But the young girl just shook her head and cried, "no, I won't go, mother-in-law, you are so badly hurt to save me. I can't leave you alone!"

But the old woman was even more worried when she heard that, "Miss, my old lady has been living to the present by thanks from the lous family. How can she watch your lous family pass away? Listen to me and leave quickly, or it will be too late when the pursuers arrive! "

With that, the old woman's chest and abdomen began to seep blood crazily. In the blink of an eye, she was infected with the girl.

The young girl was stunned. When she opened her clothes, she saw a huge wound just through the old woman's chest. She could even see the light behind her.

The whole body of the young girl began to tremble slightly. "Granny, the wound on your body..."

"At that time, one of them was accidentally attacked by that boy! Miss, listen to me. Leave here quickly. I'll block those pursuers. This is your only way to live! " The old woman said anxiously.

But at this time, the wrinkles on her face became deeper and deeper, and she was several years old in the blink of an eye.

The tears in the young girl's eyes fell down, but her tone was very firm: "no, I won't go. If I leave, you will die too!"

"Miss, why are you so stupid? Even if you don't leave, do you think I can survive? " The old woman said with a bitter smile.

The young girl trembled, "how can..."

"At that time, this blow had already shattered my spirit, but I only healed it through secret arts until now, so no matter whether you go or not, I will die now!"

Speaking of this, the old woman's voice also became a little choked, "Miss, it's better for you to run out of here rather than wait for us to die together, so that at least you can save a little hope and make the Revenge of the Lou family possible!"

The young girl's face was as pale as a piece of white paper, and her whole body was shaking.

"But... But..."

"Not so much, but, young lady, do you have the heart to let the old man die for nothing?" Cried the old woman.

The young girl finally moved, and then knelt down with tears on her face, "grandma, I'll go!"

"Let's go. If it's fate, we'll see you in the next life!" The old woman said with a smile.

The young girl clenched her teeth, then turned around and ran into the darkness.

Because she was afraid that she would cry again.

Looking at her back, the old woman's eyes gradually softened, and she whispered: "Lord Lou, I'm not ungrateful. Now... I'll give you my life!"

With that, she struggled to sit up and put up a little bun with her hands.

Then she took a deep breath. With this breath, the bleeding wound between her chest and abdomen began to heal quickly.

When she raised her head again, the whole person seemed to be shining. She suddenly got up and strode forward.

After walking for several miles, she felt that the eldest lady should have gone far away. Then she stood still and stomped her feet.


Hundreds of feet around the ground are shaking up, together with the tremor, as well as the stars above her head.

That's because there's a momentum of determination that rises up and shakes the starry sky.

When the momentum appears, but in a flash, you can see dozens of figures coming from the distant sky.

These figures came from all directions and came to the old woman in an instant.

"Wu Ruiyun? Why are you alone, Lou Yingshi? " One of the leaders yelled.

Wu Ruiyun sneered and gave the old man a sidelong look.

"The first lady's name is also what you can call as a proud seller?"

The old man's face turned red and his momentum stagnated.

"Don't talk nonsense. Where did you hide Lou Yingshi and other things? Or you will die today Behind the old man, these people began to clamor.

"Yes, if you say it, it will give you a pleasure, otherwise we will let you taste the world's pain and then die miserably!"

In the roar, Wu Ruiyun burst out laughing.

"You are just a bunch of running dogs. How dare you threaten me? To tell you the truth, the eldest lady has already been saved by an expert. When she comes back, it's time for you to pay for your life! "

The crowd began to stir.

The leader's face became even more ugly.

But at this time, I heard a sneer from the distant sky.

"The crazy woman is really shameless. She said that she was rescued by an expert. Who is this

With the voice, you can see a golden light sweeping across the sky, and then you can see the figure.

Impressively, he is a young man with a sinister face, and who can Lou Yingshi be who is not captured in his hands?

Seeing this, Wu Ruiyun couldn't help changing his face and exclaimed, "miss!"

But Lou Yingshi couldn't even say a word at the moment. She just burst into tears at Wu Ruiyun.

"What did you do to the first lady?" Wu Ruiyun roared at the boy.

"What can I do? She just blocked her voice, but if you don't want to say where it is next, it's not just her voice The boy sneered.

Wu Ruiyun's face changed, and finally he said in a deep voice: "where is that thing? How can I know..."

Voice did not fall, young impatiently interrupted her words, "very good, it seems that you are not going to say, then next please enjoy it!"

With that, he reached out and ran his fingertips across Lou Yingshi's delicate cheek. "Tut Tut, it's a pity that this beautiful face looks like a flower!"

With the voice, a dagger with cold light appeared in the young man's hand.

"I just don't know what a beautiful face would look like if it was peeled off?"

Lou Yingshi's eyes are full of fear.

In fact, few girls can hear such words without fear.

Wu Ruiyun was even more furious and said, "don't attack the eldest lady. I say everything."

"Oh? really? Now tell me, where is it? " The young man stopped his dagger and said coldly.

"That East Tibet is in a place only I know, but you have to let go of the first lady before I can tell you!" Wu Ruiyun said urgently.

The boy laughed, "it seems that you still don't understand the current situation. This Lou Yingshi should be the only descendant of the Lou family, and now she is in my hands, so if you dare to bargain with me again..."

The dagger in the young man's hand plunges down, Lou Yingshi's pupil shrinks instantly, but the tip of the dagger stops when it is only a few millimeters away from her eyes.

Then the boy said coldly: "next time my hand may not be so stable!"

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