Wu Ruiyun almost screamed, and immediately clenched his teeth, "OK, I'll tell you now, that thing is hidden in this coordinate!"

With that, Wu Ruiyun threw a divine idea.

After the boy received the idea, his eyes flashed, and then he said to the people behind him in a deep voice: "go and check it!"


The old man led several people to take orders, while the young man looked at Lou Yingshi coldly.

Time goes by.

Just a moment of incense, the old man ran back with a face full of excitement, and in his hand was holding a piece of blue jade.

"Report back to my Lord. I found this thing according to the coordinates!"

The old man respectfully handed over the blue jade slips in his hand, and the young man took them. After a moment's careful observation, a smile appeared on his face.

Because there is an ancient Lou character carved on the jade slip, which is obviously used to store important things.

It can be imagined that the thing he was searching for must be in it.

Therefore, he restrained the excitement in his heart, and his mind gushed out, and he was about to open the jade slip.

But after a try, he failed.

Shennian was rejected after he put himself into the blue jade slips.

Youth is a Leng, spin even increased the intensity of the mind, but still failed.

And he did not dare to increase the intensity of his mind, because this jade slip was obviously not so simple, and there was a hidden procedure of self destruction. If he broke through by force, he might not get anything.

At this point, the young man's face became as gloomy as iron. He looked coldly at Wu Ruiyun on the ground.

"What's going on? Why can't the jade slip be opened? "

Wu Ruiyun sneered, "of course, I can't open it, because the self destruction array attached to it is carved by me. No one can untie it except me!"

With that, Wu Ruiyun raised his head and his face was cold.

"Si Guangzhong, as you can see, this jade slip can't be forged. What you are looking for is in this jade slip. Now let the eldest lady go and let her leave the star domain of pharmacist alliance, and I can untie it for you, otherwise you won't get it at all!"

After listening to Wu Ruiyun's words, the young man, who was called Si Guangzhong, flashed a fierce look in his eyes. He was obviously very angry.

Because no one has ever dared to coerce himself like this, but now the most important thing is to get what is in the jade slips, and only Wu Ruiyun can open the jade slips, so he is ready to compromise.

But at this time, the old man standing behind him suddenly thought of something. He came up and said in a low voice, "Mr. Si, please don't worry. I think there must be another way to untie this jade slip!"

"Oh? Is there any other way to solve it? "

"It's very simple. According to my understanding of Wu Ruiyun, she is a loyal old dog of the Lou family, and this thing belongs to the Lou family. So when she set up the self destruction array, she must have left a back door in it, so that the people of the Lou family can open it in the future!"

Hearing this, Wu Ruiyun suddenly turned pale and roared: "Bi zuqiang, you traitor who is a seller of honor. Mr. Lou was very good to you at the beginning, but do you repay him like this?"

But Bi zuqiang looked at Si Guangzhong with a flattering face, as if he had not heard these words at all.

Si Guangzhong's eyes brightened and nodded with satisfaction, "that's good. You're right, but I've neglected it! After this event, I will certainly invite credit for you personally! "

Bi zuqiang was overjoyed. "Thank you, my Lord!"

It is obvious that now the house of Lou has been almost destroyed, and the only one still alive is Lou Yingshi.

So Si Guangzhong picked up the blue jade slips and said to Lou Yingshi with a grim smile.

"Miss Lou, don't blame me for being cruel. It's really too important. Your Lou family doesn't have the qualification to own it at all. It's so-called that everyone is innocent and guilty. So... Just admit your life!"

With that, Si Guangzhong waves his dagger and stabs Lou Yingshi fiercely.

As for Bi zuqiang, he stopped Wu Ruiyun with a sneer. At the same time, he kept saying.

"Wu Ruiyun, you call me an old dog who sells for glory. In fact, you are not the same? The so-called loyalty ended up in such a miserable ending. Are you not stupid and what is it

Wu Ruiyun's eyes are red. He doesn't listen to bi zuqiang at all. Instead, he blindly attacks.

If according to the usual strength, Wu Ruiyun is far better than Bi zuqiang, but now she is seriously injured, it is the end of the storm.

Therefore, instead of being effective, he was forced to retreat by Bizu.

Seeing that the eldest lady was about to die under Si Guangzhong's hand, Wu Ruiyun opened her mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood.

"Miss! Heaven, how unfair you are

In the scream, Si Guangzhong's eyes were filled with brutal excitement.

If there is no accident, the dagger in his hand will pierce Lou Yingshi's throat in the next moment.

Then the soul will come out with blood.

I really shudder when I think about it!

But at this critical moment, Si Guangzhong suddenly felt the dagger in his hand suddenly stagnated, and he could not save it any more.

Just as he was shocked, a cold voice came from his ear.

"It's a bit unreasonable to abuse orphans and rob treasures after killing people all over the house."

Hearing this voice, Si Guangzhong was horrified, because before that, he didn't even have any strange feeling, but now he was approached by a person.

How terrifying is it that you have to be to hide your perception perfectly?

Although his heart was shocked, his reaction was extremely quick.

He turned the dagger in his hand, which was blocked by an invisible force, and waved it to the sound.

With the full strength of Si Guangzhong, the attack was powerful.

But just like just now, his dagger just cut to more than half of the distance, then stopped again.

Only then did Si Guangzhong see who was coming.

I saw a young man in white standing beside him, looking at himself coldly, and his dagger was clamped between his two fingers, completely unable to move.

At this time, just when the stars were shining, a little bit of light from behind shone on the boy's body, plating a layer of silver for him.

This scene dazed Si Guangzhong.

Lou Yingshi, who had thought that she would die, was even more stunned.

Who is this boy? Why did he save me?

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