These people can't help turning pale when they say this.

"Damn, I dare to utter such crazy words. I'm looking for death!" The boss roared.

Although he said that, his figure was retreating rapidly, and he winked at his men.

After hearing the news, they clapped several palms at Xue an.

Boom boom!

With a loud sound, the cold palm Wei went straight to Xue an.

The key is that the power of these palms is also handed over to each other, blocking all possible retreats of Xue an and trapping him firmly in the middle.

In the face of this obviously after countless times to temper the joint strike, Xue an was not moved, even the faint smile on the corner of his mouth did not change.

Scar man, pockmarked face and eye circle man all appeared a sneer.

In the face of the joint attack of the three of them, the boy even dared to trust him. He really wanted to die!

But at this time, Xue an slowly raised his hand and pushed forward.

In a moment, it was like a gust of wind, which directly pushed all the three people's palms back.

Not only that, under the powerful force, the three people were also shocked to fly out, and they could not stand still until they withdrew for dozens of steps.

Seeing this scene, the old man's face suddenly changed, and then he roared.

"Good idea, good trick!"

With an order, the three men immediately dispersed and surrounded Xue an.

Xue an slowly put down the single palm, slightly raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "what's the trick? What else can you do? "

Scar man snorted. Although the blow didn't hurt him, it also made his blood boil. Therefore, after hearing Xue an's question, he gave a sneer.

"Boy, I didn't expect that you still have such strength. Our brothers have been blind, but do you really think that you can win us? You are so naive

"Oh? So, do you have a second chance? " Xue an light way.

"Of course!" Scar man raised his head, his face was proud, and his eyes were shining.

Because at this time, pockmarked face and eye circle man had quietly stood not far behind Xue an.

"Do it!" Scar man suddenly burst to drink.

The three raised their hands together, and then three strands of white smoke rose in the field.

This smog is very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, it converges together, and covers Xue an firmly in it.

As for the three men, they quickly stepped back, as if the white smoke was a terrible existence, for fear of being contaminated.

Only when they got to the safety zone did the three take a long breath, and then a grim smile appeared on their faces.

"Boy, no matter how powerful you are, what can you do? This is yanzhensan made by old man Jue Du himself. As long as it's under the saint, it will be weak and lose all its fighting power. You little immortal can use this treasure, and you look down on you! " Scar man sneers.

The eldest brother's face was a little black. Suddenly he turned back and slapped scar man in the face.


The scar man of this slap fan was a little confused. He covered his face and asked, "boss, why do you hit me?"

"It's you who beat me. Don't you know the price of this nightmare town is extremely expensive? I've used so much for this boy. What should we do if we don't use it enough? " The boss hated his words.

Scar male some aggrieved cover a face, dare not utter a word.

Pockmarked face then smile to dissuade a way: "big brother don't be angry, this kid body is rich in oil and water, but a bit nightmare town scattered just, always can recover cost come!"

"That's right. Let's hurry up and clean up the boy's oil and water, and then go back to the medicated food shop to arrest the two beauties. That's the right thing to do!"

When he mentioned the two beauties, the man with eyes was excited.

Hearing this, the boss's anger just dissipated a lot, and then said in a cold voice: "next time, don't waste it like this again!"

"Yes All three answered.

Scar man's heart but can't help abdominal Fei way.

The boss is really stingy!

But just when the stingy boss is ready to disperse the nightmare and seize Xue an.


In this vast expanse of white Yan Zhen San, a powerful force rose to the sky, and in an instant all the Yan Zhen San were broken into the most basic particles.

This sudden change shocked everyone.

And that is to say, in their stupefied Kung Fu, they saw a bright sword light cutting out.

Poop, poop!

After three dull sounds, the head of scar man, pockmarked face and eye circles fell.

Blood gushed out, splashing the nearest boss, but he did not dare to move.

Because at this time, a slender hand that was thinner than a woman had already caught his throat.

He did not doubt that if he had a slight change, this hand would not hesitate to break his neck.

So he stood there stiff, looking at the cold face of the young man opposite him. He wanted to pull out a smile, but found that he couldn't smile at all.

"Now I'll ask you a question. If I'm satisfied with the answer, I'll give you a good time. Otherwise, I'll make you suffer as much as they did before the death of the gods and spirits. Do you understand?" Xue an said coldly.

And with his voice, on the ground scar man, pockmarked face and eye circle man's body all involuntarily floated out a ray of light.

There was a look of shock in the eyes of the stingy boss.

Because Guanghua is the spirit of these three people.

What's going on?

Why didn't they leave quickly after their bodies were destroyed? Instead, they were captured by this young man?

Just as he was wondering, a little flame suddenly appeared between Xue an's eyebrows.

A little bit of color near pure white flame.

As soon as the flame came out, it immediately divided into three strands, and then directly fell into the three spirits.

No sound!

Because the spirit can't make a sound.

However, the boss can still clearly feel the extreme pain of his three subordinates.

Because their spirits have even been twisted into the shape of a twist, completely out of shape.

But no matter how they struggle and twist, they can't stop the flame burning in their spirits.

Gradually, the spirits of the three of them began to become transparent, and then fire erupted from the five senses and seven orifices.

Such a tragic situation makes the stingy boss shudder all over, and he is full of infinite awe to Xue an in his heart.

Because now he doesn't know what kind of monk he is.

At the beginning, his method was obviously physical training, because he played against the three with his own flesh palm.

However, he acted like a Jian Xiu. With one sword, he cut off the heads of three of his subordinates. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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