Su Fei wiped the cold sweat in surprise.

Just now, he was really scared, especially when the figure appeared in front of him, he even became short of breath under the pressure of the sharp sword.

Fortunately, this is the right bet!

I don't know what reward the Shen family leader will give himself?

Su Fei was shocked and began to think.

But at this time, another figure appeared before the light and shadow of the water curtain, and said in a rather excited voice.

"Is it the old lady's pulse?"

"Yes, it's jing'er's pulse, but the breath in the heart of the sword is obviously not her own. If I guess correctly, it should be her descendants!"

This sentence, the audience was silent.

Because many parents have fallen into infinite shock.

This is a big secret.

It even involves a huge disturbance of the Shen family.

"The trace of the eldest lady finally appeared..." After the appearance of this figure excited whisper.

Then, the fog on his face dispersed, showing an old face, but on the old face was a pair of dazzling eyes.

At this time, the eyes are full of complex feelings.

There is joy, there is joy, there is awe!

But gradually, these emotions are dispersed, into a huge anger.

"There are people who dare to hold the heart of Shen's sword and use it as a weapon. Even if it's the blood descendant of the exiled people, it's still unforgivable!"

"Yes, this matter must be investigated, otherwise, if he wakes up after leaving the customs, he will know about it..."

When the word "he" was mentioned, even the head of the family had a little awe in his voice.

As for the other elders in the field, they are no exception.

The old man said in a deep voice: "it shouldn't be too late. There will be a hundred families meeting in three years. By that time, the second young master will certainly pass the customs. If we haven't investigated clearly at that time, no one will be able to bear the consequences!"


The old man thought for a moment, and then he waved a sword light.

But in a flash, there was another person in the room.

The man was young, dressed in black, with a cold face, and his eyes were full of cold.

"I've seen the shopkeeper!" The boy bowed himself.

"Shen Gaoge, take this man back and find out what happened to the heart of the sword in his hand!"

"Yes Without any hesitation, Shen Gaoge responded immediately.

Then the big shopkeeper turned around slowly and gave Su Fei a smile.

"It's a small thank-you to Lao Su for this matter."

With the voice, a jade Fu fell into the hands of Su Feijing.

Su Fei's face was shocked and excited.

Although I didn't check it carefully, I can know that it is absolutely a treasure only by the strong breath contained in the jade talisman.

"This jade talisman is made by myself. It contains a sword meaning of mine. It can be used to protect myself in a critical moment!"

Hearing this, Su Fei was even more excited and was about to faint.

This is the manager of Shen family!

How precious is the jade talisman with his sword meaning?

When he was overjoyed, the elder said softly, "but Lao Su must follow Gao Ge to find this man. After all, you have seen him with your own eyes. Do you have time?"

"Yes, yes!" Su Fei nodded in surprise.

"That's good!"

The shopkeeper of the Shen family laughed, then raised his hand and poked his finger into the light and shadow of the water curtain.

The light and shadow of the water curtain rippled immediately, but the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

A moment later, the water curtain broke.

But this Shen family big shopkeeper's fingertip actually appeared a light shadow.

Then the Su's shopkeeper looked solemn, opened his mouth and swallowed the faint shadow, and closed his eyes to meditate.

With his meditation, the sword around him began to boil.


But he suddenly opened his eyes, and then went into the void.

"According to that breath, this man should be here now!"

With the voice, a huge star map appeared under his fingertips, and the fingertips of the manager of the Shen family happened to be in one place.

There was a low noise in the room.

The vague figure sneered, "it's the location of the pharmacist alliance. It seems that this guy can join in the fun and run there!"

It's well known that the pharmacists' Union is going to hold a rally, so it's not strange for the Shen family to run there.

"Shen Gaoge, do you have any objection?" The manager of Shen family said coldly.

"No!"“ Let's go. I want to know the reason as soon as possible! "“ Yes A moment later, but see a bright sword light across the sky, left the planet, to the direction of the pharmacist alliance. At this time, Xue an, Cha Wenliang and AO Shu just came to the location of the pharmacist alliance. The headquarters of the alliance of pharmacists is a galaxy. Although it is not as big as the military galaxy, it is also quite good. After all, in terms of the rich and powerful, few forces in Tianwaitian can match the alliance of pharmacists. At this time, the already busy pharmacist alliance galaxy is full of people and boats, which is at least ten times busier than usual“ What about? Is it lively? " Zha Wenliang said complacently. Xue an looked at the star road in the distance, which was already in traffic jam. He laughed and didn't speak. The day after the dinner, he said goodbye to the family and followed Zha Wenliang on his journey to the pharmacist alliance. Today finally arrived here, but Xue an was very calm. On the contrary, Ao Shu looked around excitedly“ Master, are so many people here to attend the meeting of pharmacists Union? "“ of course! You know, the meeting of the pharmacists' Union is not always held at any time, and the time is not fixed. Sometimes it doesn't happen once in hundreds of years. This time, 300 years have passed! So when the news came out, it naturally detonated the whole Tianwaitian! "“ Wow, that's fun Aoshu said happily, "where are we going now?"“ Naturally, we should find a place to settle down first! After all, there are still a few days to go before the formal start of the rally. You can stroll around. After the formal start, I will go to the pharmacists' Union to report, and then I won't be so free! " Ao Shu naturally has no objection. As for Xue an, he had been staring at the coming and going void and didn't know what he was thinking. Soon, the three of them landed on a planet closer to the center of the pharmacist galaxy. Because of the arrival of the rally, this planet with a good location is also very lively. This can be seen from the clamor that just came from the boat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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