This is the place where the real sea of stars flourishes.

Numerous commercial routes gather here, and a large number of merchant ships pass by every day, making it extremely prosperous.

And in the depths of the sea of stars, there is a light green planet floating quietly.

The planet is not very big. It doesn't look any different from the outside, but when you get a little closer, you will be surprised to find it.

Under the seemingly calm surface of this planet, there are countless terrible gas engines lurking.

Anyone who dares to intrude here will be completely stopped by a sword light that doesn't know where to start.

This is not, just before Su Feijing saw a huge meteorite fly by the edge of the planet's gravity, only to be hit by a sword light.

Then the stone, a hundred Li in diameter, disintegrated into nothingness at an incredible speed.

Seeing this scene, even Su Fei was shocked, and his behavior became more cautious.

"Who is it?" A soft drink sounded in his ear.

Su Feijing stood up and said in a respectful voice: "Su Feijing, the eldest son of the Su family, has something important to ask to see the master of the Shen family!"

The identity of the eldest son of the Su family is enough to make him respected everywhere in the sky.

Only this voice was not moved by it.

"Where is the post?"

"Here it is

Su Fei is startled and quickly takes out the post from his arms and holds it up with both hands.

A light sword light slants to stab inside to fly, stir up this to pay homage to stick then fly into the void in front of.

"I'll go inside and report. You wait here. If there is any change, there will be no amnesty!"


Su Fei didn't dare to have any objection and stood there waiting.

Because he is very clear that his identity is nothing compared to the existence he will see.

Tianwaitianzhong is so cruel, strength and status represent everything.

So no matter how arrogant and domineering he was, he didn't dare to complain at the moment.

After waiting for a cup of tea, the voice said, "OK, go in! Remember, don't look around in the whole process, just follow the light of the sword

With that, Su Fei saw a sword light in his field of vision, and the tip of the sword pointed straight ahead.

"I understand! Thank you very much

Su Fei quickly thanks, and then flies in according to the direction of the sword light.

His speed is not fast, because even with the guidance of this sword light, he can still feel the terror and murder under the seemingly calm surface around him.

It was like walking through the forest of swords, which made his hair stand up.

Until finally through the layers of barriers, into the atmosphere of the planet, Su Fei surprised, this was a secret relief.

Then came a huge continent.

This continent covers almost half of the planet and is surrounded by sea water.

In the middle of this continent, a skyscraper like a sword is built.

Su Feijing trembled all over, because just a glance, Su Feijing felt his eyes stinging.

His heart was filled with horror.

How many rebellious things are hidden in this building, and even make the sword so violent.

Su Fei took a deep breath, then restrained the boiling blood and walked to the high building.

The reason why they didn't fly was that the rules of sword power in this world were so powerful that no friar could use his own cultivation except sword cultivation.

So he can only walk forward honestly.

Although it was walking, he came to the front of the high building very quickly at his speed.

But on the plaque of the high-rise building, there are two big words of dragon flying and Phoenix dancing.

Sword Tower!

Su Fei's body trembled slightly, and his face was in awe.

Because what he is facing now is almost a legendary place for nearly a thousand years.

Shen Jia Jian Lou!

At this time, Su Feijing suddenly felt a flower in front of him, and the scene behind him changed. He came to a tall room.

In the middle of the room is a high platform, on which there is a shadow shaking, but it is too far away to see clearly.

Su Feijing just glanced, and then quickly lowered his head.

"Su Fei, the eldest son of the Su family, is surprised. I'd like to meet the Shen family leader and the elders!"

"Come on, your Su family suddenly came to see me. What's the matter?" A calm voice came from the high platform.

At first, it doesn't sound like an ordinary person is talking to you.

But it was such a indifferent voice, which made Su Fei's heart stop half a beat, and even had an impulse to worship.

He knew that the speaker's cultivation was too high and his power was too powerful, which led to a simple sentence implying the way of heaven, producing a similar effect. This doesn't forbid Su Fei to be more and more awed and tremble to say“ Back to the Shen family, I came here today to tell you something. Someone has a Shen family sword in his hand! " As soon as this remark was made, there was a burst of boiling on the high platform“ what? It's impossible! "“ That's right. All the swordsmen in Shen's family can refine the heart of their swords. How can they be held? " In the sound of discussion, Su Fei feels that there is something on the high platform. He opens his eyes and stares at himself coldly. This virtually gave him great pressure and made his face turn pale instantly“ You said someone had the heart of Shen's sword. Is that true? "“ as sure as a gun! How dare I make fun of such a thing? "“ Check it out! " This voice light way“ Yes Someone answered immediately. A moment later, the man said, "go home, Lord. I just explored it with my mind. All the students of Shen family are here. There's nothing different!"“ oh How do you explain that? " The voice said playfully. Su Fei's forehead suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and stammered: "what I said is really true. If you don't believe it, you can see this!" Then he opened a water curtain with shaking hands. The picture of Xue an holding a red sword is vividly shown above. When you see this behind the scenes, the high platform immediately boils up“ It's really the heart of the Shen family! "“ What's going on? Do you have Shen family blood And at this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Su Fei Jing, condescending words“ Where did you get the light and shadow? " Su Fei didn't dare to look directly at the man's eyes. He lowered his head deeply and said in a trembling voice: "this is what I met before I fell into the valley of gods!" With that, Su Feijing tells the story of how he ran into Xue an in Luoshen valley. And after listening, the blurred figure was silent. Then he slowly raised his head and gazed at Xue an in the light and shadow of the water curtain and the red sword in his hand“ I think, I know who this is? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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