When Xue an returned to the second floor of the medicated food shop, the shopkeeper was solemnly guarding in front of the box door and erected a sign in front of him.

Don't disturb your guests.

See this scene, Xue an's face can not help but emerge a smile.

Although he knows that the famous shop's sophomore works so hard because of the face of the two top grade Lingjing, he likes to deal with such people.

After all, sometimes it's a rare quality to be able to do things with money.

At the same time, the famous shop boy also saw Xue an coming up. In front of him, it was a light, and then he trotted up to meet him.

"My Lord, you are back! I've just been guarding the front door, and no one bothers the ladies with their meal! "

In his opinion, an Yan and AO Shu are obviously the confidants of the young man in front of him, so they are very attentive.

Xue an naturally won't explain to him, just a faint smile, "you are attentive!"

Then he threw two pieces of Lingjing in the past.

After receiving the crystal, the shopkeeper saw the quality of the two spirit crystals at a glance, and could not help showing his flattered color.

"My Lord, you are very kind. You have just given me enough! These... "

"Take it. You've worked hard too. It's a reward for you!" Xue an light way.

"No hard work, no hard work, that's what we should do!"

With that, the smile on the shop boy's face was almost overflowing, and he nodded and bowed.

"Please come inside, my Lord!"

Xue an nodded and walked to the box.

At this time, after the elimination of a large table of dishes, the two little girls and AO Shu finally had enough to eat and drink, and sat back on the chair contentedly.

"Wow, I'm so full!" Niannian patted her tummy and whispered.

Thinking about it, she didn't speak, so now her mouth is full of all kinds of dishes, leading to a round face, chewing hard.

That looks like a little hamster.

Suddenly, Niannian seems to have found something and suddenly gets up, "Hey, mom, where's dad?"

"Yes! Where's dad? " Think about also quickly swallow the food in the mouth, a face confused way.

Just then, a light smile came from outside the door. "You two... Didn't find me missing until now?"

With the voice, Xue an went into the box.

"Dad, what did you do? How can you eat and eat and you're gone? " Think and read in unison asked.

Although Aoshu didn't speak, her eyes were full of doubts.

Xue an smiles, then turns his wrist, and a big package appears in his hand. When he puts it on the table and opens it, it's full of all kinds of new gadgets.

Two little girls cheered and rushed up immediately.

"Do you like it?" Xue an asked with a smile.

"Mm-hmm!" Two little girls picked up this, and reluctant to put down that, excited did not even lift their heads.

At the same time, Xue an and AO Shu also brought a few girls like trinkets, Ao Shu is naturally not happy.

One big two small, three girls get together, chirping and laughing.

Xue an returned to the seat with a smile and handed a small gift to an Yan.

Anyan's attention is not on the gift. She takes a deep look at Xue an and asks in a low voice.

"Husband, what did you just do?"

"Nothing. I went out for a walk! I bought you something by the way! " Xue an looked at the two daughters who were playing and said with a smile.

Looking at Xue an's side face, Anyan wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it back.

Because she smelled a faint smell of blood from Xue an.

This bloody smell is very weak, unless it is very familiar with Xue an and understand people, or it is not detected at all.

But even so, Anyan still didn't ask anything, because she was very clear that since Xue an didn't say it, there must be his reason.

So she just laughed and stopped talking.

When the two girls had enough fun, they left the medicated food shop and returned to the hotel where they had settled before.

Surprisingly, chawenliang was not in the hotel.

However, people didn't care too much. After all, this is the territory of the pharmacists' Alliance. As a senior member of the pharmacists' alliance, he may be looking for his old friends.

After a long journey, and a whole day of shopping, so after coming back, the two little girls and AO Shu went back to their room early to sleep.

This time Anyan didn't let her think about reciting back to Fubao building, but let them follow Ao Shu to sleep in a room.

After they go to bed, Xue an and an Yan go back to their room. After chatting with each other, an Yan's voice gets smaller and smaller, and then they go to sleep.

Xue an turned off the light in the room, but did not go back to bed to sleep, but sat quietly by the window.

The location of the hotel itself is very good, and because of Zha Wenliang's identity, the three rooms they set are all the top Suites in the hotel. Sitting by the window, you can see the bustling downtown in the distance.

At the moment, the hustle and bustle of the distant market came faintly, which set off the quietness of the room.

Xue an sat in silence. The light outside reflected on his half face by the window through the special glass window. The other half of his face was hidden in the dark, which showed that his eyes were so dark and deep.

After a long time, the stars are fading and the lights are going out. Anyan, who is lying on the bed, has made a sweet light snoring sound.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly raised his eyes, eyes flashed, and then the whole person disappeared in the window.

When he left, a moment later, an Yan on the bed slowly opened his eyes, and then issued a light sigh.

At the same time, in a wild place far away from the market, two figures suddenly stumbled out of the darkness, and then almost exhausted and fell on the ground.

"How are you, miss?" One of the women, aged 60 or 70, with white hair, still struggled after landing and asked with great concern.

It was a young girl who was called the first lady. She shook her head pale and said, "Granny, I'm ok!"

"If it's all right, if it's all right!" The old woman was relieved, but immediately she vomited a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, the young girl rushed over and held the old woman. Then she said in a crying voice, "how are you, Granny?"

The old woman shook her head. "I'm ok, miss. Don't worry about me. Take this opportunity to leave the pharmacist alliance as soon as possible. The farther you go, the better!"

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