward to covering up this matter, so he took it.

After the three people drank the wine in the cup, the storm was calmed down.

Then Cha Wenliang said to Yue Shifang with a smile, "master Yue, you are busy today. You'd better hurry to greet the guests. I just have a few words to say to Xue an!"

Yue Shifang nodded and turned to leave.

But just before he left, he suddenly said faintly: "Xue an, remember to come to the backyard flower hall after the dinner. I also have a few words to say to you!"

Then he strode away.

Looking at his back as he left, Xue an gave a wry smile.

Cha Wenliang even laughed, "it seems that he didn't intend to let you go!"

With that, he winked at Xue an, "but who asked you to bubble his sister in front of so many people? No one will let you go."

Voice just fell, standing behind is drinking fruit wine Ao Shu a crush the cup in the hand, and then angrily way.

"Let's talk. I went there!"

After Aoshu also left, Cha Wenliang sighed, "it seems that my apprentice has not completely given up on you!"

"I'm bored, too. What's good about you to attract so many women?"

"In terms of appearance, you and I are all between Bozhong. In terms of strength, you are just a little immortal, while I am a famous ghost needle doctor. Why don't I like girls? It's so confusing

Cha Wenliang looked depressed. But Xue an looks at five short stature, his appearance is not good-looking, suddenly some did not know what to say, thought for a long time to sink a voice way“ What did you say you wanted me for? "“ Oh, nothing. I just want to ask if you have time next! "“ Huh? What's the matter? " Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly. Cha Wenliang bared his teeth and said, "Hey, there's something good about it." Then he came forward mysteriously, lowered his voice and said, "are you going to leave as soon as the dinner is over?"“ Well Xue an nodded. It was not a hard secret to guess“ So where are you going? "“ Not yet, but it's nothing more than traveling around in order to improve our strength! "“ That's right! " Cha Wenliang patted his thigh and said excitedly: "it happens that I have a golden opportunity, which can not only help you improve your strength, but also make you famous in the sky!"“ oh What's the chance? " Cha Wenliang took out a jade slip from his arms. "Do you know what this is?"“ I don't know! "“ This is an invitation letter from Doctors Union that I just received yesterday“ Doctors Union? "“ That's right Cha Wenliang pointed to himself with a proud face, "I am the elder of the doctors' Union!" In tianwai Tianzhong, there are many kinds of alliances besides clans and aristocratic families. Its purpose is to unite talents in the same industry and facilitate the flow of information. The medical alliance is the largest medical alliance in Tianwaitian“ And then what? "“ Then you're going to the doctor's union with me! " Cha Wenliang said naturally. But Xue an shook his head, "no!" Cha Wenliang was a little surprised, "why not go?"“ Nonsense, I'm not a doctor. Why do you want to go? "“ Follow me, of course“ It's even worse to go with you! "“ And why? "“ I'm too lazy to do anything good! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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