Yue Shifang could not laugh or cry. "Did you teach me a lesson by cooking tea?"

"Of course not. I just feel it!" Xue an said with a smile.

Yue Shifang sighed, "in fact, you don't have to beat around the Bush to tell me what you think. Just tell me what you really think."

But Xue an didn't speak, just sipping the tea, as if the teacup in front of him was the most lovely thing in the world.

After a long time, Yue Shifang finally felt helpless.

"I really wonder that my sister is so beautiful and talented. Do you really have no idea?"

Xue an shook his head. "No!"

If someone else said that, Yue Shifang would not believe it.

But only from Xue an's mouth, Yue Shifang had to believe it.

Because he turned down his sister's offer in front of him.

"Sometimes I really want to see how your heart grows. It's so heartless! You should know how proud my sister is. As a result, in order to make you accept the fact that you have a family, you refused her without hesitation. This... "

Yue Shifang can't find an adjective to describe Xue an.

"Don't look. I'm heartless because I already have my own lover. Since I have a place to belong to, why should I get involved in the world again?"

"So I'm sorry!" Xue an said softly.

Yue Shifang was silent. After a long time, he sighed, "don't say you're sorry. You're not sorry for me, let alone my sister. She just fell in love with someone she shouldn't love!"

"Just like you and the commander of Guannan?" She said with a wink.

This sentence succeeded in choking back the exclamation behind Yue Shifang.

He glared at Xue an, "I understand Cha Wenliang's evaluation of you a little bit!"

"Oh? What's the comment? "

"He said that sometimes you are admirable, but sometimes you are so hateful!"

"Ha ha, thank you for your praise!" Xue an raised his glass to Yue Shifang, who was opposite him.

Yue Shiyi also raised his cup. They touched it and drank it all.

"Did you see him?" Xue an put down the tea cup, light way.


"He's a quick talker!"

"It's not his fault. After all, it's such a big gathering of pharmacists League. I have no reason not to know!"

Then Yue Shifang gave Xue an a smile.

"To tell you the truth, he is very good at this calculation. He asked you to accompany him! In this way, not only can there be more bodyguards on the road, but also your understanding of the soul will help him shine in the alliance of pharmacists when he arrives at the meeting place. "

Xue an also laughed, "I know all this, but I have to go and have a look at this bustle!"

"That's right. Come on, have another drink!"

They drank a cup of tea.

"What can I do for you? It's not just to learn the tea ceremony, but also to explore my style of speaking Xue an raised her eyebrows.

"It's not that simple, of course!"

With that, Yue Shifang's face became serious.

"Xue an, what I said to you in the ancestral temple has been valid. Are you interested in joining my wife's family?"

Xue an also shook his head seriously, "I'm sorry, I can't join you!"

Although he had expected it, Yue Shifang was disappointed first, but he said immediately.

"Well, in that case, I won't be forced any more, but I hope to have a position. You'd better not shirk it!"

"The commander of the Yue family?"

"That's right!"

"But the key is that I have decided to leave now. How can I be the commander of the army?" Xue an's face reveals doubt way.

"It doesn't matter. The important thing is that you are the commander of my wife's family."

Xue an took a deep look at Yue Shifang and said, "what are you going to do? Let's talk about it now!"

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you. That's right. I do have something, because in three years' time, it will be the time for the once-in-a-hundred-year general assembly, and the strategists have been absent for thousands of years because of the division."

"So you want me to join you then? As the commander of the Yue family? " Without waiting for Yue Shifang to finish, Xue an said directly.

"Yes! Because this is going to be the first hundred schools meeting after the unification of the militarists, which is of great significance, so... Tell me your answer. "

Xue an laughed. "Why me? You know, I'm just a little immortal now, and this cultivation is not enough among the hundred strong families! "

"Because your talent and potential are the only ones I've ever seen in my life. Besides, it's still three years before the hundred family meeting, which may not be much time for other practitioners!"

"But for you, it's likely to be a big change."“ Ha ha, do you have such confidence in me? " Xue an chuckled“ It's not confidence in you, it's confidence in my own eyes! " Xue an smiles and nods to Yue Shifang“ Well, in that case, I'll promise you! " Xue an is gone. Before leaving, he left the tea set on the table to Yue Shifang. And when the shadow of the flower sways with the wind, shaking the moonlight in the courtyard, a beautiful shadow comes out of the shadow and slowly comes to the table. When the moon shone on her face, she had a beautiful face. It was Yue Qinghuan. She sat down slowly with tears in her eyes. Yue Shifang sighed, "huan'er, you can see that. I don't want to say it for you, but the key is that Xue an has made up his mind. Once such a person makes up his mind, it's hard to change it!"“ In particular, this guy is extremely smart. I even suspect that he knew you were hiding in the corner for a long time, so the first words should have been deliberately told to you! " Yue Qinghuan didn't say a word. He just looked vaguely and gently stroked the tea set on the table. It was a long time before she nodded“ Well, I see! "“ Well, huan'er, i... " Yue Shifang just wanted to persuade his sister again. But at this time, Yue Qinghuan raised his eyes and looked at Yue Shifang with bright eyes“ Brother, I want to shut up! " Yue Shifang was stunned, "what? Shut up? "“ That's right Yue Qinghuan nodded“ I'm going to shut up for three years! Wait until the meeting is held, and then go out! " Yue Shifang: "I'm not sure." Then he laughed bitterly, "why? You should know that closing the door is very painful. If you are careless, you will have problems. Especially in your present situation, it is even more dangerous. So... "“ I don't care about that. I'm going to shut up, and I'm going to shut up! " www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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