Looking at Xue an with righteous words on his face, Zha Wenliang was itching with hatred.

This guy, sometimes very admirable, sometimes so hateful.

But he finally calmed down and said in a deep voice: "don't worry, the reason why the doctors' Union invited me this time is because there was a very important meeting!"

"At that time, almost all the physicians and pharmacists in Tianwaitian will participate in and trade with each other, which will be a great opportunity for you! After all, if you can meet a rare elixir, your accomplishments will be greatly improved! "

Hearing what Zha Wenliang said, Xue an's eyes softened gradually.

"Oh? All doctors and pharmacists in Tianwaitian will participate in the meeting? "


"So it should be very lively?"

"Of course, it can be said that it is one of the most lively activities in the sky. The key is..."

Cha Wenliang was just about to introduce in detail what would happen in this rally and how important it was to Xue an. But before he finished, Xue an interrupted him directly.

"Well, I'll go!"

Cha Wenliang didn't expect that Xue an would agree so happily. After all, he was too lazy to do anything that was not good for him just now.

How come all of a sudden attitude changes so fast?

But he didn't know that Xue an wanted to take her two daughters and Anyan to relax.

After all, since they came to Tianwaitian, the two little girls and Anyan hardly ever came out, and they stayed in Fubao building in the sea of knowledge.

Although it is to ensure their safety, Xue an still feels very guilty.

After all, the two daughters are innocent and playful. As a father, they not only failed to accompany them, but also locked them in the sea of knowledge.

This naturally made Xue an feel a little sorry.

So he decided long ago that after the military affairs were over, he must take his two daughters to have a rest.

After all, no matter how urgent revenge is, there must be a combination of work and rest, right?

It happened that the meeting mentioned by cha Wenliang just met Xue an's requirements, so he decided to go.

Anyway, after getting Xue an's reply, Cha Wenliang left with great satisfaction.

Then Xue an stayed at the banquet for a while and left ahead of time.

Because he saw how many years he was looking at himself. Some people are eager to try to come to their side.

Xue an is very clear that these people are basically admirers of Yue Qinghuan.

It's not good to find yourself.

Although Xue an was not afraid, he quickly left the banquet hall in order to stay away from these troubles and avoid misunderstanding.

Looking at his back in a hurry, the teenagers who tried to challenge him were also stunned.

This guy... Runs really fast!

As the night deepened, the noise finally came to an end.

The drunken people left, and some servants began to clean up the mess.

The whole family also quieted down.

In this case, Xue an stepped into the backyard flower hall.

Once withered dead flowers resurrected, all kinds of petals will decorate the night.

In the strong fragrance of flowers, Xue an stepped up the steps, lifted the green curtain and came in.

In this small and delicate flower hall, Yue Shifang is sitting around the stove with various tea sets in front of him.

After hearing the footsteps, he didn't even raise his head, but said faintly: "wait a minute, the tea will be ready soon!"

Xue an is not polite either. He just sits on the futon opposite him.

But seeing Yue Shifang skillfully playing with all kinds of tea sets, his flowing action always gives people a sense of deja vu.

Soon, with the pouring of a bubble of hot water, a faint aroma of tea diffused.

Yue Shifang smiles a little, then picks up the teapot and fills a cup of tea for Xue an.

Amber tea in full bloom in the sky blue tea set, really has a different kind of aesthetic feeling.

"How about a taste?"

Xue an picked up his cup, took a sip, and then nodded.

"Not bad!"

"Yes? I'll try it, too! "

Said Yue ten convenient also happily poured a cup for himself, but after waiting for the next mouth, he slightly frowned, and finally helplessly shook his head.

"Still not! Strange, I've cooked it exactly according to your way? Why is it still almost delicious? "

you 're right!

Yue Shifang's technique is all derived from Xue Anping's skill in cooking tea, and even many small movements are the same.

This is also the reason why it gives people a sense of deja vu.

But no matter how he imitated it, Yue Shifang felt that there was a difference in the taste of the tea. A smell of Indescribability. Xue an light smile, "want to know? Then I'll tell you the answer! " With that, Xue an brushed the tea table in front of him. The tea set on it was pushed to the edge of the table and then fell down. Before falling to the ground, it was broken like a bubble, and then disappeared quickly without any trace. This hand made Yue Shifang's eyelids beat slightly. Because of the existence of his superior, he could not understand more clearly what Xue Angang's tactics meant. It's a way of obliterating material in silence. It's not difficult to say, but it needs to have a profound understanding of the laws of heaven and earth. Generally, it is possible to reach the saint level, but now Xue an has achieved this only with the power of immortal. This also shows how amazing Xue an's talent or potential is. These thoughts flashed through Yue Shifang's mind. At this time, Xue an's wrist turned, and a brand-new tea set reappeared on the table. Then he began to cook tea in an orderly way. Yue Shifang sat on the opposite side and watched quietly, his eyes full of curiosity. Because he also wanted to know what was wrong with him. In the blink of an eye, the water in the kettle was boiling, and then Xue an poured it into the teapot. In a flash, a strange fragrance came to my nose. There was a look of surprise on Yue Shifang's face, and this kind of surprise reached the peak at the moment of tea entrance“ It tastes... " Yue Shifang whispered. Xue an light smile, "this taste how?"“ There seems to be more natural and unrestrained flavor in the taste! " With these words, Yue Shifang suddenly began to laugh, "so it is. Thank you. I understand!" Xue an also laughed, and then gently poured a cup of tea for himself, sipped and then put it down“ When you cook tea, you imitate my actions everywhere. Although you achieve almost perfect restoration, you also fall into inferior class. "“ After all, the real love is to listen to the heart, any external interference will only inevitably change its original taste Speaking of this, Xue an raised his head and looked at Yue Shifang with charming eyes“ What do you think? " www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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