But now, his magical fire control skill and the mysterious and powerful flame are like a fire repair.

The superposition of these three identities makes Xue an's position in his mind be infinitely elevated.

Could it be that.

Is he a monk of the third discipline of sword and fire?

This thought made him scared to death, and there was no chance for him, which also made Xue an's question very smooth.

"What's your name?"

"If you are Hui, the villain's name is Tang Longtao!"

"What do you usually do?"

"Living by plundering houses and families!"

Xue an sneered, "is that all?"

Tang Longtao trembled all over, looked pale and said, "sometimes... Sometimes I kill a few people!"

"Just killing a few people?" Xue an raised his hand and pointed to the man who was still suffering from the pain of burning fire.

"He alone carries the grievances of the least thousand girls. Do you call it killing only a few people?"

Tang Longtao was tongue tied and speechless.

"Come on, what are you doing here?"

"Of course, I'm here for the rally!"

Before the words were heard, a wisp of flame rose from the end of Tang Longtao's left finger and spread up rapidly. Where he passed, his muscles and bones disappeared and turned into ashes.

And not only the body, but also the left hand of the soul.

The pain made Tang Long Tao howl like a pig.

Xue an looked coldly and said in a cool voice: "do you believe that if you dare to lie to me again, then the flame will burn you into nothingness a little bit, which is the double pain of body and soul!"

"Spare your life, my Lord, spare your life, I say everything, I say everything!" Tang Longtao is frantically begging for mercy.

The flame stopped at Tang Longtao's shoulder.

"Come on, scum like you, what are you planning to do here?"

Tang Longtao was sweating, "Lord Hui, we came here because someone bribed us. Let's kill a man here and take his things!"

"Oh? Who do you want to kill? Who paid you? "

"In fact, we don't know the person who bribed us. Just ten days ago, a man in black suddenly came to the door and gave us a huge deposit. Let's come to the meeting to kill a woman named Lou Yingshi and take back something from this person. He will be grateful for this."

"So you came?" Xue an asked.


"Ha ha, how can you scum talk about credibility like that? Shouldn't the most normal operation be to take a deposit and then not admit it? " Xue an sneered.

Tang Longtao was embarrassed. "In fact, we really thought about it, but the man offered a very high price after the event. At the same time, he told us that he only wanted the thing that the woman was carrying!"

"Except for that, the rest belongs to us! And the woman named Lou Yingshi was also rich in oil and water, so we moved our hearts! "

"Do you know what you are looking for?"

"I don't know, but the man in black means something similar to armor!"

"Armor?" Xue an's heart moved and his face was full of meditation.

Seeing this, Tang Longtao quickly begged for mercy and said, "my Lord, I didn't mean to provoke you on purpose. I'm responsible for everything. Now they have been punished! And I lost an arm, too

"So if you have a lot of money, let me live. I promise that I will never do anything wrong again."

With that, Tang Longtao looks at Xue an carefully.

Xue an wakes up from meditation, "let you go? This is not impossible, but I want to know all the information about the woman named Lou Yingshi! Including her appearance and when she came here! Tell me everything, I can consider sparing your life! "

"Yes, yes! Of course I want to give them to you, but... "

Xue an slightly raised her eyebrows, "eh? But what? "

Tang Longtao gritted his teeth, "but I'm afraid you'll kill me after you know all the information!"

Xue an laughed, "are you bargaining with me?"

"Of course not! But in order to survive, I have to Tang Longtao said with a stiff head.

Xue an looked at him coldly, "are you not afraid that I will search for the needed information directly from your spirit?"

"I'm not afraid of that, because I've blocked all the information through the magic. Unless I agree to untie it, even if you kill me, you won't get any useful information!" Tang Longtao said confidently.

"So I think we really should have a good talk. As long as you are willing to let me go, I will tell you all the information you want to know! What do you think? "

Having said that, Tang Longtao looks at Xue an with a good plan.

Xue an's eyes gradually became cold.

"You are not bargaining with me, but threatening me!"

"Whatever you say, I just want to live, OK? Would you like to? " Tang asked.

"Do you think I don't have a second choice?" Xue andao.

Tang Longtao sneered and said nothing, but his attitude had already explained everything.

"Unfortunately, you guessed wrong! I, Xue an, have never been threatened by anyone

When the words fell, Xue an forced his hand. Regardless of Tang Longtao's panic, he snapped and twisted his neck.

His head drooped limply.

But this is far from over, but see Xue an a finger out, directly inserted into Tang Longtao's eyebrow.


Blood burst out.

Then Xue an plucked a small ball of light from his eyebrows.

It is the spirit of Tang Longtao who knows the sea.

Right now.

In this sphere of light, a tiny Tang Longtao is shouting madly.

"Boy, don't go too far in life. If you let me go now, I can say it, otherwise I will destroy all the information!"

With the shouts, but the ball of light above the emergence of a fuzzy fog, inside the blockade is about all the memories of this incident.

But Xue an just sneered, "do you think this can embarrass me? You are so naive

Said, Xue an's eyebrows suddenly gushed out of a magnificent idea, and instantly wrapped up the fog.

Seeing this vast idea like heaven and earth, Tang Longtao, who was shouting, was dumbfounded. Then he looked at the scene with a dull look and whispered softly.

"No way! How could he have such a powerful mind? Is he a monk who practices sword, body, fire and spirit at the same time

"No, it's impossible!"

But the fact is not based on his astonishment and disbelief.

In a flash, under the package of Xue an's divine thoughts, the fog that had been blocked layer upon layer was broken like a place without people.

And then the memory gradually appears.

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