An Yan some strange looking at this hot medicinal meal.

How can there be sand in this kind of high-grade food for practitioners?

"I'm full, you eat, I'll go down first!"

Then Xue an stood up and walked back and forth.

An Yan gets up to want to follow, Xue an Chong she gently shook his head.

Anyan understood, and then sat back again.

As for the two little girls and AO Shu, they are wolfing down the medicated food on the table at the moment, and they don't notice these at all.

Xue an walked out of the private room, and the waiter in front of the door immediately welcomed him.

"What can I do for you, my guest?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I'll just walk around when I'm full!"

With that, Xue an threw another piece of Lingjing.

"I may have to come back later. You should be careful with the people inside. You can eat whatever you want, understand?"

"Yes, I understand. Don't worry. I will serve several ladies!" This famous shop's little boy nodded and looked happy.

After all, the two spirit crystals that Xue an gave him today are equal to what he usually got in a month.

Xue an nodded, "by the way, if anyone wants to enter the box..."

The shopkeeper immediately said solemnly, "you can put 120 hearts on this. Our herbal food shop is not an ordinary place. No one dares not to abide by the rules here!"

Xue an smiles, "that's good!"

Then he turned and went downstairs.

At the same time, after seeing his figure reappear in the hall on the first floor, the men in the corner looked at each other, and their faces were all eager to try.

But the old man gently shook his head, and then pointed to the plaque outside.

Signal them to be calm.

They had no choice but to suppress their thoughts and prepare to wait for the right time.

But they didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly.

But see Xue an as if no one else through the first floor hall, step outside.

Seeing this scene, these people were overjoyed and immediately followed, but they were stopped as soon as they got to the door.

"I'm sorry, I haven't checked out yet." A burly shopkeeper said with a smile.

The eldest brother gave a cold hum, raised his hand and threw out a few pieces of scattered broken spirit crystals.

The shopkeeper weighed it in his hand, but there was a sneer on his face, and then he turned slightly.

The men rushed out immediately.

But after such a delay, where is Xue an's figure?

Several people all have some chagrin.

But at this time, he saw the scar man pointing to the ground under his feet.

"Is that the boy?"

Then they looked.

Sure enough, there was a figure in white walking on the ground in the distance.

Pockmarked man was overjoyed and said, "good boy, it's really bad luck for you to run to the rally and hang out."

The crowd immediately landed on the ground.

At this time, in the crowd in the distance, Xue an was wandering leisurely.

He looked at the stall on the left and the goods on the right, just like a leisurely style.

There are many people here. Although these people are willing to do it, they can only endure and follow silently.

Soon, Xue an went shopping for more than half of the street, and he seemed to want to continue.

The scar man finally couldn't help it, "boss, when are we going to follow this boy? If you want me to say it, I'd better start to tie him to a secluded place now. After a few punishments, don't worry about his silence! "

"That's right. Look at the boy's pustule. Maybe we'll have to pee after a few bluffs!" Pockmarked man also said.

But the old man was still a little uncertain. Although he had followed him all the way, he had confirmed that the boy in white was indeed immortal cultivation.

But somehow, there was always a layer of haze in his heart.

This gave him a hint of foreboding.

Just as he hesitated to make a decision, he walked out of the crowd and quickened his pace.

"Come on, keep up. Don't let him run away!"

These people immediately followed.

Xue an seems to have noticed that someone is following behind him, and his speed is getting faster and faster.

Suddenly, he left the prosperous market and came to a lonely place.

Seeing this scene, the spirits of the people who came with me were inspired, and they were overjoyed.

Isn't that your own death?

The boss also relaxed his vigilance and sped forward.

In the blink of an eye, they were much closer to Xue an.

Then the boss sneered: "boy, if you want to live, I advise you not to run forward!"

As soon as the words came to an end, Xue an was obedient and slowed down. Finally, he stopped in front of a deserted city wall and turned around slowly.

"Are you chasing me?"

"Nonsense, who else can you chase without chasing?" Scar man said grimly.

"Boy, our brothers just came here. They are very nervous, so they want to borrow some money from you. I don't know if it's OK!" Pockmarked face also said.

A look of fear appeared on Xue an's face.

"How much do you want to borrow?"

"How much you want to borrow depends on how much you have! Of course, more is better! "

See Xue an so "honest", this pockmarked face of arrogance can't help but more arrogant up, with the voice of speaking a little bit.

"I... I don't have much in my hand, but there are... Tens of thousands of top-grade crystal!" Xue an's "trembling voice" said.

"How much do you say?" The boss let out a cry of surprise.

"Only tens of thousands of them..."

Scar man, pockmarked face, eye circle man, and the so-called boss, they all looked at each other and saw the ecstatic color in each other's eyes.

This is a great fortune!

Even the ordinary small clan could not have such a large sum of money.

This boy is really a fat sheep!

It didn't even use punishment, just a little bit of bluffing, and then it all came out.

Therefore, the four men immediately stabilized their mind. The eldest brother stepped forward and said with a fake smile: "little brother, since you have tens of thousands of spirit crystals, why don't you lend them all to us? Don't worry, you won't treat you badly at that time!"

"Is there any interest?"

"Well? What did you say? "

"I said, is there any interest?" She asked with a wink.

"Yes, yes! Of course, how much interest do you want? " The boss repeatedly agreed, but he sneered in his heart.

It's a ghost who doesn't know how to die. At this time, I still think about the interest!

Xue an at this time also laughed, then some embarrassed said.

"In fact, my interest is not high..."

"Oh, what interest do you want? Just say it! So what are you doing? " Scar man said impatiently.

Xue an looked up with a shy smile on his face.

"The interest I want is just a few people's heads!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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